Krnift-wielding bandit KfJa r ly ea umd.My1 alosnMlilakn fat a kl edayul.Dwa iUiomnaidcPt Cmagit- o s uatnDu ot tt Mnestugster.t cule à nuf h" Nya1u m in he m wu tscins f o havfe-we yov b sntna îa htIad a a e t m home or ai '& te r tas Ca"es buan cnoSwtt errRc o t ml q estions Arim e Byer Smn sben do Oest paeswIicu A I r , asuns calepetwraostn ,gI d au om e isecrA Calis cand of te a seati for th fre smma nvesüa tmwi finLD -drf the. M un h Ral EstWas wht. 6or1 ys905agt f-76-1133it il bod hi n WAYNE CASSON EigUt-ye-oId tars Surlie stars wit Bubbleta In thm, short film The Pony'a Tell, wnittms, dir.cted anmd produced by Milton'a Victoria Muaprati. 23. The film w«I air onm Global Ilmis summer. Woman's focus Uv KAREN SMITH The Champion A 2;-minute filmts directed. uten and produîced by a *d iisn a tuttni, e spec led tii air on Glfobal in Augusi Viclori %tuspritts% haif-bour feles sin drainsa. The M,, ,i la fat, arsaiij local aitors Mlosi ceuse, ee filuiied on AfsfseNf.tra lai, a Toiinse boise fatin osned fis Ms tsst parents Ibe stnniual draina centres a.tind a ssumanirn fier PNi %itl looks fckI ai a significant uie in fser cbtfdhotu. 1.ctsîsg oin fir relattîîift i. th fier ttser -I ntirk li bait-e 1 tflnth r i ireý a foi if fatuttie% is filmmaking tisai lyvue dillicully rvaching oui Io cacis otlser. Vis film %tarst% ara Burke, 10, tif (amrpbellvîlle. who pIays tise main character - ight-year4od Claire In ses, eral scenes. Claire rides User pet tony 1ilannagan andi a spec.ul bond forins hetween tlhein Mîlton-area twins ereti anmd Ryan Mion. honis 8, pornny Claire'. cousins, witîh wlmom slse compte% insa pany race CIatre' brother is pIaýed lsy Jefi Taylor of Toroti f. Thse films also stars aduls actors, Liesha Wagner of Canspliellv ile, as %éel as Richard Vizpatick andi Claire Ratsktn. both of Toronto Ms% Musprait. 23. says she always hart s ht sas gi9tng tir fie in thse entertainreent tndustry. Sfi ba, bren an * mc MUSPRA1I on page 4 JIRIOJGES TUE Advanced Technology Tires SF4021EURO *50 ,-~ p.".~ 'o lrnn(~ r - c. Vi ifl cv.n-ie ,,.vç, Bs' tu-a.'. 'foir.c. * SmO 0*1.05,5*550' * T n.dwB. *ns-is mN~ rna~ M/T 682 * Cainai d..4d S ~..a- Iran * ~ lr~i4riy se. cie*1 * E.e.nsr. o5 md "fl"s ~ * wnioss ran.lni mu - j mu I ALIN EN i4" Wtth ucae of 4 Crdgso 1 6 "wt h ucaeo rdetfetrs MiIItownTire ,Service Ltd. 078-6785 I~II~I ~LJLJ burga P ITURANZA . Is) 1a sens' se .se diiti *5 *RPilslsSPOOd - Iý 5 u, Aot« ., a>.l1i WÈ-Mnas.n. I 751 STEELES AVE. W.