CiMM-EJNT auBo 24, 19 hOi"M St. E, lb enase-woP " W" Mitai. On ITI IJ4N9 uim~Um&~ui td~i rtm 782341 "# «0 AW* To1miLiai 2l.M87 PM -0 M 0 ».UN Ian Olume Pomithi cm 'bu Ws»WA w * â wi..' r i. . U ffl ~ ~ ~ pS cýn .O-a ,a- . ,a » *pSi b.. 1 Congratulations, in order for MPP Noel Duignan* Congratulations are ini order for Halton North MPP Noci Duignan, wbo lias in$roduced and guided a maan.sngful pleca of legisiation tlisough tlj vagaries ofI fucen's Park and scen it becoma law against ali odds. M Mr. Duignan's Private Membcr's BiD bannîng landfilis on dha Niagara Escarpmient oecently received third oeaiding. The Niagara lEscarppment adjacent to Miltoni is a study in con- trm'sts; it is protected yet it is abused. It isla naturqpisenominon of great allure swathed in the artificiaisy of aititmas ludlcrously abstruse regulation. While an cscarpment quarny miay in a day dislodge thousands of tonnes -of rockface through blasting to make contruction industry favel, a stone's throw away a homeowner wiIl get bis wrist slapped for building a backyard deck witbout approvai front regulatoey bodies hitiser and yon. Stili. dcsp'thle controversies and contradictions surrotilidiiig *the magnifisZt cliffs and u;dulating buIls of the cscarpmant, diere bas been a graduai and incxomblie, at least hopaluly imcx- orre shift toward more cominon*sense in escarpmnent protac- tii.adMr. Duignaa's substantial bill will form a bsslwark in thei fight tojemserve titis important asse. flic political appeai of thei legisiation is obvious in tisai ail tire major provincial partias were jockeying to claim ortie share of thc credit through their supposcdly precent ietting activities wilse ini power. Yet it is Mr. 11uignan's da~I4 pure and simple. His party's ship of state may bc bIZred to dia walcr ine. withrno safc barbour in' site nor likely to loofli. Yct ibis accomplishmant will stand. At the trough again lî's intresting wo sac thea lure lavais of govemmaent doling out $2 million to Miltci. andtien grandstanding ini tic sam bondih about fulf'illing promises and recognizing tise issut one beleagssrad tax- payer for ail dmra t ficac. lnstead of fulfilling promises, itow about fulfilling oblgations? flice country la in hoçk up to ils car dianks to profligala spendung by govemments and tseir subsequant lack of fortitude arban it contas tune o naka ltae liard dacisions about arr t rein ini. Hoar mudi of dûs local arork is rtally necaasary? If Miltaon gets $2 nilliion, thearca certany no reason tsi Maiae any odiar municipality acrosa Canada got slirtcisangad. Tiaey al subminted dicir armis lists, tien ined up at i tougis wbile ara politiciana ulidoubwudly callcd pss ccnferences across tha country just like ie oe lit Milton Tulsday' t crow about diair job crSabon sciienus aud cominimnt wo tisa electorata. lncludad in tisa Milton work is sprtscing up anme parlrs arbics ara alrady sarviccable, and blowiug aIl kinds of nioney on mri pro- jects mired in contrvcrsy. such as tic poody concaivcd wideniug of Martin Shi and the.expcusive facelif! for Bell Schiool Une, a rura dirt niad tisas is far from a thorogfara. Ilts ot clear front a cursory examination whlediar tha Martin Sigiet funding is daceply linkad wo tise odious idea of widaning dia roadat dia expense of ils; matura ma canopy. But those davailpmens ini ibis debate iud ot hé Burpoiad if dia proponents of tisa Martin Stree Massacra attanipt to anniehoar ff ei grant money as laverage to ram thair agenda itrougli council latar ini thsa summer. lse ratepayers wbo favour mintainingipeariover advançing half-cockad road widenung scbemas shoud remain vigilant.- Meanwhila, tha w)ol govemment pseudo-largessa scenario phayed out Tliesday is stWafasdy bizarra. Rastrant having baan abandoiad for now, tisa politicos are muilking dia avant for positiva preas tonorroar diay may hé ad>Ocafing rastraint again, arbich beurs testàment to how sarlously diey slsould bc %ken. Looking Back Mons. tian 250 eNdué ragatr Ini July. 100U for fl MiNois Reorestiowm Coo9slaaonao @Ummi program. Supluvsd suiner nieroadon waa proviried for chilara et JA. Dm0090s Sloo1k Rot"r Park and W.t. DIck Sebool. HerO, Modar Andretia Cuunalt rqlsma (luit Io"a Ilt kio Gaham, Mariyn Watara, Evelyn MpMuIten, Suaan Gralsin, n ..ohlal éint Maftlyn Itonihs 111;" MLiii. and Merla Cath.rine Honing. .Pages of the Past One YeérAgo Fron thé July 7,1"93 hm *Dr. Allt s oenai resigneî as Refores Paty teader in die Oalkvie-Mdlio riiding. taavin& die job te Milion's Rick Maiboeuf. A Reforin Party statenr from Mr- Mathoruf announcing the change" y alay aid Dr. Soniersali resigord for "pronaltrios""bI iegrai Dr. Sonsal's deriuo. t feai uiiiquely psepared to, uaep in ai the near candidate, having bren activetY rnvotved writh tia riding. as arrll as AlIans cam'PaiZn ,1rxnt the bejnnung." Mr. Malboeuf i"d Mr. Malboeiif, 42, was dia nmer-up îo Dr. Sonirriail ai thé Sapleamber 15 nding Jiontion niaassng Hte iuded by 63 volet on th: second lbeito. *Mitio Mayor Gord Krani suppored a bld bY -aY&% of due Orrm Tomo Ama (GTA) in gain -a laY frons the province whesn it cana to oes-cuiin rnetha. Tiheosgis the propoird social contract municiPalitirs asmronOtaito arae axpacted to sn batwean $165-$175 millon ftou diair paya-dils mpart of a $2 billion ipendiait reduison fore Public wudr enIdoyas. filions situe a about $300.000. - The To anud a nasaisi laidoarnu re ut 5 0 to coud agai aer a paeliunwy hauin(ln Au- fiia 10 prouainusyIbeuga ntégsanais q-o. EugbeneCnaii ownd wapit o Eihu LiiMWs Loa Buea Uine. Il wiu a souce of irritation uMd nuisac (0 aaigbbours, acocadini Io Wad 1 ncipid Cousciflor Brièn PennauD, becau ibouaaid of luads- obçoisncio ders soid! Titi bad bran dunspad on tha land. itoarver. Mr. Canuai argued ibis the fmiiiy ivu me-alY fillingt in abai aras unpm&ctiv laid so it arould bc of00 sosa O. 20 Years Ago Pros, tw July 10, 1974 tbaie - First-timae politicat aspirant Dr. Frank Plsilbrook raamnsd Hilton 'n ohé hdiaul libarala in <hé u~ au~s4 to Phase Mi *te Place Trubm. knocking Coevalve 1972. Dr. Phitbrok baW almaost a 2,000-voie mwpis over Mr. O'Connor aille NDP c=dmald Ardue Own wthrdie tur-au fid. a po did. Dr. PhOxock' armn féooad lte tUnd ini Ontario. wbar ise Ubga îook 19 aSe front lise Cnervadvea ain aset a M.verna of thé 1972 altionxab hé i PC Paty aims upset thé Ubeal goV«nn& liHaion Ragional Cou"ul rs xpicid Io cambhé the lutin site of fton ieglomul heatiqumrier dafini antis- tit, Site consmer chulom Toma M i a thé corait tee vau csiderist; fourf sites. Hea idrd ian il anima hé up to 0n cuid 'ttbooe on of dit four nd avasaul buy it and build a tseadqutiers on il. A uni. Of the coeuwttaa notid ibre of thé four ases arare ua.i of Hligiray 5. fie regio e$ubtlhéd maiqoeay tm.*lab. tacs in Bhigion as thé junction of Guelph Liai qod QEW 6 ApiO fbr a period ofdftS >Usa, * A ausint igng à pois hisla ion dWaupietites phn onainassions. ibe nmm cmi lioug stau Bal çatites aid dunqed oftms tavlng ap to 900 S. nesbii .and buainessas arit service. Anss.g ias affaid are MiltIon District Hospital, dm patbulaice service musrer ad théers " atiparlers.. 50 YearsAgou Prm die Jly 6,1914 hm In laaru iaflrv*r ani attiuasialieauue J.E Whieok odurehumdtto dis 17 lt- es bava searednt arustarai misards.Naioi aud dis la fr shbrt of iiç mmber mpqàWe sa are ua*raiu ibi die e M plOetaou for 730 Suf &M MDon Nea thé apicalural offlon> Milton. - Durini thade mmi fSa Srpb.uber. 1943 Ioee 1944, hilton public scliol papils Mdl Wadi WUMWp- cd kt n y cain' "il the ffout