wonders 'why me'?' ft11 bU a915 7.- TheCh ltT fnuu.-Sa*a. Scheelil, GeomwaI ue ffweribo.gb de wo à bo Il dmua M 19»9. Mm. -ef «M moi mmcbn poisoito I lloil biLev Ob -àà4 on j UBV tu Iama.I - '04Y Ir The 83-yeu-old Mîlloade Drive wo tir deaaiba ber uacim lamIIIIIIz oui sbo wm b a recuopent of M omttio me"i loS Good Citsem op. on of oeil 13 Sol on d prow rae so b S gelI i 1994 -A4 ombuM The province Saves lbe auard ,anmaly 1o ciiaum wbo. sbroaagb exceptaoaal Iong.aermo voluongeer effons. haw e .ped route Omette a loier PW lovew Tooi e Ure people atm ain à edlm à spoud oeorvace md érie on a aoti on cmpctmaof reaad. aond oftenal pensoma urachbor »d ese. .-aad Foceuaue Bob Ra Mrs Jeffasres. bors, in Toronto. woreM lm aeMy 20 yean (1957 bù 1976) oi proeoiti of M*aho utes saibon Sc"a, a NMadg Woloit fur u"y éiobleim d m li qaua Mu of*£'b 0(&a commercial Iser Iist chombt Mafret he aiai oas boildusg wu ewecaed on Seveub 1ame beibde a doit aqupuor de pwm IDd endiàé Mm 0( - , a1 i" M ARC M" m bs. uMW"o moi ich- es libous.relaud nil it, îooud -u mâbi Mm. jeffM s àaaidoa Hrhus- boood Pois did uat 1990 Thme couple Ilse lotillaes te Cauqibellville for 18 yem NM. Jefueoa uoved io n 0pA W» twolla yein qo. Cm e wly. oir, au Wis noirantase 4"m. 10100 pe 11 Conewv* Aud»<fty A&P Canadien 11re IGA Loblaws 878&2841 THE O>AKvILLE AcNE CUNIC DEME BADW90 MD., LMA ZWANG, MD. ODM GR»#E KD. e' ý.w zc:eyr,ýc iew ~r" Ali ýervces c.-r;"ue It De c>ew cv 7I 844-1900 O.m"io0 a juguen 0&, hmffu puI 0 Io Sbne mohI Sco0< o m , hnadlcapdefl . e nu c domn "Cut Your Best Deal On Heil Heaung And Air Condinioning. <ru 'r '~±.$~ -. ' y '2' ,~ubu ~ 2" * '-a *C'b~*"r 't. Ç.u>rr* 'y' 'r . J-' 'T- ",Then Cut This Out!" -~ 5±92U2G APPLIANCE BLOWOUTI DISHWASHERS WASIIER YE Moe n ortl 3mh 05 Co-. f gh pogur DRY 2667 664 MD * 22 7 675301* îJN 1 ct *e c o,. *W*Oc~uti Ai7 au W 379.99 SOM W 6Y2>4 wuwai. '*CN S S.uvs'mgSo mg5 266 40 1 Convf#b> Mw lemu Dicoe yon a&ir, Por9oW) 227 6757 40 J 267 M4 5M8> JSome 479 9 (cco 479.99 ei ~ AI ItSTm may be lmun fS ah Maaou aoeo scb fy. REMjRATOR 200 TVMVC SAVE$iIIIII CM -lua Wtt' 116 cu fi Kerwsm Stereo Souns'd &PJ lfWte SemY reg 104999 Rernote Contrcil Scu's 467 66,3092JN -EochSon 9.9Se mog W999 log 46-0 MkTs2n meirg 1059 99 577 614911 JN - Eoch 577 6M 443JN .- Eac 467 663 096 Psi Eoct, "09.00 >_J 0 M~ YM ble Som cagoum *cy1o" dm#* oe n Iièêwluwoclo tivEhoe . 100 Niplissin Road LLf#M i Sm $2W onaew He wie aMÀ A» CowÀùionuey