Coun cillors support 'cooling off period' Iv AULA L*COUM previtf itnad of declala. by baU- belgaan to latroduce a Peiva 1tli am eilto a go *tmS. b'Y Hemita Milite ro To f Sdon.," uald Wmsl 2 Conaclle Jehn Membee's bil ai Qucu'sV Thir as t nlIaod mquiri an Mihoa ucull Ma stop damclnS but Osallir, wubo cbompleaud Helig Consista bucked ie requeut pplieai ta have inpaebel ws ould delay lt inuit onsmun requime liToua Wl Mtinm la mning Io Milton sa Caum a Moula>', towa Titi bill, inmilar o thoue aieeady plamsa ud a tae buiA=ugpemtd ments hod bien ffnef staied Me. gai mm riolideoting ind th vn a gneOm liaaiM aaet paseit for Oakville. Toronto ams àb site. prir n omoselin. nem butl Chaine. desigates berisis building'. fgte Me. ChaUmenr pus forth à Hertiage London. uould incSese the tons &IVs hm paumiions dma coulsi requine Me. Chathiam sud the deài> perioi cams q aita du u eeltb. MiIton-supposted eequeat tis the asidiaesy when il contea ta densol- flubte delays ia deriition. Mid du would allose for uhat ha callesi -a Ibilusaii ~ hg col eradi town ank Hice NStli MPP Noel Dmionf desigauteli hulage biLdiW.s clama 0f severre funes shouli somoli- coaliîug off peno dikting uich due Thm legislatio applies Orly, lober- don go&Immd agiiuxdthel. toan ansi prapel>, aner cotilsi United Church M inister Stage buildings or beitage useas, ta "flue legislative aushorisy sougiti examtine pduneal solutions. designatesi by thse province theougli_____________________________ Rev. Hvde new Cbv MLTNDANSCSEVES1 s IVIIIIY mimeilananmui of test:- natesi buildings," said it. Chaltinor. 1I want 50 make it cer dws 1 have n0 intention tient of playingrbig brother. fi is not my intention t0 stop people front doing what they wish wîdtheir* propaity. Thtis would sini- ply provide the opportunîîy 10 si( back andi look ait possible alterna- tives." explainesi Me. Chaumenr, Under the cirnent Ontaio Herlnge Act, Iiese's ncsling Io ptievent demo- liîion of designaiesi buildings. expliised Mr. Chaumenr. The sirmoli- idon cain he stalled for six mondis. but ibmn a permit application can bc 1194 SUMMR OFFIcM HOUR Monday. Tuesday& Thurdy... 0 a. Im. til 7:30 p. m. WedW~dey .....B*..... . eu'1:0&m. til 1:00 P.m. Friduy .............1......B:o arn. bl 5:Se P.m. ULTRAOUND Bysppolintrnent Momday, Tueaday. Thuraday & Fnday 1 would like ta ruassuru my patients that &L, thre exerminatton modaîsties will continue ta bu offered et 75 Main S. Enst .J.L Mdamlla M.D. mcPCM MINISTRY OF IEALTH FIEAPPRA6AL MAy 1994 Wv KAREN $WTH Reverensi Bob Hyde of Miltan ham chosen "leaderhip for isioin" ai the dunat fer bMs mes n esiden o the Hailton Conference. Thei St. l'is Unitedi Oturch main- ister uit installed as peesident reoensty ai dm 70th aimual meeting of the Conferee in Mississauga. "People "dY ame jui no( truaning the leadership forns fron te pansi. My qiiesnio dhii yeae is. ho cati we builsi trust?" Rov. Hyde said prior t0 bME insallation. «Witar is the leadership style heqmiresi by the mission of the churcliw The Hamiulton Confererice. whîch uees uuiualy. ix ous of four tiers in the Untitedi Chuecit of Canada. li's aise, amatis 13 Confrences, radis of uhics oedai n ew nfuniaters andi ncî as a common meeting ground for precbyteetes. lî's made up of six piresbysertes uîth about 70,000) ment- bers in 350 cangregaons. Res, Iyde's firsi pastora charge as in Saskatchiewan, aitere hie served tise native people (Cree. Sioux. Sateax ansi Assînîboin) ai White Beu andi aIlers; ai Minar dur- ing a periosi of native inresti n Canada an due Unsited Suites. He lias servied titrer pasitrales in ihe Hamilton (onference -~Nantitoke 11977-78), Eramosa (1979-87> ansiSt Pl'nson Main Si Eait. uhlie ha ba haro invoivesi in irani msmsi!ry store 1987 He ansi lits wife Carol have bren miard for 24 yeurs Tliry have t-o ,on, - Jremmy. a tlsud-year studeni ai Acadia University in Woifvill. Nova Scoca ansi Andkese. a grade i1i sîndent ai Milton District Hîgli Schib" Mr%. Hyde is a supply tenduer for due Hilton Board of Etlueon ad is active in thb Hamilton Conférence andi Nati"a Archives Comunite of th UmodisChêne. Rev, Hyde Ilhdiedsi i Hutinglion College. Lumeanu Universiy (BA f9lâ1 and ait Emmsanuel College. THR MITON"DISTRCT WouId like to thank the Haho potmd d for their recent donation of $2500 representing the proceeds of tie Annul Sportsman's Breakfast. This donation stili be used ta purchase an oxygen saturation monitor and supplies for aur Surgêcal Depi J M7 MaS gland opening CHAMPION S TELE-WGEAIà -Rneermnd oe NYde University of Toronto <M.Div. 1972>ý Citairinan of tite Watertoo pres- bysery frors 1986 t0 1987, ie lias bren active. in lthe Hamilton Conference, cliîing vanous coin- inutie andsistlting on ils execilive. H-e was alnu a commissionr to the Generai Council of the Unitedi Churci thiis yeur ans int 1982. 1984 andi 19M. He lias bren s memnshr of te board Of governors of St Paanis Uited ColirRe as tite University of Waterloo sînce 1988 He cliairei the btoardl fromt 1991 ta 1993 andi recete ly cliairei te principal searcli coin- minse for due cottege, He*s currently a membr of the Vicioman Onre of Nurses' alvîvoey carmimîî for hospice ansi lias jusi finîithedsi vtttng on lthe Economsc Deselopmeni Tank Force for Desmny Milton HIe aloo seres as a volunime ai Mapiehurst Correctionajt Camtr Res. Hydes% alietr .nteoes induise travelling, working arounsi thse coq- taoe. Mmd fanuly geneadogy, la May. lie presrnard a paper Mous lME fanly to due Tounes Hissocal Societ> in WMaf"al His terni as preeideni of the Hamilton Conference ends tn May, 1995. _ _ M, Our setring i% ilv, ("I I v. I&l *head- of conference RES