Counc * ap oves $0OOfr eoaniztion stu.dies UN "Il dm< helluve YOD cm u lmt u o c go In fin no mai ami r hwlg ma uumi u-milo dSPiOSle W nu~ < ogssesonal de lit unies§ yor isu a M5000 JO comsuu fins ggl0 OIOSb ~em a n $200 buleo mü(<, ad8ositos d <q yei muve tackle *u of eluc u oveman," morfaced for approval ai regionai em pf mmr dm 1.00 PVise -anis uMapyer is aqMe emmWd < AJut'nggOvumMs banunuy saldl Orlington Mayor Waller commlsm oen. s i lhdp'ua c e r u u)< upr e 1114 d m gi co n i o orn k. tl h M r o a c u c a t "C le ulY M eargan i on and org a- "I i t rs a z l ue desig n, you O akville M ayor A n a M ulva e, no t- lrs.un (lio einlcucl kmzfoa ameDdMMn fi $omedun have golook at cenlra and major isg if's no soqdreuugig the deck Ms alhwtc me hvtn ISOC <h! cdi<o e onc" sd r. issues c£rOvernaace if You're go ch"ir wlM ursa fiandaneuW Mm Kemcb ovrl quulon malle r or anfalimon maote aay needti o l egts dskcfd a re a cosultants' involveman la uses.- aoni.* =~i the Mudecd ofamthe D is lu e, aies o!ctomevsu "Yos onue Io apoint Where you Thec last regul "Tise rest of the design of tlie can oaldç do go mach streaMlansng revuew mas la 1981.otui" be re-nexam ined ciConla*li Md -WO m wwm.bon<e ady Last week ito arGoo A Sw 2M1 recomnason in dur cancy oo andi particîp«ns ulin fnot r iucte< i noigtastesc. geteti teandiniag maieussellae. rept. *eàcWý&Ird ((ilion Urbso Stnctuxe Plan (HUSP) spectal istudy afier six years, " said tedi c & i mi'l s 0 Pnorl<y He &lO Council approvedth le initiat finaaelg repo rt essea lands in Mr. Scaf l r ingte siudy lu MhAt mas Pared <lown to the firs nouat due rebon lu &eedy cie 5(0 $50.00 exguendtmr. the Nagar E-q-Commssiondoncqsickly andi the region report fl' 5. toeescg i (NEC) Special Study Ares to <lhe on it POsition blfore any regional disc ousn ai due commte level. mest of Main Street. Officint Plan amgendmients ame for- eorgtiatioaîs go lu pliaseti. The "al in question are howtded nulizeti. Front due f" $3,0 probierru or eastlmeît by dhe CNR tracks anti "Thse landis on tlu nonli sie o! "ho, spos" mii lu eumoarkçd. The Trnm RamI, uinrand th Mil iain Some ms Oct differtent dm tdu secondi stage (<o oins $150MO) will by du CR trsckand Main Street lnd south <if Main Steet." saiti Mr. lock at solutions, due thisti (to cost rle iten lateti for turban Schnarr. adding the lanomners. $50.000> mîli ilaplement solutions. (rowt îil r tlu/(USP, but have militai andi municipalily. *,1mdd no Esc i- 1. oulti gotgo concil fork Y mca ecluet on continuing lu dictaieti go by due NEC,sabod.y deiin aig OPPOsition bY NEC and province. without any single, directly cîecied Consultan. am expecieti go en Mihon Ma Gor m = Cut saw t6 represntane." stf doe tt egage in "protective" du <bth du d to opro- "We're ot desecrating an environ- levieut. ecti in, s fi ely fashion mâts a mentally sensitive agrs. We're ot Mir. M<klkewiclt wa inttiaily critn- evicu o i clude tlie lands in thie even close to jeopardlzng due Objec. cal of "expensive tsnkering- mith dueTh rbart growth ares, lie in due HIJSP tives cf ie NEC." exisuîng structure insteat cf organi- mpon su the issue mculdn'uI gel log A lune 21 letter fron tuhe NEC zaiO«a restructuring -- - - oni uir If. Gien Schnarr, s platiner tepeScent ing a landowner in wliat lias beee tagged as a Specisl Study Are, reviem, was as Weéuesoays (lUS! flnsncing debate au lion Region regismeing "dîsappointnunt". Mr Sclinur cruticizei wiga lue saw as the (lîp-tlcpping cf <lie lands in andout of du Special Stuy Ares, biamng due NEC and province. "Curicusly, suddenly, <lu bouni- suy clianged mnd 1 cati Orly surmîmie tI mas as a resUlt cf ulie resistance of tise NEC andi tise Mtnisury cf Municipal Alfairs," lu said. Aluhougli Opposition biat! been ietâ baonthdu stail by due NEC and Province, in fairness. lie suid. tisat Opposition was baseti on due NEC mandate to uuna, rural lantis near due escarpuen. The tomna md region hadth le lands slated for urban gromili. "Wr don't matit <o cotmpromrise due balan ce cf your plan (HUSpî. There's tic! mucli me cati do exoept ,.Senior ai4rded prestigioîý medai masino i ff la Of St. George's Anglican Cliarci mnd enjoys lisse dancing. Henry Jackman, lieutenant gover- nor cf Ontario, presented ber tise gond citizeuiip modl along midi a Plaque during a ceremony lcd by Mînister cf Citizcnuhip Elaine Zienihi as Queen's Park lune 30. fi mas du 22nd sucli amerti oeremony. An advisory council, cliaired by Michielle Ranmsay cf Toronto, selec- cd dut ye-'s Jciptents froua about 15<) nominations indicating wilingness <o participete i n du Sievew, was "minor solace mad 1 conifoet" suid Ms. Sclinar 1 "As a pianner. 1 cannot imsagine * ha mat <lre t o study au 'hmas- io.- added Ms. Se=nas Regional policy planning direcorie Dave McCleary sai due revS ucula uwo Objectives, Io study site design andi compatbility issues miti tlie area's raiiway tracks and nearliy moodog. Mr. McC<eary sud lie mas confi- dent of due planning N& on Wl Ch 10 include due Lands as ur<san Hlton His councillor mar yn Serjeanison asketi if tise Speq ial Study Aires revicu masn't tuysn Io We mre confident due NEC ts viI- ing tc corne to the table moi aPPucacli <lis in a rauiomaJ sen c suid Mr McCleauy, noting due reon coId move gadt despîte du C perisaps going <o a tribunal bl would involve re-investtgating theu designation vis-a-vus thse Pl-nting Act andi tise Niagara Esc _pnlent Plan. - AESPRO moi Compffd Gallingor Malors extond thoir congratulations tco Mol Campbell, tho recipi- ent of the Salesporson of tho month for June. Mol roprosents tho excollonco in sales Gallingor Motors strivos to achievoe r- LW E IN GOOD HANDS! Upan Tony WlndmsolWs teioln 10 roturesatos 14 foIra fromi Cati- Aligrsmossu anti BraIse Seuvuco. ho plaSdt an emlphaii n intihlg a qaalitiy replacemeont. The qualifiait Tony wus aoorching for moe trati- mauisho. olti-astilnot précis in his moult tep«ontWoy and <amus. Mioer tmo anti one-hal foars cf searchng ho succooiti in fkb hiekgfl mass. Aller Iwo monthis of morlilng toottior claily they more bath amazei at thie sémilarity of wMcuig habite. FurhOumoee. Tony acHoti ho woatti recommonti SSt milhoul hbacluation. Scott Muri fNas bootsn l it n automoituve repaie mince 1961 anti speciated in front anid anti brae servS ince r 19M6. Ho ta loottssg taumart o pecvikig servce4 <the Milan comuny in te scame pro tesaonat massner 0"o mor accuosm ta. w ma s eaine prico struc turec<Met his boots in place for dmlesot <mcY« Soac* continuest Ic upgrata fis educalion tueoptss up-ta-date mi<hls tday'a tecluitog Scott thIao beliaves that accurate eqaipusoot anti a klumIdoiabl. oporatoe are ldu best tannto <a sure comploté satisfacions. A fial ctaas aligsmu mili iproves stabitity anti tire moor. increasiig four aalaty of <ravit. At MMtia su. Scott mouttifête toaentian invitation <o everybotiy te corne by anti espenfience «Olof Fashiosset fride anti First Clama Seonc& 6214 ai &ain St. 621 Main st. ~. 878-AflAn Cuildse fffd. seu Toa Toi Dodues Toua Aadissd hy Coauulh»n. tuions., Persoua Eleicn.. CamrIbs. - susa. ip-mu of E.p... fiar,, Bigh Sher, 5 30,0 S 48.7 Limieu Ituri urihr heri Hrrpvrd 10 D $ 35 1 210,86 S 22'S9' Smith, Stusîth & C. N j j thartcred Puccouans ll.îriî Srow _i.i 596»6 $1 00< q.410 0 4.01,D Dirjoirre & Touche it býipel80ý0 S8( x Cltarred A,,,uýtasts t mplejl bînld uri S 00 D . 1<41 D S 00 o 84.0-00 i cWgir <Xcatherlirad NilrdGNi a Rkhrd 'slIb.i<nr W\iise 'r(,.r,, k 112 SUI 3-29 S45,q65.O S2,-811I . f n DiKcsj, Dii 1n.I, 'An PiIl I1 40< 5( ' î44 SS1<, tOil I C1h$(.( - l Piere Aierh,Unis n I Oc tiifipiçtc rciurn iesjx-cliiig clei.tiiit rsprnsr four rail ni clic abusec e.iidîdji>-> tiia, b xie sinesl h% eiinractng; the Returning (tfRr Robert Hitcbcox, 2021 -seafar Drive, Qakyjille, ONT L6L 1 P5 (kle -Mgii ;on $Y),355 of ISbiis.dJ. knefà rh»J.,jL,î*0,.., I ., 4 j 0aiil -,.ani. CANAii <,i. .iidFci.iA.. ~ i .DA. t, c V "i