4V0,O in goids stolen l'e emod vaie Wi iouiiy' mien dui- a -ereag bouse entry las; *oneh bas reached $40.000. and Halton Regional Police ate iulwig for the public's belli to solve i m Ai $orne tirne berween clona on1 Aprit 22 miii 11:30 am- oe Apntl 23. a hawoe on Laigiong Czeaca was broken mmo Roonu weil rail- sacked dvmugboui i houscc Jrjaaiaumn ysent (in uduLing a T«V. VCR. arricrder, sSo ad Nuntendo system). jeweliy, China figurunes and sulverware were suolen Crume Stoppers wouid tuke Io hetp get ibus property back to the owners. but unformnaiuon romn tir public ubat udentufies whcuever us oni.ble lis needed fiens If you huve uuy infomation duo teads to an arreso un Ibis or any cage Cm Yom e bc ehome for à ab rwad of ai le% lm Yom aled ont guve yeur - m your infoemation wriI beutWated w.th complete uoyayý crote Ston dmont mauscrible Io cai CÇall 1-800-668-5151 or 825- liPS lTbn'u 825-8477). Crune Stoppera of HlMo us aper- &Red byu à board of digroctors mne uap of ta civihlun fm aul @mm of Halion Retion, The rewégrd fend redl im rm de lnaîcwiaisppon of buîsiness. unduu.mry. serices clubs and Invsi cau» The baud of direcion gains die unoney. deeuuks o the moulant of rewards, and acquatty pays i~ rewwui Crmei Siouupeen us uie -one In a chanti ogazaS therefore ait donations go the rewd bond me tus detncuble. 'S AUTO REPAII 'Space Cadet Juie Boyd, en Oti.Maif phs alc e tableuh waa the tirat Canadien oducaoe to attegnd *Pmc camp et th. U.S. Space Acaidemy In Numtvue. Alabma, vtete grade ta and tIse. ata et Satin Shereat School as ai as Miltan District and Washop Fdeding higs actoola In a an. "ay %uiggt Io blon" Vandals on the run-thieves stili prowl H-alion Regiona Pnl,.cc nipped un - the bud the onosi akiundani crieun Mition tat monili - popeny dam- age. a poice delecuise bld a ciiiimns ginnUr i)Eirtiiîe J.acquetlui Gordon nild mcmber% i ube Miltont ommunitý (*uisuýt.iun Comnutieé Wednesda) wughi thaï poulice snled 91t ent cdo propeTm damuage repied in Aprul >%edle, Il)su a ar dm ung our job ers ' %el1 *dir seaxuin her epim hefore lhe cîîmmiiiec 1 bu tcrime stats nghu nous looku veiy favoturable oserait"- Tfr tommiulor, u, mnaie up or police and ciuien, unho meeu monthly Io aidrs, cuuur-rriutd conoem, inth ciimuiiuuu A raush of irailer tisefib (rom Miunur comp.iffsc Fý..s occurred. hisuseser, ..Jd L*iedae Cioruon Sue saisimonlair duefts hâse receni> beei, reponed ihroughut tiri reguuun. lealng police tc, helsese the> tutu bue LonueiMe Local potice ptan go teamn up usuith officer front agir aftecued ancas 'Io foetu %Mtr sort of a plan" (0 appme hurnd tiho respoinsabsle Car break-uns are aisui rampant. 1eteclise G;ordon i d She waroed moinrîsqs io keep vâJu.ubtes inth le uruuk, îrf diueu setuu le. oi of sus the ( ommunui: Consulaioi Comnce tireets mniby. uisually i tiseMition i t:ui Hiosptal classiomu il 7 p in fi ni mteeting unîtl be lueklluesds.une 14 MARTIN STREET RECONSTRUCTION fromn SITELES AVENUE Io CHISHOLM D)RIVE * 1% THI. T(W.% <Il" MI.TO% %las I. 1994 mcn.nsî,r ..tr.it (hi innc I,1 C41Er tr i lw- t hs., 4niit Lw ..n _- 54..i hnts, .i.rrJ .45 ~ ~ ~ 11 È.. ýs. nJntn 40u s, n. AIh -It. oks. . -lt -Ir .J, -14tft.g. 4* so îirt. Iti 4<k.«., .. ', - t. n.s1- ns 4 1*w". .l , 1 .,, . .iJ l" n ..inw ji .., n t. 'nt il sn5Wê55 -JÛ 15< i.i * Ib.I -< ..ifl s5fl t-ii u 1-.. .9 Mh.d lsl 5 lo4. Pa NI.. ., Mp 1- -d..J. 0_à -1 .M i . . w d4,r-n~. Ii. . 'à., 5i.,o ù .. p i im I 1 4e F.ua ut.. - i Hffliay Pick-up Uchedul. VlctSbl Dey PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED OMiia Plan Amndment' TAKE .NOTICE THAT the Council of The Coq*aoao of the Town of Milton will hold a Public Meeting on Monday, lune 20, 1994 ai 7:30 pjv. ai the Town Hall, Victoria Park Square, Io consider a proposed Officiai Plan Amcindmient under Section 17 of The Planning Act, R.S.& '1990. as amcended. -The proposed Officiai Plan Amrendinenit would prohibaithei creation o! new lots hy rural estate residential development ecept un hamrlets or rural clusier.. A NY PERg"ON M AY attend the Pu bL Meeting andlor make wrltteçp or verbal represcnmsiion either in support of q'4n opposition to the proposed Officiai Plan Arnendrunrt AI)DITI(INAL INFORMATIO$ relating to the proposed Officiai P4in amgend- meint. is aailible foir inspc:ct5i betwcen 8.30 arn. and 4:30 p.n., Monday (o fnda. in the Planning l)epaiucnt at the Tosn Hall, Victoria Park Square l)AELI) AT THE, TOWN OF- MItTON thusý 181thdav of May. 1994. Wm. Roberts, Town Clerk The Corportion of Uie Town of Milton Victqna Park Square, P O Box 1005 Milton. Ontarno. L9T 4B6 ý-£Àu.r£UL WfUIT