Lose a woman's gold bracelet? PtoeS au l0a&m for Ore omme of a moms geM 1 no rS uld meno police ek boxy ~a aea ce. luneza 7mmm ukedl co ancert f ilN paise om aaind aille à acelle for vimin Are voi wateramg yottr lawn properly' Yorar lawn needs 3 to 4 cm il toi1 il? iches,) of water weeklv D>eep, tiravv waterings ame better titan ligit spruiltlgs Thorovgh watering, twîce weekly. encourage stfoog. heaitti r mtiti at rmach deep Lo thie soi] Li ght waterngs encourage shaiitm. weati foots and promnote mord grabs iolestaions When a lawn requires water. tl taltes on a dari, haze with a sdîery talge Il %cii %t*ir a lawn with thei.e darti patchies. ur fotpruLs wiii Wi- t I.hie tari, mntwoig v, the best lime tii watr'r Midday water- ig durig hot. dru w.eathecr, atate water, sImce coach iii the mater esapirate% timeer the la. ci howts dari tir orange patches due hi drîiught, ma ter it immedia tel u regardies. ot the' fîme il da, To Lie sure vou are îrrigatîog yîiur turf tNhrrughiu., spfinkiers %houid Lie oo fui] tor a wdninhm tîram wu Cam Pm Yomu LAUNIIII 342 Bronte St. S. Milton 876-4900 Ladn,!' Piioto tri GRAInAi PAINE Ail sÇmile Elaven-year-old Lutte Brake (laft) and 1-year-old Jonnofar Arrowsmitti. "ne with local Tim Hortona DoneIs owtie, Olego Sclao. Mr. Bdao la a.ndlg the kida to sumvir camp, aometing Tlm Morton@ do.. for many chllden. Almo boing sent ta camp but flot picturad above~a Amy Méetoi and Rtyan Flitgnaicli. OUR NEWQV MECA MEAL COMES WITH' A CrMHU Correction Seniors dinner June 23 A gala cinter ai SL PeuIs Unitled Citurch isl scheduîed for neit Thurailay. lune 23. Il was sol lo be belli last nighl, as was reportedino Weénesday's lle dourer wiII fund birua andi equlpofieni for the new teuto' centre opening oei month on Childs Drive (ini a wung of the former I-lIon Centeuna Marer). 'W'oe rraily le mone loto a new teior i centre that offert maoy oppon. lunities le eipati senior%' programs." sasd [ýd GoodaUI. president of the seniors' advuony board ovenoeîng the project, l3ickets cmat $2-1 ad am available ai die Milton Senior Citizeti.' Recreaton Centre. 21 Chutes Si. oncallS875-1681 After4pnv.caII878-«9I I ANNOUNCEMENT I HALTON li's Oopee: it's a bail. aits b(k ai KFC Ptck Up our new whtch tncludes a 15 pli bucket of chc-ken, medium f rtes, medium Chunky Taters, 5M0 mL gravy, 500 mL coleslaw, 500 mL macaroni saIad, rolis anctwe'O throw in your very own Oopee' bail At jus) fi4 ît'S qutte a catch' :?78 MNAf STREET 9. MILTOI 811-471 houri for a1héi*I ecceu» ta a teIephoqo!0 laae ~t e door The teile- phon] s a direct lino ta the Police Tyi!ew hours flN not affmetour police offi- coes on patrol or aur response to 9-1 -1 Emnergenciée and ~te calls for service. z -J POLICE