Resiclents get 8001t- sign PetitiOfl' in bid to save trees ýonMartifl St. * fontMAT14ES ot a nîaing tite Mill Ponda pasive aiea for residents and now lite people Oî4g ltait factlialy won'l bu able t0 uise Il because of the traffic.- sard M, Delaconil 1 ahie ame plan~tot wsbould le l ,id ab t They*re rthlaikîns about pathos a 20,1000 oquart font additioni On Martin House (adjacelil t0 the Ml"i PondI for lite dliaitWîregional) Museum iý tink the underlylng reason tor thet hree lartes is' 10 acîilate- iiafic 1A 11Ty') KISO i[ P.N1A OA P FN C S ! Àrç You Unemployed and Receig U. Benefits? BEINDEMD Sheridan Collage has a firmîteti number of seatu availabW in the following mill-tinte progretis designeli for you to enter ir10 specific trade or trede-related industries. ai Industriel Maintenance Mochaflic - 48 mails a Woldmr filuer - 40 wèeIts Start Date: Monday, August 29, 199 Location: , Sheridan Collage Silis Training Centre 407 Iroquois Shore Rond, Osatîile preflêig te: Proof of Grade 100or a funicionai-level test is required. Receiving unelplollmeft nurance benefits CaMact To regîster or for more ini ptfaiW, Coli: (11105 815-4100. Ttse pingrems aie landed tîy HumaCt Rilseulce Deseaitaepiif Canada do that,' staid Ms DelacOurt Wîth Mantin Suiee reconsunctiol helweeii Steeles Avenue and Cbîisiolm Drive aiso looming. and Mention of upgrades Inot widening) itetwecn Steeles and Woodwsard asertues. Matin Street resdei Pal Daîgnan %aîd il seetos like a "dis ide and conquer-approacit The Mayor sad bu underslands te emnîmions fut %tresd Ntîhinj unlo- ward s, afocal. .-*e teard ti hefore Sortie peO- NE CAREERS WoME iNTo TRAEs AND TEhNOLY Siterîd'an Colfege bas a lif tMi number of seau; avaliable in titis nu cest lBwak aapoma"f caraar piole.a, deaigaad ta provida womuatl waththfe aa-fln<efid r vat oedge and aMUil ta pursue entry-i avel empioynieit or furtier éducationi andi training in apprenticeship skif led trades or technology fields. Stail Data: Monday. Abgust 15, 1994 Locationi: Shteridan Collage SUIlS Training Centre 407 Iroquois Shore Road. Oakvtîle Prerequiqite: Proolf of Gtade 10 andi a lunctional-leve test is requirati. A Imtednu i vinr unemploy rllia nsrance benefits. Contact To regugter or for imole information, Cali: 1105) 15-4100. %s pmgatureWGan rnan s iA @W Caad -aa,-r- e-L- have been in the wolks long before lte mauseamr laid Mr Kianto The Mayor .,categoicaliy", denîed road widenmng was linked to Ille Museume plans. The amîiral as jusi oîO dence"he said Resident Sue I eeder salid rond widening Socs agaînsi the Destiny Milton lowri growib framnework sludy' cmphasts On promotief pelestian and hîcyale traffir Mr. Kranu id lie hOPes pedestri- an alld vehieular liantec cati exist in harmony. *Tbew MiI.pond nrait, ame encour- agiof pedestria0i tratfic but tai's no( to sugge'l we'd hie divertîing vehîcular traffic OnMO other routes,. lie said Tie town bas ired an arbOrîst, donc on MOUt construction projects invoiving arec disturbance. said the Mayor Mr. Matlhews saïad tree dis- case, lagc and nue atrcqglh is bein 9 investmgaied. but no final report as in. Ms Delacotirt was recently analoyed ai dîscoverlltg a Man study- ing trees in ber front yard. -There's no one thal wouid pro- lect trees mmor titant 1 will.but you fiae to bue wcii aware tbat lices have a life span. Il woald bu ;oJ- . hardy tu tnk nms wiâ lasI fores- er,' said Mr. Krantz. Renliy Milton received provin- cial funding toward the $835.000 Martin Street recontruction betwccfl Woodward Avenue and. Main Street. a, REHABILITATioN 0f: LAuRiR AVENUE COMMERCIAL aSTREET TO SUN6IYVALE CREPCEIIT *RESURk'ACIN O0F MAIN STREET UAV THOMPSON ROAD TO JAMES SNOWN pARKWAY CONTRACT NO. pW-O6-94 Tenders, on forts isupplied by te Consuitiflg Engineers Or thse Direclof of public Works will bc received in sealed enýielopes. clearly marked as to contents, by the Town Clerk, Victoria Park Square. 43 Brown Street, Milton,. Ontario sintil 2:00 p.n. loral tinte on: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,1994 For road reconstrulctionf and *Plans. Specificatrons and Fortma Tender ntey be obtatned ai thse Office of the-Consuiting Engineers in Mislissastga, 2655 NoMthSheridait Way, or front thé Town of Milton for ttWsum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00 t incluides a.ST) which will not bc refunded. Eacb tender mtust be,accoinpaflied by a certifted chieque for 10% of thes total tender price and thse suecessfui bidder must provide a Perforpince Bond and a Labour and Material 'Payntent Bond by ant approved guarenice contpany for 100% of thse total tender. T*$ lowest or any tender wili flot oeceîsaiy be acceptcd. MICçOIcke Rukin Consultittg Bbtgineers 2655 Northi SericeWay ..MISSlSSAUGA, Ontaio Mr. Gordonl Krantz. Mayor Mr.1.D1. MettieUs, P. Eng. Dîrepo< of Public Works THE CORPORATION OF THE,' TW51N OF MILTON l~K2P~ - I DMUu rniwwm. IECONOMC PROMOTIONAL BROCHURE TMeTownt of Million is currelhly Maueatfl aubrriaiota farf ta deaign of a proill- bttuai brochure ta dIRect flOw éconelol grgeh and davaaopfiflnt 16 Miltion. Thte brochure wiii présent In woa'da, picttJies and gralhsit Miton's featurea that wouid bal of ntterresi ta potenti new bouaifealaS cgansidettflg raiacaticfl fa aur cotititilty. lnckjded wfth each subefli4Waf ajiaulti be an exemple of aimiiOr preséfitatiout Mus- mting your publiahiflg and geaptieS capabillilea. 17F0~ Vor diodéa& l s, plissef Racotac e Ler 10otid NanC4 n r u 1 :00 prî V it o a P o rknd'r Camipelville Flugust 7 2.00 Pm Victoria Park .ugut 14 2:00 pin LieistOf Perk ~mg u s t 2 1 4 :0 0 p ut T h P o n d ' ICampbeiiMie .91 et 28 2:00 Pm 0 ICIornia p rli gep.11 2:00 pritVictoria Park piayford Players .Instrumentai BfàSa Quintal Brasa El-,Sianl DemaIn Ceitic Optirniat Jr. Pe Baf1d & Milton Pipea and Drumst Bond Scotilait Hightland S.FREE ADMISION Bring youp lawn chair and enjoy an aftemnoof in the pari Prenfted t0 you by: The Departlient of L"*imSVI j yor ou autfrfiUi( BRIANS AUTO REPAIRS 459i..14 eumpMvtiSY4875-1522 FA CU f FS-SDVl)M N NOA PETCSI a 1 -%K 2P8 M