- ~ Minor Basebal A iCatm MWn Saxa 28 CuileMW_ 3 Once lgros! Troel 26 lum hod- uO4n Hâtbt: A pop gly c"d for Bruce R Doua bl~ ~ Hood eaughr by Jonathan Scrgenr s Hltiggt: bDeci Dank ad Ellioa Putl's Poaision. l gst ousc la à* ibalsfor Confrès Jffrey vlM id Zacary a b" Stionta. MeDoagilUbf-Fd o Cardte Lucdiai bitters for Curefre Miel Binrage. M Sorais oece Serth Ferguso.. Cory Cheis Hill. Jason H'tracrt iroli bit "lkhosca Nicholca Trou am A"a thiples. Dylan Saeed hir roo doubles. DRJY. -Rymu Kuake ad Dms Titubent ctch bir Danting foe Brucra Hood Travel ocre a hoise cru for Brce Hood Tessel. b: Bryant Beaudoin. lai Fraier. Michrael Jme Roy. Cary Srcrkas. and Willam Muse "C" Dona 30 l0" Gsnem 28 ltigrit. Hornr for M"ar "'C" by Nichulas Pary. Top battent for Maier "C' oec Ryan Day. Alec Frank. Stepres Hticks. TiasnMy Medros. and Manirco Muller Lcadorg bister, for Hase Curema oeM Stepiren Ground. Adnaino Mczzorcro. Marre. Osborse. Jason Boumas sud Michael Chutnrey. TeonasDental2D Norrda End Nla 25 Leadmng baier for Toocor Dental oere Rued Arsrcly. Brycu Morgan, Paul Patsric. Dean Staples. lamie Webbr Boauoi for Nonr Fnd Nissan Oece Andresa Brown. lecemy Dean. Narhas Keitir. Gregory Fepper and Jordan KooSý .liii 10 Bruce Hoed Traval 33 IGA 24 Hîirhlrgirr A runnini catir front aire 1 F adiai in théid hua wbieb rmmd in a 3" m ea ttircig for Brucea Huai Travel wece yen KW ýIm laieur. Dylan à"c Luaiding bitters for ICA werteh *mum double, Choir Pollrmia a doube id a Irigple. Michael Payne à triple. ose 14 lima Chý 35 Cassain MWn Satila 2 H ~grlgi Hacuturs for Honte Ciment Cckie Alles. Michael Pahho. cli Vasa, Alec fellstead. Cory Whyre asd Jury larS.oMair foricai Cisensa. Sam$us for Carefie Mis Scale, owS onsrbsc Gjoss. Matt Adasa Seth. ergusos. leffery Guba-Martel and ictaolas Tracs. me 16 Homs Chamea 25 Ten Deal 22 Bortine foc Home Cîsema oc Adriaco Mazzoraro. Saies Grouird. Jason Bournan. Marabo. Mendoza. Adams Trerjak. Toone Denral bitter Oce Geoffrey jour lil ir~ti HYM*litr Ho ritefor Bruce Hood by OaDisieLy"e Humersa for N4orth End Niaa by Top hm=c fer de oMdm mmu Aualew Bro, Jmey butir lay Pr«e. Marchait vu. Bo. Md cm&g ser. LaadWt lm for Bruce Hua Travel, oec Dry". smdoia. Tyler Bllack, Michael Roy. Chris Hill aied Jeiffrey juge 23 NMs -C7 Dentise 36 . goe Hoed 21 Highlight: Theý homerus by Nichols Mazzoraro fly irclis caugiri by Evuc Durrel acd Nacirolas Mazzaror. in tire oudield andthe1 outs cecordeti by Adamr, Smith or fieit bas. Murter -C- stars ocre Nicholas Masarao hosern. Alex Frc" double di single, Ryan Day double. Nicirolas Party triple di single & double. Pillip Foly tiple acd tvo doMlam J-e'. Min "C" Devans 31 Tone Dental 20 Hrgbhligir: The fiee double picyn by Alec Frank. Craig Gadd and Phillip Foley fly balls caught or shortstop by Nicirolas Maziorato and second baoemaa Evan Drrell. For Maieér "C' oere Jauis Norhwodd triple. rwo doubles. Croiti Gadd rwo tripler, ose double; Stecs Hickis thre sicgles; Tim Medeciras ose double. sin- gir; Maitbew Muller ode double. to %ic- gles: John Flomrfel one double. PU Wee Sa"h Jase 22 Zeller's 12 muo'. Eiedrasir Il Highlight: Two evcraly marched Reliable, supervised day car at a home in yQr neighbourhood SiivNsitn daitrfpll Trnd yaoeao P roVsi A4n~ho-ewn " Foàaube loclibaci-up for Prav.idr'.s hcclaays O, ritne " Cocmolt 0,wrurance coveraoe " In=»rn ftu me pSi suppdoed Girls get shutout flac Milton Gis Urador 10 Selecis scrarelessa arreraded tire Robbie Mini-Soccer Feediag the bail aire larmarais Festival ira Scarirorougi rcently. from maidf)eld Ira crèmte crppoctiaaies Tenncis echi played drcee gansres, arat for tire Milaon offenice wece Ruth ara cispiasaze participation snd fora Famora, Katy Kellaier and Joine no standings wece keptan o o r- Salk. plaies ocre prravided ro game min- Scrrag goals for Miltoan oece sets. Mieagra Kcy. Firana omwe. Michlacl Ina t1ir dirm gacaa the dofeaiae Meccitt mitir tirret. sol Kintbeciy core raf Cccly Bocsveld. Olavîs Aitken. mlfo scorci one in caca Hýsrbssz Lauca Ligirtiral, Inragid gancte. 'fic Miltoa gicla pliyed oeil V Ipam Yverae Robirasan. beld as a, teant. srrgn oeie on A1 , Bramptoa anda Scarborraugh"utstarng p.ssiag plays. Good tournament show anpd, wu walcome fuit or part-trn, cures for chi/dren frorn 6 wka of juge! ORItche Plese afifor more informdalon or 14800-363-3797 * Sevecn! Mit»a i molet sc purt ir tire Albion Hitls Traairoa/Daatioa recuccay. 'fli eLaalrl conosaiia of a 700 mnette soimi. a 29.5 kiloaracter bMe ride anda 7.5 kiloocoier rua. Unier hct. rnid conditions, irain Fisirer did thse course ira 1:41:00. Otirer fiaisirers includai Mariai Carney (1:5k). Couriney Ware (2:03). Janice Sraom (2:09) arad Commacilty (2:12). flac dualiron egos"o ofla 2.5 kmi cur, 2935 c.dic bure. mnd dier a 7.5 km cura. Anita Wamc mas fits in lier agc group oillaa tiaue of 2:00. Six Milton amontis aisa took pant ira tire Peacir Baud 10k, run in Gisbiy. fle Wiridrck ou the lisat Milton finisirer in a ta asme of 34:11. Tia Brait wu second in lbe age catagory at 46:34, olalle Anita Wamner finisrea first in ber agir grour witis a aiaaa of 49:35. Oaire e(nEs- Oece Courtraey Werner ai 50:31, Ed Brauin 55: 18 nd liens Noalia 1:00:55. j~1- r6IIr ~ »mnc -lye oeil ta à"l wi à a12- 1l ccore. Strong piachn tu both tenons by Analaco NWahan d Jetait Rogers af Mesvs ad Mmt Bwoo and Wes Woodeock of ZOin,. Le"ls bittera for the Wiilius tiets: Tom Ilethereon hmi a boamerun, MatI amea triple, a"d Ciris Laufama Iwo singles Mid a double. Merv's werts NfieMie Kwz grd cint. Geoffrey Yga à honte- curassu lu ROI, Michai Nu*d 100 RBI's. Ma Smidh Jouir Rogers Md Graam Deeranaise big aisges. Winang pitcirer oas Wes Woodcock wiro tireo tlame sarke- outs, allowe zer uras on tour bits. MinA, Ms«qali baem Jeum 27 Key Case. là Higight. Scoat Nernetr lutae loaded double Ira clenr ie b..i lid thre score in die botront of thea hWn inraing. Coebett' laitter, mure Mart Eencdtl two cingles. Scott Nemetir double, Tyler Haill. Jimtmy Reynoalds and Mar Anaasroag witir aimurts. l'le Key Centre balanr mure Euic Hellrwell tma doubles, cingla; Dueraei Poweer double, single; *Brisai Tnraay double single; Tevor Tobin awo cira- gles. DiJ. Daviso tmo singles. 0 W L T PUa 0rmy Pâac a a 1 0 la Far'aFood Mort 9 6 2 1 13 AustemnfNoble 10 6 4 0 12 Ralty Woo5d MoCuddor 9 6 3 1 11 Pet Vile 10 4 5 1 9 Key Cenre 9 3 4 2 à Catit 102 71 5 cuul.meu alsl5 I. 9 0 2