-Rs HalTison bùLs- Milton adieu foriamr8..c(w p~~ I iâ't. ~~bars WauIl2 Coancillot Bri b&.u li UMa$, aLa., sd ro"m a ~aa et. lm', vliewc IlOl*ta a-. -Smheà mdIudih.. ous Climms' bud woiek d W Iavyqialll hiâ1w iW iuua.al, Si. épatât six yen on dha limace 10 ille&, qba h. Conelf &*lu lae.. pulcbuad fhuic nvc .ai dn~ahJ.b comwasaa, succashllY auggaatd "Il's ao axpaai for davalopus qpowdng"ry- nos."5.w m abdu.n ite e elUq*n. o and wua a nn crigin lia a m- a F lut p . f« . o n 0 'A ft .d' -a Y u d auna Io Md aise cccli .ava o a rai w liagn m md . olg.dg ala.s ai cni fn awhomaude ahBOisi wau note- han an ahi. spolmsapar- maaarpwh *m fig.l wu. wlioaa citmenebo aiding Immu eqUalla y lié ban " ramemlar <Mayor)*Gord #n poWa i, aeux.9 la aha late 1908., Mo Harrison issus for Miltounsi (Kma) as alwaya siQ& there Mid. 14Mlli.aolt if soi s a POtm thed w. a affcad 1 As festival Chair. ln 1983 siho inel s uplushnmsdla noe, unlini mors "ha 524.00 over to tah. Allanâhse Pudadon for squlp boas. ',IM daiadhe mooey to go (0 a uac- -- (Wl purpoe dut would be cf beaulit festival.- ah.sic Ms Harlsn wu on the Red Cross board. a founding isember of tIIJ Milton îChildren anid Youth Centre hoard. tua ce th. Leisure Cegnera s --- funabasing comnuuss and Wored ii die-Uaid Way. Sh. woaked on dia ad boc conuiae dits fouedi it local Seniors' Centre ils net A Hl~y. s}arrson il aaymng Iseniors the aasted in bier ab Miosn CIBC job as a se",filoAn- cial conisultant. "il happened suddenly." said Ma Harrison of her cisioen ta ove. Her elds daugliter and grandaon AEROTRAC COMBINES THE CON VENIENCE AND COMFO 0F X IýNI.VAN WfiT E live la lCelowna. lber allier daughierTH in Saisi. Waahngon and hec son as SAFETY AND ALL WEATHER PERFORMANCE 0F ELECTÉÔNIC 4WHEEL DMIV. goodbye e peopbe wino are Mya40LV ,OELECTRONIC 4WHEEL DRIVE aAUIFUM A I frienda. 1lm'o dis down side," said b i Mt lHarison. a AU O00-b au IRoew Sah a P21 0 TIRES llup ide isduieveythng ust * ÇLOTN INTERIOR *ITR AJ IES*TN L S sssnid 10 fait in ph..," ai aidai.aITRVI IES0 ITG S While vlaiaisg Adiama, Mid then ber RVE BIEA B G children in April. ahe Harrisons D IE IEAR A 1found a horne ahey RiWt in Kelova. . %lll move in lily. Ifas exc' alng. ia's scary. lt's a dhock to people (in Milton) bat [a'aa nWeu ae on life. a net chadllanop," said Ma Hammo. "Miltcn bas afforded me lots cf OP«iottii. that 1 coulds't have ball la bigptplace. yoonn m.le difféence in yeou comnmunsy," sali Ma lIaison, aldiaugli megsomg tint ï only 29pe cent cf abs populaton voles ncipally. thés mue touna on!n> o town council Md LWe ths Public geâerally dosa't value Mg H-wo &aindWsite taugla cf ruaing loir the. nsayor's job but Drop-in pfor mnaah ms Sartng Jusly S, die akou Râpe Criais Centre holds an inforna to 3 p.nL Sessions mchads a vida., pame-w ic-. infmona md ops. diants- kti fisl mandtin addrsaa date MO- the affects a ad bomv to bc lb. ceaie la locisd mi Hlopsia For int.lformatonm, eal 823-