I ~ IComplote Florél L.eps wam answers Police ans asking for nuisa- tance fram the public ater i Odl tht a scalpu laidi hWu 10 ge In hiecoe Wiasuudiy. 1%s girl was walklng &long lClngalutgh ort nege Glenn Crantant et abaut notal wme a mon In a enmait red vahilei Noppot wd $.~ -Ph».,4M ân Y a.-tegin bu dI1foe A olx-ysar-old girl attandinO neitt>y "Wath du v-y.r - run ami>. fram ah car and ogtikli a pailpasnu¶mb ' 369. whchcoS ite bu Ut tint thri. numbe or lins taut throo, lard Dt. Sg. Rais The driver of the car lu, descrlbed as mai.. wlq in hie les ulh asort, dîrk huit. He wai waîlng glason., me front end cf du cer wai blo. Ô&at Set W@Mu aid du W.ic- dunt CouSd beO useros oria lftufiderstanding andi totelly a h aekkg for du- nUs any Information la ta contact Miton Iis*itl 8i 78-5511. e,0. 2116. Fishing Kids Cinida's Rais Whittick wmli bu at the Kelia Conservation Area this vreek- andi, Jufy 9and 10Ofroni 10a.m.- ta 2 p.t. as Part of the Ontario Fienfy Flsng Wookend. Mr. Whittick Invites avaryoni ta joîa hini for i f'shing equip- mint display, a catch and rla.fifsuinq demrostfatior, md gain. l teiech about tiah- ,frg andi flaI manageent. Th. avant is part of the Ontario Family Fishing Welwnd, July 8 tae %. spon. aored by due Minisiry of Naturit Resourc.s and due arna week- end durimg mblh you cmr foin in Organe a mifout eàac Daleline ... Clmined .....13.19 Reid Estate . RE1-RE* $700 millon plin backed by coumeillors The chmpion The Halles Urbain Sueucr Plan (HUIR) la eeady te utove ahead supa s20 uoconmpumlm utdug en stap &rMpmia"c.<o the total $700 soillion plan - $550' UMMo for wu end awqve, mdi. at $150 million for other reglonai @lavions. siue os rend - muoived jfetional commihisee approval A 132-Mu HUSP inancing reprt mromd a jointpluiagqma public works/adnsinistratioan d finance committec. Il boNd the flnnwlal scensios - coovensicaul public Sectûr growth fundlng, pet- vite-public sector partncrsblp or Efusp reetO Convuw"na fi--nn wouv cre- me high Wuilde Uoçnum chattes and mnoan an initial $200 million funding Sqp. HUSP rejection was uimilarly undesirablo after eight >eu' mode nd the .mdy nmue of gowth in Ilaitn. Reilnal staff reconm.nded IRiS? flngcint involvo msnp amnont the notion, be:filtng doum 4w die peoim If approved by rçgional cotincil next woek. staff milI have milhonty te les du mises ad seck oui those lwomoehps. Thse HUSP il a comprehensîve planning document dtia. Burlington Mayor Walter Mulkewtch said, "would altow Hilton te manage fêlure growth as opposed ta beisg viétimized by il" Miton Mayor Gord Krau moved wednesday's recoanendatior, gay- ing itwould be"faliy" net teforge ahtad oow. "Simosy saying no ta gmth wl Me moite ie problem go away,- taMd ME, KrantL Wreferred te the *sud bisou" h Oakville AM Bsrlîngto in te laoe 1970s and early 1980s, when file Ontario Municipul Bond (0MýB) em .IuuPLAN pop. s-q" - Wu»RM 7" I Strawbehy fun-fairfor United Way this wpekend The annuel Springrldge Fairm youngsters, a" orgamr. by Spirituel Fasse, andi singer aiseabeavailable. Strawberry Festival il expecet ta Thse event this Saturtlay andi Annalise Noroniha mhe fumn la locaieti on Ried School *be even bigger andi botr Ibis year. Sunday wilI featuuo famslY fun andi Children'. activîiis oril I nclude Lino. north of Doety Roadassd mrn Ihis meekendl't firudaisor for due entertaiheont from 10 arn. te 3 face painting, tra"iolinea a fish "of Stecies Aventse. For fisether United Way of Mihfon milI laclude, plu. pond. prizes andi photos uith details or information pleaae cali mole volunteers manning mare Amont the hlghlights wili be a 'Barney.* Wagon rides, a barbecue 878-4908. ictivities for familics, especially for craft show miels 34 aYendors. nusic lunch andi strawhoey pickls mil Adi"sion il free. UT PAYS TrO RNT PROM DISCOUJNT SEv.iy Uime you rent livo Woekenda E Ybb"II get Un. nexi om. Fr... 45 on4wo st. N ~mUon<Ut==~