ïRgieà fore compmse oiver developmenat icharges (oumro ldalipaI à =O=S Mdt a al auaa ua i % u lis ha #hâ bte. If veu O KhoWdsi tmg- blawn rgisal nu- 0,~ comme,«o Jams 29, mise. mm ba.Y wid te Vvin lma dugemerusa lI.ng fadu épuces! &a door lu, devl- celelmaci. lb bylaw, approved la pieipk e ha l finrs bý lsalMt butwue developers' g est a OFMM M eW aIla f~aa ailWU" The bylaw lomers dsvetopment May 4. a oa ca*g os vu mii onkvllu Maye Am Mulvalu ugai af .à.àn charges. partscularly for ouly two dlssmnters, gallagto. wmWa liai , nin ain of ts ap eal10 Oni. ýMULclpa IM Ma an pnuss àdm"I mn cud pomils Coamclsr Suis Wood Md OrkvlIa devulopusu chasge »aiu uqua Soud. The taslil' voie@ bu j1 I NAf i . â aYos of ' - - ami Cncilu Icaule Pym PM 1118 ce mim Bucla] sSii." SM beau mniY* Dr. mmi miiue nagotlado4a miti a devalotrant Tbe bylaw 10mars regidantlal supposaid lb. "comnpromise" Md en wm aapmunwtin du is9 Barla.~& ~ coalition tpala he ragion's dm"s hy 9.7 par cent hom $5.212 sa&i "If yeus man Io do aemi bylaw'a dealapasans but m nol Barr wà olidorr 1991 bl*I t e Oi MB - coma- su $4,746 on do$gIWâw* dsiarbai te parfection yos ay a mail pets oellaodulsu. Sie301 cloif stearai discussion away soitn i g u Oa I. ..D. Klag sugabuu hegmhg hai 1 o * gluitis of OMS cots sud MMre itssnos -oinsg o happea"»d iet30p m--W Mâoi naio ilvrgs h aise givs close Io a30 pr com put a gili o@tý 1 bop* il'a «Oon par cmn reiati. s usubsmula b Debala Win continue Omo, since .redoctlon ce non-rasidential ihlng'& m Cose Uob.' mseu Id suua davalapeas council eodorsed further study of charges, *effectively lowarlng Regioos Iamyer Mark Magagray Oakvllla Counclllo Kchui liai 876-4656 davelopanen charge rxnaon o ges tom $3. 15 par sq. ft. of suisi ht oouli cou i hmn SI million queriedi "ouhar bush. fer isvolop exisflng business.ensîoo:. J-u flnoraa *»I $228 - MW1 a 15 to defendthe raglans 1991 bylam. aseI mac enB conversioof vu« F*MILY LAW Tiera is currendy a radevelopsoant ýnsincrus over the raent $2.13 - I mrm»d inhabiaIcogun:g 'F' pa ol DIOR E (vuer 3,000 sq. fi.) exemiption. prs.i.charge. otbe embsi- Mi.n mmy. salr b.msunrd & NO CE L me* ranglaog slretchei "Auj may yon eut it, Ils lasbi r ln adb a almr breaks. OnIy a provincial iing sbe da.velopme.gVnistry." at revaallng to dha regloo * lagal Assassment Act mieodmat cashd s so sid Mr. Flynn, the byiaw's adversaries irs potentiel defenca close the loopiole. staff sai., &W ssrongess critir. Who callai l tthe cons. . Ragloos Chir PU Ponsury on la bu g w 1 SIl q:411 rasuit or "three yeurs of daal-mak- "I glhis the big winners hart are gestai davelopars mua beainuas iog.MLMî the-davelopmnt industry mui the people wbo couldn's b. f@siW for Ailnorstoude: " UICR 4 4AE 04.oi "The original airn of the develop- big lasers miii lie tht ratepaycrs." pursuisg a xstiog loopisie. *Tanoraoi Wine Tour, Pb LUneh, Sp>ig ment charges legislation vias thug said M. Flynn. 1 Mr. Pomaroy salsi development * Gfie & stin Mon.. Aus. a = 1,1 Mo. Agdb*te developoiesu industry mould b. But tha so-calIi coiprnis bai charges mara patie& liin à. * dmisaion se ail MM TM cm li %tl $110bng Suppot. -o-ofdv Cs,. cap-ýLý e "To say iiidustiy people as et- For exemple, Durham Region * Pil ustici TAE . E- Aoei.. ting a free rida. 1 don't boy tbat." and Barrie bava no ievelopment *m Scrica f OMM fl chagd Halton His Couaicillor charges ssii are markting dia to' Srieofa Squw' Sashap. nBor Marilyn Sesjeaitson. noriag local daveloper. "It is a buarier, a coso- Ti Escos Lunch, Shopping. Indiais Crifrs reskiens mang ta mark Wiclly. petls.ve ilsavamag. Timm er- ock Tu Ilclude.) Wd.dy. Aug...t 31 1111 T@wn.&...UiI Surliogton Councillor Bob ara but tuis la tbe major onas, sai ST. ains I eL Am $«.23 M Brachin said ha bellevai davelapens regianal business devalopmnat Mawnsoiwg F.amo. Shappipit Accord Cleaning (P) pus tsait rosIs on in tha pire of dirersor Brea ICeas. Lunceh o: Sto.e ro 4 T..dY Au..g. 231 homes eni thus favourei lomer Haltoi bas six million sq. ft. of AWMr. Clean Bathroom chat"e. vacant rommerrlal-linstnal spc MA uW L$50 Mihan Councillor Brai Clame.antssd hail cf it is "iysfunctiooa or A rma and the Ma", STig er P at f ncsayt opr.ei asevrnetlpolmsi Luuard, a:Pince ofW* -H.fte! er P aiisnosayt owr ai a niomna rbao.si l'h.d.y 20dantial sani non-raskida charges. Mr. Kearse. Dr. King criticizei -m uT.r.~.O..kn2 Wal-Mart (P) d thtdi average bouse pays $1 la olffanng discouns for isvalopers ta STMTOMl oA sq. fi. white non-resiantial ros $3 creas nie vA uilins *. .' Cyranao de Bèeýr. peb. iPh» selu ig.y o Coan 0"y Style L-nh ,CIACULATKOIN DEARTUENT: a. q t*P-e erltiaoyo l'o'.d.y. N.--nhu ts 878-2341 Taxpayers Coalition straary Dr. patia r TENDER CALL _The Corporation of tihe Town o i lIton ta accapan.9 Tanders for: REPL.ACEMENT OF FIi UINE BRIDGoE OVER BLUE SPAINOS CRUEK CONTAACT NO. PW-00-4 Tandars, on forma suppliad-4ýy lte Consulting Englnaars or the Diractor of Public Worka miii bu recaivad in seaied anvolopes, daerdy marisai as to contants, by lte Town Clark, VKIcti Parks Square, 43 Bromwn Striat, Miflon, Ontario until 2:00 p.m. local lima on: TUESOAY, JULY 19, 119 for lté replacement of Fifth Lina Bridge ovar Blue. Springs Criais. Plana, Spécifications and Form of Tandar may ba obtained if die off ici of ltae Conauhlng Engineera in lalealsauga, 2655 Northl Shardis Way. or fron t he Tq-o Milton for ltae sum of flfty dollara ( $50.00 intdsG.S.T.) whirh is li no bu rafundad. Eacs tander muat bu accompanlari by a certified chaqua for $20.000 and the aucotualsul birdaer muet provida a Performanceond and a Labour and Matas-l .Pymant Bond by,an appr>vad guarantai cosspanry for 100% of thse tofal tendis.- The lomaît or any tender will flot necaaaarity bu accepted. MoCOAMICK RANKIN co~nunosso 2M6 NortheldanWay * *ualu oa Ontario kt GORDON KRANTZ Oa. J.D.M le, P. Eng. Direetor Of Publia Wouha THEi CORPORATION OF ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT The Towen of Milton has an opaning for a Giénéral Secratary 1 on a f ive month contract biais, 3 days par waek. baginning Juiy 25, 1994 and înding Dacambir 3 1. 1994. Application-s for tItis position miii bu raceivad Up t0 and includlng Juiy 13, 1994. Ganaral secrétariat duties Permit co-ordination Collection of fuis and davalopmuinl cfharges Monthly, quarte-ly building repos-t Customer seica Téléphorne inqutrles Miscaltanaous dutias as ruquirud Knowtadga of VfirdParfacl 5.0 asmiîl Excellent typng skilta Good organzalosal sicilta Knowladgu of compulters and atatuory requins- mints miii bu an assit. Plama mail nmurm b:; Disoctor Of Bdhdlg à Esrmm Townofllano P.0. 111« 10 Vistod P"r squ» S12T M iu LUJ IVIILI 111 PUBLIC OPEN HOI»ES CONCERNINO THE TOWN 0F MILTON OFFICIAI. PLAN FRAMEWORK OPTIONS The Town of Milton wlll be holding two (2) informai open houses in the Town Councl Chambers at 7:00 p.m. on Juiyr 13 & -19, 1994 to re&ivepub- lic input concerning the framework options (draft) for the new Officiei Plan. The options have boen developqld in concert with the Town's Strategic Plan.& Any peison may attend sither of die open houses and 'or moke wdtte or verbal comment wlth pet o the options.t As of Juiy 4, 1994, the options wil be availabie for viewlng withln th. main foyer of the Town Hal, Victoria Park Square and additoni lVorma- lion 18 avalabie from the Planning and Zoning Depeitm.nt betwso 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday.10 Fdd.y. I I.