Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 May 1994, p. 6

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*OM CoAIENT Looking Back %il ut8 191 MMait. i~sa m ~ ca'aa * Mutms Ona LwT à1 la rat M"s âÏL91 ànb Q qrmo.u I (9w)8782341 to *.A _ t Toroto Lile 821-3837 O."miba Fm OaitUO bb j Fux: 878-M93 .o. F_ Fý 1W- I Clauatid Advefluqlg $75-3300 »wo = = W£ ~ Uan Oliver Publisher ~ ~ i~d jNel Olie Gmo itsil Ma.sag<r ft Tu' Knera H s CîýaW" am ~, Uasqeemrp , 11 GAIep0ýW M01ilie' f- f taed. dir Tes Lb 'IMIl Ouf, N~as' Consider liability carefully in a leaked memo wnfttcn recently, Halton Regional Chair Peter Pomeroy lamrents the lack of liability insurance Hallon Region carTies as a shield for elected officiais who face ailega- lions of wrongdoing. Ta -an extent wve sympathize with Mr. Pomieroy, wlio lias front- ed the'financial'burden tsai lias heen his lot since formai crinu- na] chargs were laid against him a year ago. Mr. Pomneroy is out of pockel a substantial sum in order to, mount his defence against an in-deplil investigationi by a teàm of anti-comauption police officerN wlio itivested a grma deal of lime and energy. il would appear. in addiressing the marter. He ta in effec one man wsîh one wallet againsl a task fotce undcrwritten by ic public puise. The miatter is less thtan clear-cut, however. Mr. Pomceroy. il %ents, is of the opinion that Uic shield of a blanket regional lia- bility policy would provide a legal life-raft. his unkdeestanding obvieusly being tIsai once the mialter is setted, and lie is acquit- tedl, ail will lic ai peacc. However. liow would sucli a policy woelc if Uiecelected officiai in question was (lot acquited? And how would il work faialy pcnding tlic appeal process? Would appeai cos lic borne hy lihe underwritle? - A Ih %ceets that ic only really practîcal applicat ion of sucli a poli- cy would be in thie aiea of liabîlity for.dmages incurred, or allegedly incurred. due to municipal negligenŽt4.Q!i sort. While corporations as entties provide some legaF'.hielding fromn such lawsuits (and ail municîpalilies are corporations), an additional buffer sceos; practical, so as t0 stop what amount to nuisance parallel suits against mayoe% or towts couaicillors When sonseone is, for exattiple, seriously injurcd on municipal proper- ty. But that is an entirely différent malter frons taking up tlie legal gauntiet wlien a politician is aileged to have commnitted crimalnal wrongdoiag. and wlien those who level thaï accusing finger ame police officers. Granted, a clause in Uic policy dould stipsalafe that shoaald Uie accused official tic found guilty lie or slic automalically becomes hiable for ail legal costs. but liow practical is that? Convicted crimiènals facing possible jail termi;anmd fines aren't likely lo tc overly concemed with making restitution to an insUr- ance firm. Th question of legal liabilily coverage is an inlriguing one, a puzzling one and a complex one, if cniminal procedîngs arc involvcd. Halton regional counicillors have called for a repot on the arater Wlien il îs presenîed we trust this will bc explored un deplil; both in the naine of fairness to Uic accused, and because. ta the end we ame tagùcng about Uhc public puise. Tax dollars will fund these ppmumfs. Mxli question t"~ remains is wlictler that is a good. aild fair. irtvestinnt or not. Hope springs etemal It was refrcshisg to read. elsewliere in today's issue. about local prison inmates wlio ýtook up a collection for a small boy stnickcn by disease. That chauitable donation would lic notewor- thy anywliere, and îs especiaily so in a prison, Many people don't have much sympatlsy for the loI of crimià- niais. Fair enougli. But that doesn't make a warm. human gesture auiginaing wi Ihese people any less praisewoithy. Evert moti praisewortliy is Uhc effort sliown by one former itimate. also documentcd clsewlirm today, 10 ruise hinmself up fmom bcing a prison lifie' t0 a uaiverity graduat who gives niotivationai speeches. Hope springs etemal, as witnessed by filet. Poy RobaateOa won fs. tep4io@tfin efsmploflhip for Ifhe Itfo Spo naafl Club ln Agefi.1008 Ne. d.fatd Steve Koatieund John Roedhead In à Opacla 25.bfe raue. Above ame <firont Wh to riglit) MAr. Reaiheai. Mr. Aobatiofi Club pruealdert Uan fUte @W Mr. Keen. Pagres of the Past One YearAgo U lle ipendig dlevtie af due lacal Co-op store was averted tbrougb du ccxiperative efforts ai about 100 a futurs and Co-op eniplayes. Thle comumuhty coamitieu about $80,000 tbrougb due purcbase of caninon situes and termn învestuets ta bning new Ilfe ta Milton Tawn axai Country Co-ofiefltive tc. flhc general maname of dur Ca-op, Oscnr Meier, vaudthdu conipany butl bren ut finan- cia] difficulty since due euty 1980s. He explaxned due stare but hecome more of a gardes centre, Oruginally due busi- ness bougbt andI vold prortuct for fumiers frant fumtrs. t) According ta regianal police, ét te was dawn in Milton. Coipared ta due fusi four asontts ai due previans year, crime butl dropped by 20 per cent. %aid Detectave Sergeani Mike Kingstan. 'l'efts uimier $1,000, break-mns aid sbopliftng but <frcllned mn ini ficanily. Del. Sgt. Kingston attributedthdu overail crimet reductactt in a canui- nation ai things - receat convictiaons. efficient use ai police resources. public assistance, commznty invalve- ment and palice visibility. U) Miltan District Hospital's annual Hike for Healti. wbucb incladed about 500 paitcîpmnts. brougbt ta about $32,000 for lle purcbase ai a tim"itl by the Miltaon Distict Hospital Fouisiation. RuixeSn nut a 10 km route siartung au the baspital. whife ibase prefemrng ta walk departed ou four ta six km routes. Forflur Miltais cauncil- for Mary Long won a bicycle for raisutg the niat .mney ibrougit pledges. 20 Years Ago Froue the May 22, 1973 lsuer sera siace Humeur Hare in 1954- bi Miltaisad dlis- trict, leaving a cavtly traîl ai damiage in lis wake. Un100.00. Tottiale ofi fo sr outio uad aboIut $100,00d - emata n for n u io vand ax âif iatus; grwa ws keywt an etmie fou ichas o rutmtong hegis mMi gouss roat ainfals e ald sthe actelg salt i fot othsoaked aa qick. in twdetra iledut oetfloo bteasv, aashy ouicky mtetant àlou fue n muytlw hones tie the creeks. t) Mayor Anae Macthuitr did the tunel woek for the cameritate cetett<xy for die Itw libruy. Belund dmt col- nerstonu was placeli a copy ai Thse Champion. a MMt Of nint cains at a plcisir of du aid Bruce Si. Sdaool, which but siaod wfure lte ruw library teas gotng up. Regicral Chairaan Aliat Masson andI Lîbrary Board Chairnian Bob MacKay gave ilion mdesses and Rev, Murray of the Knox Church gave aflryer of deedicatian. U wemky gatiage pick.upv u vomeilimg Mil ton test- dets wauld soua bave ta accept Milton Council agteed il was a way ta, mde du cea aosf caflecand Umt4iCtlIit gaulage, Curretttly. Milton bailt Ta pick.qss pet week. Il ta noied. bowever, tdua bot Oakville andI Burlingion hall goase ta aose pick-up per ueek. Sanm municipelities ball tua pick-up& pet uceen duiig due Wo sunutus montba lad ferit bock ta oie durmg dur test of due yens 50 Years Ago t) A Re-asake Fasiuon Revew. tailler due direction af Mrs, FM. Ait=e, wu tfd as te Town Hall. lle nty attractive costumestufa watt rnoded showed dur pei- biliîy afitebs coold lu domu uith uwdi clshin. U) Sgt. I.A. Collis, of Miltous, but staloner overica, wus awnudu the i clasp 10 due Catiaia EffictncY Med. About a yenearfierlbt bail been presented with the Cadmha EMiency NM411.( U) ie inucti d the Lte Sco- Buat V m ofusaga Isabel jlamioni werc featred ai due prins lei.

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