.su ...M ..... . 1. .. ma Uk - IW m utm e tucmeteosasmur d- à "14 le cm oe la lm 0(4 mbomà d i, bea ote à&iei -ft al Is marian à a Dea, . csu bad- piu y ion b s ' o~a*- Yo dhu adde émute of nubgmhgqiI le'. "us àd aaks. haW u a Pmmtm«sbe h be èm ae Ibi l.i eu k.y stressl-fus mo la Itabelp1hiIfmnar i stattçann lu aisn pnnYh«i ra. know yoa me IgLs ne aussi tubo yau con uaek CM e omâmi égdavotntmoe Nodffin fiends. Mail>' md yas PNeO". Dii" lb mm aup ------ mbanm of ya.r 'mo auo ciegaus imug yols c aiauÈsa lal ma0 l - ill b lu yow sa bum4 yu cm toés cms of bis wye dÉu YD um pet lm malls, me sud âiafl yn wul sud! or glu. Sein eru daya diau mule. à ided wold. the mmi contact incieie h poo ouc. atroas-fiu move would b one fnancb laistitution . suac 'uber moyen arrive. Pack aul comMpies amd distributos oif yaur blanginga md mun cbm magazines and penlsdlcels. ta your new bomes. UnforI. Doue faipa w0 gm yenr àws' moid>'. biilg bdis ls a cood>' licence spiels wltb yc.r MW endeaxaur, se l'. somsthlng àdsa aller you bave OUVWet nmg of. s cmaly àum sénat. ed yosrmove. For exaunple, packing cai casu Yo obouki bella packdng ai hamean $10 ta $50 per box, huttwo web sbfor em ove. depddn on the box "Ix. Somme Stan b>' packing things yo. Gqissi ding b' th hm. It won'u noeud guu ak.nl- ual>' taLces abaut 10 bours ta knack, and ot t-fS=ao pack hi ceanamo a two-bsd, cloulies. Make sure yos wie baul s a m eta sbetween "fragil" on boa wblcb nued W$40t70>n hau. 'tu be bmdte wich cot. )%. nanaN mve cois betuce Wbenever posibl, purm'n ,,M tu $100 prut m uak " ipl iaics hbo bauy bues moxdiWy elgh bouts for à If yen bave te dbuasb lumî- lug-beàoaa bons. Maut moq-, tom ai saduli bop l tkmwo iag compales a charge an'ý the screus separatleamus aiditdonal bout for traveli&sý labels to Idenftly di. ettu dm if yov're moving wfubb a' tbey belang te. ci. OoUqt la dalys a nbamm If yo plan Ia peck ycs oua to move. espeisil> if Yom'm a bds,#Wo md dieu lire moyen- "*sgidudlâc" mnd bav isuse just ta tranpon th oods, soirCdesss eU m0f clading friendll md fammily for recon- . Iaslsd of tailg evetythlng menatsions te mats sono »mu off bugu mnd mie leln in bite a rliabemsvlag aapu boxes or suîcases. _tay ln BoA the movai m soo as Subsp begpa ent a l u w op possible and schedmil; he mve coeur o@wW bmme idauba forely inatbe maring. If Yau T'i âmsdmuitl"tdu so ocboide lu for ladNj h edsy. die cingles woo't p"dity. 5ic y. n a the k dotf du moyeaisdin cloho a, suvlou baigan, adsluhm du lb ages. nuves ye c déai anr~ dkcdy to dise "00 longer dbm expectad. yaine ultaes. Man>' noving compaties will Leave amai garments ln dlon glve yu a louer me if yu bnai hues. If ure is extra nove siai off tdois m asuu room luths fraune.fl tiideu haiMd odue montdL ultb s0" fragile Jouai. Cover th ea mdi am wr bium lýtu& amw ket ude tesmutrope.. if ou lon10 anaa d wbleAvoi sslag tape since il cm lm à ning truck. mai sur kltu..a, sepnaly hn b@s yu onvichu. dis nma a>'. wrap or neuspape. To avoti puri0's. Y09 bauid aim eý iàw4ahq orbes yum mquék. duoyo oranetlier mnsaéaof pt eplnna llg bo YO.r famil>' is familier wlth bielm uaS wM opuhg a bt les ir qma ta 91laromsly taud ove, the rentai agrueme aMW couSe. hodus us m sd>'" immsrali Whsnsbcs ié é me iras comfortaflle, Rb. Md ouy-io'aa Poun sbesu l h deficiue bongo and eztra-oeg loadlag romps aileo Cornue la bani>' dmc thy cm bc poi- #Md fteMy Somain audho. Csilbetla boxes I. meotber ta"' y ui n en of h6 wq .0 la advecas of your use -Mlb aivutm S à@* Ihahg min amo MWOm es, naie me Yom hmv arus fer fial remis, of >oe Za- M gl. a.m mi don'u 108 Fe enK - disett- assai Aio me. éSm cabke ge& phom md ao vOuIB ms hbi op hn ho for uba yen o 0 h OVh de>'. kmg i if pu'. smmla h8 us,, m i é 19ai mhd n da gwp 1 le buas. N. le mm WbA Lo o mmm lehmr am ««mma e g~.~L imu g aw IAN OLIVER A*WMMWn N~e <h Nagoe) 191 MaLm I.E., NWCI Ont, LUT 4N. Ad ql'ou on hé u 11 tudmome ig boo upmd à monteS mi u ai o fe ap p qoMa vo- uasm, s, oeu tu o uaqin hi lomm ai u lu b.wbw mi Ouf do..d li pale um«Au ub u mupé a dmor -am onmpom Simply Sp.afpicullae Ummohe incresg ~ou icen~pc h a conaso fait B«n a si oous, h0 oou. ihr*beuwsdubytb "m à hé amof aimmdufix my. bobg Caillette mie, à "hsy- bsn de uuidimu q«a for 'nm of *8 &"y deodu Bn Upalaeeiotom mm00 llm m a Illebp yuasebqp uini MW 10 vmtu W"~ mm. Soe scoair .iadahg A am Wood priulé adidon n mm , vUbe ouu9 berut lspu moaumym Un. uicl h equcisily eui If yenr 10p ègBnoe take op à &eat deal of your proseat Opac. Oslaihw~ Addld"onunes and " e~cu evem Wudiud $l ofu eidtky sIua. 1db uleccrl moûtrs. hm w Yeu uiy uléw goipt mnis anadu. wm bàuMlauiodoes uhmadi natluhmp on In dnloethe nMMu for a idéheo table., thp oe..r wçm àu b uul eMd W..c Wuso daom ai wdil cm sai spmeli. néi e hMlcs hé l - * d"wy to. -Y enay. uli. idg hlm mime- An qvâflmlaesp, (Wle mgsuly> jeedI dvides laniep dauurs. eà smpoe m lup emSug fersomil qupi Osubaed bteau lb dm am y. dsat dm)s, ul. a bd-dou pul o adoes bv slglgA hsokhs bupdme ma17 uéa ne' uu ay mo h h aéa hosnw d mm u. Ehuceuic mule cmubc a in h que, s. ,valse i bouse.