MW! 0141F .1005,- Eu. $800-500seky ? mud FI -êc Hiring memxwo,. F. graid Sn. Crie 1-504-641 7"7, et PA TIME POSITON Studaxt .cuad fa wor* 2 seenitg p. we à wsesx ln Luuber Vwd. Otie mncude IetvMi cu*rners, yard mailsulone end dean-up, Appica muet ha"e curffii v&l druvers licame. and have soma buildn mtrialei IrnosIe<lp 1 Appt p peon on THURSOIIIAY, MAY 19 FRIOA' MAY 20 ONLY go à P.M. to: HOME HARDWARE, 311 BIElLES AVENUE, L---MILTON ALASKA JOUI8 Eam up fo MODO0 i ble mont*&i..iahing salmon Alto construction. Canei cd fids plus more! Fgr imneidabé reepons., bd I-80"4-4513. âM K204, 24 tirs % DIE MAKER SUPER VISOR Hands on suportosawith: 20 Yeats Automotite Die Building experfence. Must have the ability t9 manage in a fast pace job *op environmenl Repty in confidence to: Box #2007 c/o Canadian Champion I( 191 Main Street, Milton [ Onitarlo L9T 4N9 ROMAC INO. ln Milton requires: *CNC Horizontal Borîng Mill Cpeao C NO Vertical Machînîng Cen rG Operator Oniy those wilh a matimumno (15,t years pro- grammirug and opeîaling enpeîîenice nae Ipply. (905) 876-4739 1 MOH4AWK INN *Reqwresfkst yesr chefs apprentlcei, full training progrexi Avait. Iiimediaîey. Apply ln person t0 Mohawkt Inn, Gueipt L#ne401 CampbRvU 160 Office HOI DRAINE- OFFICE OVEFIDAD PANT.TIME POSITIONS CusTrOMEN SERVICE *fAlxn ares n *Weelss & everrangs (20-30 bcums par exil) *Gxod nerpersonal / bIbphit siffs. *Knxeledgn og compulers AS400 an atun *Cutotiier service 9jpextence emxitIuîl cuit: Chue yne WIIaeIIIIIY 70? Dorval Drive Selle 312 OdMsIM, Ontarioei (egs) 845-63 0r" Suun. E"»o,.i CEAi Coulitty Club lItigepar séien ue (X.1 1,111ng. AIC sud A/P. Wxrderfect e> 1ilss. Col Merim 170 Daveare BASAYSITTER AVAILABLE in your houme anp hours, any age, Cali Kris 878 3148 DAYOARE AVAILABLE in warm lovîng environxient. Non-tuiolier à n pets References avW"bl Cal Marg 878-4010 HOME DAYCARE AVAILABLE - Warni, happy, non-crowded envîronment Cali Laxner 876- 4876 IMM Ce 31B-32B~~ lame. mesaqe. bedrooni a&MWl xi l O6àJ FULtV EXPIERIENCIE0 Cleaj Lady. Exîcel- TlDES. ed. lan sole), uM8je mutid *m. $ lent relerices. Coli Jorai. II75-47O N 5e bu FURqNMÉID ROOM lier x.avaib" nox. The Hall10W Ro mri alh l *>l1 Gorod or n .lor 878-7635. 210 plrsOI11111 oad usIII recelve tendters for @RIVER 4 C FOEN? - in flttnt in Milio . o ASUUEDMW damd? For Idp cfl 811111-5. a ~ u~6to aDCM RCraSlnBrio . kedieu *0 par week. 876-3610 24-hour crs. leim for abuait ponu. Hado albiad Aln ta . -MAI F UIM D RON011111r fore mxl h f ndge. Womexs Plac e an remsrgency sfhaker avail- Tenders ctoue loi ltene areac on 1idis- cantal working mai priglded. 878-225 ahi lor abaud iolnn d Ilho. cddu in giot day. June 2, 1 if ai3:00 Pm. bxRs.o A cl s. ontintlDetalied fender listeso anhd 310 V u o ors&Pro. ARE YOIJ SEING alfeclsrd by ae.eared paitlîrolaîs may lie obtaîned at lte - - - r,,,,iui,,. Çdlvxîîxx GilIm q£0 A1IiAR1A VACATION 45 dardais N.E ensIOng7 AI - Ari F.anily WOU uue m eu t e ...... . Monuy niglt 8p.m. aiSi Pau's Unlad Clitadi. Cumîberlandi Ave., Btiilifiilni. onrex n bok domr (parking IsI-.elitrauso) 1-80ff891 I 7WXP,2orbSpr.allitig fflI0534 2301) 4862. The tows or any teîde lt Wilkices a m RINICINO eualn yeu prdleeus? Ai- sarlfy te accepled. ceobic An«onm mme Tueedey nighta aI M c.~ U yus G Anglicant Church, Maxn Suout as s.3 p.. mr.l -r Mri kapi glltn5 d.tIjl PREoeI AND t I&ED A FRIENO? Freo.-Ing- nenc test enud coilfîdeuiîial service, Cati ___________________ 8ITIAIMT07-145285 For Rmnt h u or as 800I&UONIII.Lux"ur1 SeÔxoe Condo. lie, RIMS For Bile- Direciinals, 16- dia. n 7', Remity t Alumianuni. Negro cleaning. Aalxng $125 for an 3 BEDROON SEUl, on quiet bourg, iew Sam tor niuin ap.CaI1 Janetlit 876-4283. Shierrati School. Avalilbe July 1IIg1.00psr monlh. 78f-111174 230 Vehieles for locaion Lag SSDfdvryos de5ppla sprng, yard, 876-1530. 187 0000E CHAIIIIIIER iso door halct beeKt WGI4T FOuR DEDRODU dettaxhed home. on at, power stersring à biais 212 litre. four quiet court baclong on b a park, Central air. cylinder enigine Rosi tree, very agianC ued ~ tano e. balvocmÈ aladetird g 878-M62 an,.shîo qMIFxixh &7-48 1908 NISSAN MICRA. 2 dom. automatec. Iow MILLSIDE TOWERS1 lim AMIFM spoffers $2.000 oeinified 51- 82 UILL*IE DRIVE. UJIILON 853-0664 _ Avaimable July il. LWe 1 à2.Bol" on bus . route, uifites (excepl phono & t PgutunP m xicluded No Pe..labewrno reqxard b ' R D1 9ffl76-124 1 MILTON T0,HUE-3 Th eli bedroois, .2 htali finished baiement, garageITNTON UE.9 ThDa.3 WILL BUY CARS £150 $990monith First & last References. Cal 876 T etc STEELIESAVE. 0071b A FAMILY BUSINESS NICELY DECORATED, 3 bredroorn homo ti WITH FAMILY VALUES mlltow* Counrs-kutcheut cih wîkoul Io badu yard. Handy garage and tiîl btraient No doge WE -BUVY SELL -LEASE prisae. $895 519 853 4876. 863-504 o LARGEST SELECTIO!N 0F USED T14REE 13EDROOMU TOWNNOfJE very diean, 8 VEHIÇLES IN Mf-rLON fidge à agave, 1 1/2 betbrooxs, two parking li £ 875-2V)7 spots Jufy lat. $920.00, utilibes extra, gars E - baS,. 81761-0046. b 2W0 ADaftmnts For Rent CAMPBELLVILLE, faalable June lt Spacuoi Ma ilpimale ons be<rom apariment. etikoul tu dckl. Make Ut ood slone. luo appliances, $750 Including RICH RBS N uiies Jean Snowdon. Ruinax tlowesv.è 70- mire, ~LARGE 3 Bedroouu Apaexext, neeft painied. CniV OLDS GEv $900 included Sat A hydro Aiso 2 beduoxi »0,utlbses includied Anailled July i 878 For our 6050 or M9591-0634. Next Car Or 2M5 ShS!,. Accoftnoatlon Truck Puchase IAVAILABLE JUNE 1 $29ioth pwss4lAIe HUGE sunny coune r4pry aa ut Stargs ai S100/weekimeludes ubhtxee878-1134 25 Bsies CUSilS urJiUtiesIU DICIK0E O!!E ICE CREAU, enterng our 351gh suc' cesslil molJe nenâitg sealton. nous has an exr clluxuve distribulorship available in Milin %Dixu products are ltighty preferred.and nalîonflly recognized, For information on a lucrative selatioail business; opporturniiy promnslng ex ceptional relurns on a smali investmsilt cail Tyrorus fli ai 905-513 9650. HAIRSTYLISTS Salon mi prestigiotrs protes- suonal building Downiown Georgetown $585 montl indudles equipmuni. hein, lydro 905- 877-7177 NOW YOU CAN FAX VOURI CLASSIFIED ADS Tro us! 878m4943 P <rborough -Cosy, 2 bedroo i" 8 r iode. lteeping cotéefhpood glahi. leotpnel%. rln iskdrom $10iolio n- seeaut 3 weely, 1I 315 Cofimercial & IndusL siOn. 'E i ' e Iplus SOIMmonthi t Ias. Phione 905- '200 ackfol Umm . ý IIASMIASLE IOMIUIAL IAdtTS for reni .050 bo 3,200~ i Souaai Services on use.. 75-1200 or I-W06275-4834 r,- GEORGETOWN Commerclalflndustrlal Spae» teatwree 1%85 sq Il rear, ovexlled door. air' conditiongld off icisiOexom signage Buggy, DUSY PLAZA LOCATIO CALL <905> 723-8302 MALL PRIVAI! OFFICE beeuufuy appointied 11h secreWianavxe0cee H", 25 à 401 lit 200 or i 905-275-6f834 25 Real Estale ATURE TREED LOT, 3edombrick xngalow, finrshoid trac roorn, i, dodRm /2 baths, near scIlools andd doinloxin 171,90 90-876-124 WEE. SEDIIOOM TOWIN$4OLSE Cadiedral dqgs.on"i'a air, enid tund Atfuxg $133 900 '0 voeu eall 905-M8-104 allier fipm OWNI4OUSE FOR SALE. Love/y lhrxv edroom in a smai Mdilon coniplex Freshly eccrated lhroughoul Extin lulelen. combina- xn Irvtig à duxmng roon it sil um Io puvte îar yard, fimsiied rec rxxi. privais garage, use t pool aid recreabon, und $127.000. Cal (906) 730301 xxi 247. weekdlays 01 (905) 878 9681 verrings or weeksutde Wo an app<xntment :XECUTIVE HOME, tour bsdrxomr. tour adiroomf. air. à finstied baisement $239,900 78-0666 "Milton Cricket iZàm Logiesrto Palermo" Cet the score on this ancli miner headlînes as they refleci Milton historv in Moménts in History a new tiook on old Milton, kv lim Di ;s Avaîlable mn torres niiw or nrn tihe author - j daeo.rd1994 Grads Ir --------------7 Ad t0 appeaer in CLASSIFIMM SECTION Hlgh SchooVC9emunity Total Coet *30.00 + GST prepard Ta Tplace a GRADUATION- ANNOUNCEMENT Bring or aend Photo & Wordlnig ta L --------- ---------------- SUSAN McNIVEN Roblari & Elizabeth are happy to announce the graduation of their daUghter Susan from% E. C. Dru;je Hýigh SchooL Susan wiillb attending oliege. 14 Godd Lawkfrom yen, feamily.