EmplIoymen Centre- igunmner work outlook bigh"tei'. ~~~~ ~~Square, 3 10 Main St E., bau benoou tama muin oti ay 01- -ace Mis> nuching job vaoeu- fnaUuueagormu Clet t *abmat$ - from.bigth- Siaoat 100IMS lot mork aay f SU e ethn ja uantboPing o cul emmen=i rny. fa;:::0 e Ulm dl afia 5Yeats. accotentg Io the Canada lui majoalty of youtba corrny rien as aima, addreu, tofao.c for Students. eeting mork ame bighecbool sto-m dr àu* d la o's #Me ad t>ys 1Is1 t orbnfn y-a," sald dene Who have rsoceMy cosapbsed o<morkdmt. Sand. Bond, sommuet arployment lie se"oo ye@n, mid Ms Bug, a 21 - Yo.sbs eun m alg op fie adie MolwIbing aahiR -nçevina." yea-old univenity atudeat. Most editt job aqmd. aàan e , The centre, Iocate la Trafalgar pma-aecoady studmnta, Who finish which biasu ene*abte Jobs, avait"hi u smme, Miae a S -oed" Bang sait. include the usuel - restaurant bel p. clerical positigp Career & Computer Explorationm for the'90'sl oulér obs, sales and retail >M Miss Bang maidi on avarag about 1fL*kIu for a ne*sre or tryfut 25 to 3job varrnceqposedet terevive ast old dme i centre duily, but numbers vury. Jlbose ia need of belp *itb lte,, i V Need Ielpis whyeur job mananreise can gel assistance [rom cen- searetre staff as weîî se througli teirm 4. nutrial. or by Iskiag part in a work- Want to explore worhl procaaaîng, shop on ecative job search tecit- e s preaduheea Ar other compurter progrm? "I The centre is open until July 25 Career & Computer Exploratons for the 90i is a [rani 8:30 a-n. Io 4:30 pal. Monday NO COST 8l week progruad ocated, in Milton. to Friday, bat cf oud [irom noon to 1 Cyou ame currensly receivmng Unemployment Insuraice, p.n. However, afier JmaIy 25, job Social Assistne orsa sevemfice package hum an opportunities wilI bc poited at the employer, you may bc eliguble [or tala ptogram. Canada Employaient Centre, also Nex: seision begine A gust 15. '. loae i h plats. 1 ~Sudeus can alo call il-2959.a f Piease call 8751~272 for rAore information. tele-message job Vacancy werVîce. Employers inierested ta hirung a 8Fonder! by your local Ca.EO wCentre sOudent ca saimply cal Ise centre ai v Ptstb*I W PAPI!mu Berry tasty V&Inro Ostrytuel mijoya a fr-h areft ry riglat Out Of 1111 peuch et Andreura Sot*1 Acras on No. 10 Sitaroat ovor lma holda waeeend.Tt pick-yOurowt faff nes ua elle oh f a fù=_maa for Mltn ne aaealora cearu. No tax sex,» cops say Two peoplWeaee c public mlaxtbief chaiges for a heelyfig ta POU, , by Ia Noveunier, a man and a womafis mita mcm business pa toit peIl& a 46-year-uld Miusissauga mm mito the7 tirete ounpicie "b lactoce tex remii «Wm for ses [rom the. Wonsan la eciage for tue $700 dey owed Hialon ReglonaJ Police charged lthe Misaissauga ama midi extotion on' November 16. But bufore tihe trial bugan Tuesday la Milton provinçial court. dhe pur cosudn't go Ibrougiwith testfingôiesa4., A 27-yesr-oid Lemer Base Une wman and s 26-yeau.o Braaçion mran lâe public muisef charge,