162157 ANeap V&L 135, N._47 1iEDMIE>4YJUO 20, 1994 Bank workers corne through for needy Milton District Htospital Is à benallivf ai tundr&isai a by BattI Of MWeieu Mt«t The Our peaple Ftand, a BankI of Monifeal emPIOVOe chsrity, recenily preSeteti à &p.500 chaque ta lise Drry Rasl bas- Thse maoney, part of a large? campsigfl, waa collected ftra I Bank of Montréal empOloyeea thraul* durant 4or%àtîons peymal déductionts anti undrasirg »Today'a économic circum- stances andi social eutb&CkS hava put a lot of pressure on social agencieS thit rely on donations.* sas) Frarnk Houlition. comutSy b"ring manager fer the milan twâll brarich. «Every trile bit hélos andi l'm proud ta have presenited thia choque ta Milton District Htospital on behali of the Durý The chariable group colleî3sd mors thon $1.3 million in tls *1993 c ampaigri. The monsy was tiistributed ta more Ihan et00 non-profit arganiratiofs &craes Ontarta Thé réaaqwas modeai Iire hoapital la Beri Stewart. presidenit of thse Mitaon District Hospital Foundatiofl, by Claudelte Taier, Shoely Hurt andi Mr. Houlihai, wiso rele- lieustethe banS employés. Sisce lia iceptic1 i 1975. the Dur PaagIe FUnti ha$ tiauateti mare thon 87.5 milliVon1 loalI charities Thse average Ç,10499 ,ias increaseti by mors thonl 5 par cent annu0ly iNSiDE' Police ..5.... .. . Pud ... . . ... .; 6 Dateline ........15 Sports .......17.20) Clmasifled , 21-23 -Real Estate R .E AUTrO BODY $HOP 1~ à -=d -~ - ~. Hosnital to test former .patients for AIDS intd-191t1 - tics MeBradyssiti ftMMARN SMPTH virus usai tirsa - , esi Sslin sas vilbee g h Thse Champion ,we Wiwtt aou4mtact these pattents isy reg- Has) ostlnîsioavlis duh<a istarti mt. 1fqeverhare wîil hason hsoe office of thse infection control olficer. Santira Milton District Ilospitstl i% atnd t t contact e1ave chagti.,s5d %ù Briady.. Caflcry. taho, bas considerable expaeie in catis- more titon 700 formepatpient,; te waNs lem dor 'Hopefully, tley Win ha aieried by the media selling MIDS pattants ans) their fis.Iias. they may haben xoseivtibiasstsfs5tO ridppw < thaveaHIV test Il isai Tow n geic s Ilhe 727 peplÎ who recived ý ý sfuiîn isiw rny former patients saho raceivati là T w ge sc h ai tisa haspita hattatas 191W 1985 ametai sk ai Milion Distirict H 'îptal haveaisraday beas tesitidý anti shoulti ha testad4.igd a press releasa issuati by for HIV,' for com nosting 'hospttal ad»iptIor Brian Bratiy Mr. Brasdy said the hospital Wîin senti latters to 1Hasaitd the hospital i, joîsnn tisa Ontario the727former pabtss5ltatin te nexstwo eks Thse Taows of Milton bas raceivati s $18.500 M4i5pital Associaion snd several ailier healtis caca Anyoe wishtsg la dtiermifine if tlsay racrivail Vegrnt fiom dia provincia goveimmeias for ils borna agescias ta a notification prograi fot patients tao btloati transufusion ai the isospital isatwaas 1978 anti cOtstiisg ptOg5i5t were.gises blooti sntrsted for HIV. the vints dut 1985 cas tio so by cosaacting the healts records ise funtiisg was handed aver under the Msn- casses AIDS deparlns A sigisaiiatian witls ienofica- icipal RatisclionlRetise Programt tahîci ssîsts ie tata 1970, is tisoîght ta ba thsa aesi tisai don sit b ha gd ra o I. municipalitias is tise taveloprnent anti mariage- HIV sarfacati. ast tisa Cafian Raed Cross Society Former patients rnay wiçh te tiscuss i.am nitenai of wfte matinals as a usefsi resaurce tisai ditint stari çcraaning tionateti itouSt for thea kîllar aitis thaie fansily pisysician anid are encouraged ta waulti ailsrwis e airaciati ta lastfilîs. 5uiyU~ Sad'SculptureGFY a fe&elza aetUng ln biler Court Caming to Miltoniyl8ll ~4U#ut 3- Pfck up dota&* frai et to. . paIUIlpst R es Wtch for OpeningEkB