C la s ifle i ed -____ youcli~cafied HotIine 85 -3 3O0O 1 LmeMomn& Dad j *RTHOAY PARTIES ai Sormangne Faits. Wagon rides, Nem aitimula. hayeo a>upr party reara. lundi. MIn, 879-4110. CILONUNS WITHOAY? Mi. M a memorabla cnm by reaing an ariebluM amrusement bounce (îLe the Fair> toi yaur own baclayard. Alzc SPOu Ming la onay pienIe. praone md tund tasueme For ilamaowuiou ou Ca Aunueman 519463-3197. " HAVE TOURA CIIILDI PAUT on gr beul Cenaury, Form pu nanti a tof > Etarua , by Cacha7 Jim. pony raies, cela «0l miudi mudi more. C0 853-2705, 14 Wsddlna Servlcos UEODIO PHOT00NAPHY - 100-115 pol in alumr palus negebtvue 15 yaen euuperinna Aeî- uNitenmd refonabe Rira Per~c Weddr Mmoigpi. 4184394710 2 omine sadc LR3beri à .oî Luareaice arehJappy tu anumeor the. fontiuoo45a marnage of tireur daugbter Juie, tu By ron O'Neill, son of Byroai and Jaclaie ONeil. Abbotsford. D.C. Wedding la tae place et Milton Aliance Çhurda on Juiy 101h, 1994 Ai 2.3O .m. *11t Strait $0 OntanoSt. il lion 87845= MonuentsMetteraBronze Maikora. UTd ei lie Joephili MIN oliHapii @MuMnOratorio, oit Tueeday, July 5, 1904. Anne. Louié Cantey -uavudWou af mou CWAie" De:i mottr af Caal "d he hta. bond MbO oTrenton Marty Ose and hWi huhmud Doua GWov f aMonadesand CalMa tax ber huabond Guy Corp oS Ourieuglan. IMudi faved graaiôn o f ark MkO on ari lai al Dîne, ~U". Johne Puad Made ion. Douglas mat Bre Go. $ret.i Cbwey id Ashley Coup OaghbrOI ldmlMa COard tesd Er- mnalèn. Taylor. Srivd almo.,by live bralt¶rs and aue Visitation uaiUmullue Fa-,rai Hume, 488 Orant Sraut (one Nacl nanti of City Hall> Buffranlo (SU-3333 on edau,3 - 5 md 7.-9pm. Fiaieral Ma m be Cloua f4aly Romay Pomn Cetioso Chudi. 287 Pliur Rlad E., ewlangfn, on Threday, July 7.1904. at 10 .m, Enuoffmnr Haly Boule Maaomum. Burfingtor Vigil loi Mre. Cauriay Wéieday. 8 p.m. ai tie Funerai Horne. KEYWORTH. JOHN* S.-ii le ctih gisai sud- nous liai thre fahrily vsnomaucue ma putaain ci johe acrt.Jh dled peaâceluy id hom borne. Oeeriy blvdfriand end husband of Caroy, Ofligfthrc Joann. Juquelnu m turI=bndMcra and dearea S3aboco la greiduon Ced. Son0 ai&W andul me Wb l Eric Kaywotth and biaihur Ci Jotand lier huaban Simon ain ai Engiand. John waul a plut Chulana of tu atound cf - D~cof 9"li Mll¶r District Hosptal and a Pat-Preuidaui ai lue ~lo RoAtuy Club e. Mu a gaod mnd taliI*. friand ta many end ciii bq mlasad toaer. Rested et the MeKeral@-Kocher Puneril Naine. 1,4 Main Sul.t Motins. Fui¶ea4Mu wea hed trant Moly Rouay Roman CM Chnach on Monday July 4, 11194 ai 10.00 a.m. tIn Mu af floutors. doaions ta tfie Canadien Coleur Society cd Illu Victourien Cru>. of Nls Moion Brench> could os asrpructaed by thm «wu Dune Thou. Coast MW Failiu serm FEACAN. 0ARRIE-Ai thé Milion District Mospital on Frlday, Juiy lai. 1994. Ourrie Fuagan in hie 5»1 ywa. hlovd huaband of Eleestn. Lovlng tdaihr of Séndy mnd tuer huabmd Orlon Teaiher, de.r grandlaihar ai Thomas Michael SM"ue Teamtuer Saly aiaaee by Mri mother Gertrude Feagan and hié icin ilier Gasylu lCunyan, ama nuy ul anc nephue. Predecauud by hie ltIr KaI Fangon. broth- or Ronaid end hie mielor Doralhy Mle.Rae ei the MOiCelleKoalier uneral Home, 114 Main St.e Milaon tram 7-9 p.m. Seasday, 2-4 p.m. mnd 7-9 p.m. on Sunaidy. Funuru serice cwa tild Mondey. Juiy 41hr, 194 ai 1:30 p.m. il ctseard donaione ta thé Canadien Cancer Society cid lu apprucald ey lu tcurly. M/ATIN, MARI LM OJD-At lu Molin District H4ospital an Dondsy. July 4th, 1994. Marie MarIn of ~Ia, baiavd cita 0i lue laie Dr. Cul Maton. Dauglilar oi lue laie L. E. Roeck. Lovèr mother ot Josephi and hie cite Sheila al Brempion. Chenu of Mon, Mlldred and ber KUubWad John B~rilof Caidon "d Eduar and Naine af Mila. Aiea iurved by a alalai. ,12 grandehildien and ane greai-grandson. Predaceaaed by a brother. Reing ai the Milhan tramt "- p.m. Wedneeday. Funera ser- vice Thureday, Juy 7iti. 1994 ut 1 :00 p.M rot lIré Funeral Hme, Inlarmeni Eveigreen Cemetery, Milton. Donations la the Miltan Disirict Mospital Founduin Funri coutd ha 3p2ecuiu by lu fenrily. 37 In MOrlam REMEM9RANCESun lu fai. ai d.».unaf TIre Milton District Hoapial Foundajon era approclatud. R0SCDAp AUA - Iling fflumoryo a Moluer and Q nolaher rwho ses bluem ro aie WE ITIU. MUS YOI MOU WAYE,~ DL/ANA, DOUNE SU/mU. In barkr munary ai a dae Mottr a Fatalr John a Serait. Wuie Du 11175 SuuM juleu M1lm INe haut >.ou cloue aiMai ar bemm. Anid lure yuu aile toas . To cia ciiluey Ihmughoslat uies. Unid ce mutagh. Aleea rmemlmuiunilusest kylmul TAYLOR, @TELI.A - To e, bosAMi l alto unflared io pw» ly 10. 1911 fer Ihuti aU btily. lb -TO lm M UA Mande, uugakw a ugle ofaett aid vur *MW lu Cluliea k Myde., Pm. Efie mdW Ja*y M~aie prucualon f a tliioe. Te lu upeja Cancer Sall fo @ddm uI ma sUuppot ta lhe Py ate hWeedia p ltingsiur fenualos u bu fredy ciau by #A lune hum luiug =i à Orun Ftah THE! FULY OF am à Viens u anas moi an open hauts in hortou oi flu patente S0M WEDCUG ANIVERSARY en Suafuy, JWuy 17, lobs Wom 2 - 4p fu t the CareaLoglon. I PAT KELY moe put-tne cone¶i of flCamalima Champion 1a * alnl S ueon due ainth hal. cmijuly. 3.1994, TH1E BOARD OF DECTOA of the Milon Distic Hoipillai gratlefully ac>cnowlsdge thse dadicaied seriof a as a mlemrber of the Board Of Diroctors 1978-1984 and Chair of tise Board 1962 - 1964 and expresses sinIcere sympathy to Mis. Carolyn Keyworth and fatnhly. S. Wolfton, Chsair Mlfton DisMrc Haspillal Boarndof Diactors E - t - I p g m aog namea i Nam. Gold colar, nront hM te peu. I Iuge rernrd. If foeuud or u¶y mnformaion. plIss cal 875-090 YOIJU C01V. MWd chute cmi ulIb a Purel hauvui. tast ln lu Joyce lOurd Mlon um. He ou O uctats Muanne Society. 8*51551, PINOT gass mn uoapet $5 bGfq. yard For ua YOsp leed al dA OIc 1743. 30 taeai0 earapilenoat VAC" NEIAN.A Nec ad ueli mm e m repos tor mous ataitee. ompact Eurlut. EleetroWox. Hoffer, Fitier Oun. Nîby. Icaum. TO&M.I BUSUa. Mu 8-734o. in 1 I lu THURSOAY. JULY 7 AT 0:3 PU te conesa of 3 Auios end Houstmlal Guede Nèues OTZd Clatases, se. Oarm.ld adei. AI carsl es eý nrut m~m. Usuel ru -Md owodbue. Te bc.w ai 14» ieAuM@U" Puru - AUCTION&SAl t.OCT.IIuin ai e lue Fairaunde on Robot Sireu. FMS ROYAL MOMI à S70MOI LMI MCMM OMWKLE SELLIHO 5 ORS0 LOTS FOR NOI-AYMEINT 0F STORAGE- .Ceriuain ai upuib -. DADA &. Alw lumnkurea.êtrge pplaice& guacMeulcT-%t am. US= = TEUS PLEAS HOTEUS PI. SITANT OF SAE VIEWWO: à PU. ONi SALE DAY Amuone: Ohue Som"%u Mm»s nss Solid Oak CheTty & Hardwood Furniture bàWe pcaie in Bankrupt Stock, Overrutis. AND Inventory Liqullitons. la rwli ne mvu<asl wuil Oak Tabill à * fwu &m $3W0. Ca. ISactoS etthus, NIème Sultea.8.e