Conway prediets provinci ,1eetoinx une;~ »Y ANCELABLACKBeURN Crejiopat, cm,. eadton and Conwa, aBis a a lb.. wu disagul dam &III dof ÏLc L h.. duw The Cuwindw - mcury M. pimmlu. for bedleau aid labour, midg va Nom o die kW" parti 5u byal a. sau o A provincial election is Ily in front amua ef ailier aiea," h. adsocialuwcunt defending Ms McLeod wbo. lie pot a top coincernOf Ma" Street, jim 19M5, preilicInd Ontario dm"ut wmnud. nodma U m liantar, Desu _e aaeaaml. didéi: Olp-flop on tli ba. Milton and I <t" an. ofà.na O~P"ud n.â e Connuy o powee Mid costiy puo- HeI said, . dicpted support of & iliat r"y baslieod a o f ep M~grâces~ ua begun ile (forera Libeail Mr. Coway enod the cent bill dealicg omly wil ecanmu bu. wu dm die paua au nî Il*s my pai. au lLibe going go Panteiffr Puars yet 51b sanie ses benefits =bê didn w in lis. note .rud.Oiia ofsoos by qtciai inqeent sanceria afls di. pons aymoefroaim aucl," Mj. Liberal alti ative." said it M"ilc p.ty pn-- ib. gmawilisnea Io Mli ng a &k>wy Coeway saisi 30 Liberal supportes the Hurfop HUam. flNmtrant "Fe're i à.e mict of a trstly si&- WT ' T~ nifcat - 1 dnt wuat tc, cai if a M % .....2 '~revolution - but the winds of changé ne blossmng écrons the local community and the national land- acape. He, wan lier. supportang local Liberal candlidate and former Hal osn Aorth MPP (1987-1990) Wait Elis, whù nid he itds; to win back die riding, tiea by aiea. Ai limes Mr. Conway's words sîssng. H-e quoied author Robert e n e.i " P cals- *Whenllier. arel explosions on the ocea floM ihere nises to the surface of the %es ail manner of.sssb- manine file ons ,en by ihe humain eye *To h. fair. Mr. Rac'. govemrment lia, gov'erned in orne of the nuosu di f- ticult lime, in the lou 51) year,. lis% not goodJ enoughi to hMro the go% emment: soud Mr. Coiîwuv, lie %aud Ontario needs Io ceaie iseW weailth and wa.niej. -if ss, dont. in thse usorss of (formser Pnrim Miniser) Pierre Truideaus, we'll be in dire *Moderate middle' Liberals offer *a mauderate midklle" saud Mr. Conway. criiucizing whiglxb called NlOP "high ideologies" as unfair. unaffordable. chilsi-like notions. Progressive Conservaluve leader Mike Hlarris, lie saad, -offers a slash Aud humi po4cy ihai ha noc hope of heimg intplqSenied because thse nnm- bers just don'i aid ap." Me. Conway called thse Harris camn- paugn raddil, nigls-wing. Anatocan- style coWrevatmsm which could mi- tially appeal ID anc people. «Therc's no doabi the issues of overwlming concera t0 Ontarians across thse province are econarnîc groals uid job creation. Other key issues ame safety and secanity in coint- nsaniues and bealth cmr refoem. As Uherals, cme of ou major concenus la whats.Iafpensifg to young people. They-re facing-the tougliest timeis we've seen in 50 yens." The youih unempIuoirnent rate renins gtealy tu 30 per cent. h.e saitd "Iegovernenl canit continue k> '.ail things to ail people. We can't spesd money we don't have. Decisions have to bc made »round pioetie," h.e added. indicating job NI a .5 "t -' s FORD ýl LINOL 0 -T (Y . - 1