3 S TMX»ND 'a MUCH MoR » JAil profits support the Unitedi Way for more Information cail 876-2773 W A CateredAffairs W OUR SPECIAL SuIs Sf the 40 (L Koala Springs Koala fiéa Frldaey NlghL 875-M94 ALL BSiKITBSL REGISTRATIONS ARE DUE BY 11:00OAM FRIDAY Drop off ut the Moonlight Magic Information contre across from th. Knox Presbyterian church. 876-0161 Cory Sont lH«ring Aid Dlafluser MILTON DENTiUR'E ýCLIN1C OMWA TAIM DooMa Thn«Ws 876-2000 1 3 MAIN ST. The New Bankruptey and Insolvency Actf ler, a' Fresh Start. Those onsldering pers"na bankrups. cy or, a Proposai usually have many questions. How would il affect my vehicle, '~gs emlyr miortgage, present and future ce Vho ay the cost? low long vwll il last? A no coat - no obligation, confidential consulItation anawers your questions and provldes information pn how the new Adf applies to your situation. PMM DDON pOaaSS4Sfl Ub 1,UýSL 140 Main Street E. 1' B. i .1 j ILTON nie MaRor MkrorTO A DOMW MILTON W*M<LY REPOAT ON gOhiMTY NE*S Vefl W&MAPGI 'i