Sex-ed concerns fail to spark board -action gailli 9 il"- Seuiycrés xlâ@mo ý iâemf-frM buar gal bBY adoints Copon" . UD&Mde Mtch, s- a)aiia s acima fl U9 de,m atie1mpt to bave'tisa board csasi is' aualq f.aps s i asaiUnsa aihai fleydi s aat a lsiweek'tjs ~ .. suaïved ad Mr. Coopurs motte ofdie Hâmoard of Edafiao's votoed ts cesevatioa gabout tise baviailsms, but as t i S" mouv voled on vomdiey uns ds*AOd "in hmsag cisaipd auglce as peelal ....... .. . bat by a suies mugies ubich isves Ai o11 odmetn eth ujc -----a -d,&mw UE(âlnn m Saoo MILTON GOIPEL HALL 304 QrAnta t 'fam -huengUad 0 , 1iffam --iSiaiaySd61- U 620 p.m. - Gospel sarviea wéaleuady 7 30 pi- p.ffl MM"B. .itdei Pm* 'r- <ii mm is a - ses Me oroM m ths eu b.i thai île noîli thrigaasi -sagi be ..Mi' bHOLY ROSARY V ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH ~30 &&am M, e S 17lS43 ESseSis may 24380 3 v5k 501 E-qn li s aae5s Situa.. 101 0 n OUAR LAeY 0F VICTORY SI. PETERS CHURCH memasons.. Suan BAtI'17z Rri. wTaill ot uS te. BA~4AIFAITH nellagagerd. S: J. <Be..B ST. PAULS LiowUNITED CIURCH . - 1. ilBe Mao .on. 12 mmaeie aa ai in aise Ilen Y. a s fls m1 ie roo, on.4 dmd î l a s agalos 0os%87& 0h «F tky ganskà a is salo P Magit t sas n *9e«09- a.i omiy d l3 e i - àg aor ~~ ~ SufdayJum 26,,1994 KNOX PRESS gland =WITho CHUI àmmm lii dmi L~. 111 SOUTM AFRICA OF 17 MM ____1,OM JARU DAUGHIRR Swsdaby. .Iiy 3. 1004 8,049, 10:Bas BuRaoar P oggn I(aa 3.10) MuiSWeiUt & CaWiosTis Fiudonga rcm 8»» sotnmme Pa50qm ony e l1aiitNOH - flMMa~U~aanwNÉ !jiflnMeUff 1ILU bnfte w8bomm a continue ta be taught an grsde 9 lasuratu isas fal. <Taso tllousand souats torve lairegady soi"d tise r- racolons) Nonce af nacon fran BWetanio trustee Nonl Cooper and Oakville grume Ciseryl Reid eere .submatted requestana revalions and abstinence eaçbois. but atesse caat be vtd on cagib tise tet baud meeting. Wblei tie nei board nang as sciedild for Sept . 8,tise bacud magt conduct à meeting in August tu wrap up unfisled business. Stiperintendet of tnistrsctîcnal Services Graenale Barrei said cm- phlstcaly Saturday nîgisi ha lias no intention of rovlslng the cirriculumi oal] dii staff certannly woaald nloi ha available duruig tie sunaner ta, do wu Mr, Coaper'b motion specificslly requesteal inclusion of a otte-hour segment dévoted to tise vinsges of abstinenbco- jmd eliminstion ai the gagne boird and question section, repLaàng it with expsaded informa- taon on ie aïsh of becomang sexuai- ONACE ANGLICA 317 M", St. E.. Miton OM2.411 Rav. MaII MàcOant Saandiay SO: ar.. 1&.30 nain. Thtantday 10:00 à, B8t9 Stiady - Tysaday 7:30 gani Irau Grou - W50aaady 7T0 P i GRACEWAY BAPITIST CHURCH P$Me' Wda KhI w&21111 Aaam ftuht eSme lm 10:00 arn. - Stdy Scfuool 1l:OOaM, - Mogir WoeUN 6,00 p.m.- nws Saonner TVszday 00 p.m. - BeStudty -u seaw -0 br9a Un PU~Agdoaat -so* m Traiai in Lave st. CGeorge5s Anglican C'hur-ch <os010 OsaeSPt Lin.. Wes nori of Den'sry O:od) SUNDAV WORSHIJp OURNM iohume -'ia - RMAO@ R@Mr The. RaaUag GnIuwm% AobvThiisoeaUWd abm lass Focr f urth.r lnfrtwntaton oeilo the olmurom obffice OW-I 34 ly active. (Cutis for Je pSer board ancîtde quelastingl sub as: Out 4alvery 10 wormaga. boue tmay watald y<iu esI- tmm lavin nusatied eatet -dii- den of sifler dsey ucre grown up? WhaI do yoga tisaiait is tise lengda of tie average mnin erect patnis? Tie femal ha% tluee sets of lapts ...ulic lips are tise nait sensitive to sexuai shinslaion9> -l belsese tisaI tise issue of a mme abtneno-oraented pgrani caupled wiuis tis deletion of some cf tise more explaci seaias, cf tisis documentt. tîll offer a comnpronuse ta bottai sidles tn tilas debsie ulule tilt maantuaang ai exiremely useful and informatise course ai study for aur studentis," suw Mr Cooper Ms Reid's mations called for resiewing and naodifying tie inior- min on binsh controi go inc&,ude passible sidle effesis. eliaminating llse amusi matestal as tise condom sef- naon and witisdrswing tise referenc ta tise piarcisas oi conglainas haîsi aus- PENTECMSTAL CHUtCH m - w une, mmt- -(sagsa IS.* lT..awassm. Rdà " a pur.e OU -gll nvY <sa> a-a ISsu Danll L. Roma Sano haOM Rov. John arul.m, oaaf Clstwch Pamior Jay auct Yom dt ai Na el,, Childeans& àSug Plor SUNDAY, JULY 3 9:48 &mn. TRA9NIN #4 THIJT Seanday Sohool for AN Agas 10:46 &.m. * THE APPOINTMENT WITH 000) Pasto< Rorc -can a A = msionWor N»i Laits DaOW Chu (AI Wgagn avale-) Nuesay Cargs (Agaa g>2) 10111111,110 Ohiiul (Aoa7îêO CAÏNADAA CELEUB IO TESTMO3 4 ONi P5TROT SINGINO STRAW9ÉfRRY FESTIVAL Srinq a Mmw har &i loin us CUPRU cha LOWM tarty turf maragiss borroe0 sec scadnnai aumur ent gagrécui- aurai sources. Plant derivatives such ai pyrettrues (tram flowers of satuuni) rOgitiOtie <frkm .ocf lagumes), and nacotiue have unit for céotiese Matenals suchis n aap suds. turpentine, pet- liis cmis, lame. suiphur. vùwugar. pepper. ltabacc a nd wood askaes were a"s used.I lade 20th century dutre have been magny dianges k, inuect contrail products New science hasa repmrd asie of lue aider, amre hazardasas insecticides. Current products ame designed ta com"a speallic uwsct problerns The ruw teýJuro1agy aflen coritrolai ouedts the saine way as before. however. the products behave in à positive way waththeu enviroament. f1w bottom line with aauy arueci contrat product as seing il acoediiig to thse instructions amAtie label, tihe timingi of thse applicatiua and positive intect ideratilication.. 342 Bronte St S. Milton 876-4900 si M~assiotns spikewmoas- Tddbtg hope. 1l'm opdaisbc dm dao pulic uil, discutés tise ames, uin lios rue said Mr. Teklenbarg, vobai tock ltron exceptio to O.k vile - ,s Pm" - Ss as comment #a CUE diths lassais for Halte pumas Mr. Tdeklmstg. Whoe aeve bis poulep as boulet -funfly labelleid fi.- danusa or à bourgs of Victorias prudes, sud Ise a ma *&a gt san studeats pertinent information on hou ta prott tisenaseves if lisey engage ie sexuai acgivity. CURE sarnply wsais more emphasis an abetmSeao -i altenamlve. bc sasi. 'Thae public i nl getmans tise th. la as being ualigagid lt as beiing beas," lac Sud la bais presenalmton ta thse board Thtirsday cîgsa. Mr. Teklenburg wssed s copy of thse Durhadi Boald af Education*s Postponang Sessal Invalvemnr telacher aisource. uluca saises tisa abstigaenoe is a nandatory tapic and relevant for discussion by studens afram grade 7tolgrade 12. Mr. Teklenbarg saa fais graup utill be a*n si" for 5hc next meeting and "tha cnies responsable will be held acoantable Mis Barbu's motion supportasg infoan . otin sessions for parent si ,vi,b ags scisool peser te tise cils- r icu being tagtd u carie. TH4E LION ING DAY OUIT od bath ln th. -UO misu na cmu va." MMu.. U e-2.» mU Ouu*a5Casa noun mmnmmint - mmuMa.IW cu RELIGIOUS SERVICE DiRECTORY_