Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Jul 1994, p. 6

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S*OPINION, (90)M52341 çurdaaes asaut b ew * F .' e >M A , Awam -làu Tatens Ut.: 821-3837 emTh A*wUIO Siai Giaiàmiý ua 0 181 p.. a-wo Fax: 878-4943 Mo êIke Ouu.s.maudioea ltbe awootuaAm~ j~~~ mu ,' csa.da Fia. Pruaa, KM91h à Tt Wak Lki lb " lm an lur FmhILhu, auialakavr.f Taaiy, 011111VID lai bai, POt.haa -Ndg 01w a wi.ie Ibi Wfk Pàhnl MUhM Viio LbW S WUti Upiap.. Ma$Di PécuoaMg.,iIf h duqadq ès. omiS u oautUiwl.a, in ft Ma pi u tait, . . TodqMS.uwCI ut. uai Uaaimamwu.Te. :rte Tor C@1111 OeahaMUq, Aihi0 l t au #«u~ «Vin»aa .a dawu- .WhéDm ait. Mbe wala bw1 du a*ubàmig w q ild e po f Tais làmbm Rem ai <,m.iur 9 lw qai tUa M ie. he pÀtwm 0011- en ffl 0a~ Mernly we roil along -I thinkli Friday mornung Wc wcre çrawing atji~I1 snail's pae, bumper to bumper, soue.,&. uiong thse Don Valley Parkway. A feeling Of deja vu washed over me, sînce only Uirce day. carier tie kids nd i h.d been stuck along die Sani Stnp Of aSplUIL n h 1nw htclpri -n thehe -opùn bW jin. ny ney=caler1 d oudH om efront. dmc sam sounrd and WdeUi probleni fixed. Il is strange what peculiar (and expert-pi.whacgttoep spy sive) challenges ecci vellucle presients to lis I whaeght k aM unsuspecting owners. 1 lied never befor No sooner were sce off Ward's Island beard of bail joints and couidsVî have cae ferry and Uic skisters buckled andi lacet! up leus if 1 b.d never known about ttjem. On _ no WWIl chore - Uses Uie yowsgest fr11 ,,114â sunny monusng. sse wer bed for arxsthraped bier elbow. 1 rificd Uiuougs my âie Toronto Islands for a day of biking an sliddlebags and carne up wîth a bandaiti. rollerblading. My frîend J and 1 b.d That teemed ta do the trick. Two yards plannet iis outing monUis before and it an our route, one of the boys eut off my ________ s just by coincidence Usai i fel on th sots andi he tumbled off bis bike. At Uiis saièe week of our fainily's earlier trip to rate 1 riue. going t uis d R ea " 1/, Toronto. oui of first aid supplies. R e l m n.do Behted int the van were my two younger Ouir puce slowed even more wlsen one of Don't be sboekad if the guy beside you ai kîids. J. ber daughter, and ber daughter's Uic boys eompancd that bis skates. bought Uic batik later thisweeà i. askng la cash intre kids. Our family b.d Uic bikes and J only a monih before. icere pincbing bis oui bis mai] funds. and her crowd itre outfitted wiîb tocs. Witth e hcip of bis moîher. lie Thse higb-flying fund industsy is about to rollerblades. Two ycars ago. 1 b.d investe6 replaced them witb bis shboes. face ils most seilous challenge in two yens in in-line skates, but afler ilirce sliorlived Unfoeunately, lie wasn't intertsscd in It.- since bbc amount of cash Canadians yet beffying spins aroubdt the neigbbour- ging; an ambleîws more bis style. -~have stuffeti iat fund- jumped by go per tsood. 1 b.d dctdcd.ii v suicida for me, My daughter cvcntualy camne up wibb an Cent. ta continue. idea. She suggcsbcd she try bus skates and if Insiders are afraid of redcmption fever Despite my conceris about bbc availabili- îbcy Pit, lic could ride bcr bîke. Fortunately, aînong many novice investors wbo bouglix îy pf purking WCnes u bd no difficulty îbcy dîd and wc were off. pedalling and muttiai furds front banks and trusts Uiink- finding a th Ue ferres. Front that rolling. m&gilsey could neyer go daun in value. on.i. cyclissh, stock andi bond markeis wcre-hammerei. In da sT ywr n hee t w re umis wt tciste, fian mel aalfthmhv on ana ta; û question th wtsom of takitsg on gers, skatcrs, and vehlicles. April - for tbe first tic e 19 a second family in an outing. instead of One day 1 will return t0 cspcniencc the there werc mure mnuta]f units cashedl baving ta des] wmbb thc neetis of thrce peo- *joys of biking tse islantis - aIone. in d thUere wcre sold. Moat of Uiose Wce 4nti'socie1 behaviour due to risk-taking lt's no( easy ta jndertnwy anyone Antisocial behavioural il cliaracterizei would take thie riik of zatching AIDS. by impulsiveneas. difficulty in avoiding, After ail, it is a preventable diseuse. liamts trouble understanding or evaluating Everyone know. it's devastation, docu- Uic conacquences of behaviour, unatable- menteti in gfuespme detail in vrîually afosp. every, newspupier. TV station anti scbol in Onehio 9ldcioyus. old wiUi an antisocial per- Not mrc.Yct, Uiç epidemic cotn sc oo ysoneliy told the experimemiers dt lie vis aes,~~~~~~ 1n peerbr lsaeta i o-> ier! a friend with NIDS ut Uic boapital and ber of new AIDS cases sill double by thc inl the 90s tbe îwo thared a neetile to taire druga. yeur 2000. à_____%_____i_ When sketi wbether lie woedt about get. Clearly, (use&. somethung different.about î ting Uic diseuse froin bis budl6, lbc said -it thc make-up of ai leusi thc new patienta iis5; isanCy, running away. igbting, use of realylid't oceur to me". He waan'i stu- arbo cos"ract 141V. They simplf can'î b lie apons. cruçlty to animais orpope, pid. radini lie u otully unable to evaluate ignorant of AIDS or it's cifeets, given ail foret ses. - r-settng, lyig -stoel!ng) wmih 'thse situatomVs potential foriui the attention il bus receiveti. Do tlicy ignore onset before Uic elge of 15, anm who shows, To make maîters worae. antisocial thecrisk? Do Uiey Uiuik it can't happen toi a lea3i four of the following antaii patienta are notoriouy unaffected by Uiem' Or (Goti forbid). do Uiey think Uic charaeîerjstics: Unable lu susîsin a jolb; counselitsg. Tisese people have a negative rtsk is Wouth die itwanl? repeateiy breakip4 theiaw; i.peted flght. effect on Uic itirpist. bcause tbey're Since il t, prevenialile, and it'. hard t0 ina or esmuIts; repeateti failure 4o bonour am~mnaie ii.adee seeig imagne Uai i'. hppenng oi ofignÇwneal obligations; constant moigor Tis is probably only oisc of a number of rance. researchers are beginîng to siudy travelling wîUsout a plan or goul; rj rear personaliiy patterns tisai contribute to pcssonality factors that mycontnur bo for thc insus. (lying. using abuses, or -con- AIDS, but it is un important ne. Il i. one AIDS. Recen stuisies ai thc J? ils Hokis ing- others); exirm reCklessneas, such we can dg sonsctisng about. Conibict disor- University Sc"oo Of MMtÎ# POinfýto ai as speeding or dru nken dnving; lueking tiers in eblldren oftes leati antisocial pet- leas[ cis peronaliiy paisern tisai sems us reinors for any wrongdoing. sonalities in adulthood. so, a purent or a put adolescents Pi nsk for AIDS, and Usait is One of Use studie. et John Hopkins evalu- scliOol would lie propierly concerner! if,% an Antisocial Pcrsonaity Dîsorder. ateti 272 drug user and found thw 119 hit child shows uny sign of.a conduet dimorde An AntisocialfJersonalicy Disortier is antisocial peauoialiie.unid 18 pcensttet- Th chsances ofhelpiguayouiig ciltiwili Veu sersous business. Il affieis a PerniO.e positive for 141V. 0f (hose witboq an a cwdù&*oder arc muici grenier Udm Whlo i. ai least 18, Who bus a condluet dusor- ansociai peirsonulity, only 8 per cent ret Uai of iselpting un adk wih à lonsg iioy der (a iuof dt Iat dune of thse follow- positive for AJDS. of antisocial belstieu 'redéeý Yôu& Your Money in niotguge andt bond funds - waiie go down when intelest rates go up. In faci. those higlier rates have been a double-wbammy for fund inveators. On * one b.nd Uscy depress stocks anti bonds, on which many funds arc ba3ed. Seeondtly tbey sivecten Uie reAum on no-risk GlCs and muke sdumping fuards look presy bied. So, Use big fear is of a mass panie by fund investors who don't realipe mutuala per- formi besi over long, long periods of ime - like Use stock msaiket whieis bus ben in a more-or-less bull piarket for 40 yeurs. Canadians - moatl baby boomsers - have enirusted $130 billion to Uie -fardt wmaee. Tisings icully got uquirely when thc Big Five limit ated scllisg dicir own funtis. We ay bute thc batk, bot we uo muma dms.i Now thc ban*as have urd fivefUthe top 10Ospoti s ich itsdustsy. If thifnp coninume us they've been gang, widiin a few yens we'Ul have monc nsoney isn maniai funda than we do, in aIl batik deposits. Andi :- <lutte iitessully - tise "u 0f isareissei avings of Uic cadr booaser generation.i, now inveatei ini thisone i-dsr. Thai mieans we ail have a big atake lin making sure thse wheei. don't coasse off. Aller all, scusonale people ksoa lise Sov- criunent tnotgoàug tobc dere tofiaire , our mremnent in the yew 2014. If îoo many first-time mutual fuisd groupies gel coiti feet, and rntah for tise - sece arn. of 8 pestait GCca it eouldi li a roug s tory. Afier ail, most furds arc fully inveuWg andi wouid bave.a liard tise dealing with a mas requesi for casit Tisa would spur a sdI-off of asacta si a ime when tise markets areé fragile. la other seda, eveyboiy lours. Tise Nervous Nellie. uhould Mae wue: Real men dos t rede..

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