b DATELINE ÊO"mom dm ~hsoe~m .cd 85&2375 111bu PUs. H.ffl Go roup MM l se ucaire Fbmuy m ?»M Sma ont. Ar rus lufta. Ca P m»S.06 *1~10113 o Smn Dma &Rd bmAs 60 b8 ai.. lutorosin M kihaIm 5-7:30OPlle - ad daaa an e (7- 720P.u a anm r§t lice P"W rite dau h.l C0"' . e uvy W.-MO qsudm * Dbadcl ma n-H I1 bus HaNi. lba @an quà0fh1c lb dam Mlbmaie o.dohHoe jlc eb*u. "~wTMu tla.P meslaomin .11kr ail dib WUiý~dutm boa .q-whh daip me :30uma ?pi& lichai oe $7350 for mâlait iui ourle Sa làa .u"d Cdl SSU2l24 fcrnursiad W. lin àos riie dISoI boura nu4 m aS powm dahidou of hupa. lhe even Mb place tu lbr Milon hnd of rir Cumân ~CM« Sockaey 751 Main lit IEL To PaghI, &adSbmm nS?8-1876. SpacelilWu& - lur Wa. et BaIS Acli. wonurn Saupot Os.. of I6Ito «In Hope"iaMa eaêeocmeSucer or Tbrd Lido) ia Cakvie id 7:15 p.. WIIAM l a hs.at lobby proup W"i darim .111 W4al îgavaciml u4 akxd.i éoa impov duw l am of wcaa. For mmt Infatu- dm.coow hua639-0689. lhé Victoia (Ider Mf Nurse- bil a bât cmt clai ai Milton Comey und Inforatidon Ser- vicen tha lb0iniau centre floas 9 ai.o otreOILMmCcorisI$15. For Flldmy M"y 6-7 fl% Milton mayen lbcau Group prets si" ai lbe Sc Claire Mutule Temple on Hilhway 25, muii of DndY Romd Tickets, mvail- séhie a lbe Paper Factoy o Mmi Se uct ai cou $I. For inkfolif don, cati 875-0629. UmISdmy M"y 7 A Mah.11% Dey Vktodam Tu . pxemd by the Miléon Dizcic IliIIAulliay ut "Sema. imp n Milton. lb. event in, cldda enstmiJamanad il. musmic .lb .w .ing 1 I ad 3 p.. DelaccSu (878-0050 or theb hqi- W if siroup (878-2383). For mor lamici. cal846 ofM H&Mi AV"o D.umk Ddvlq (MADD> a Sçoddge Imm e tMe famy-oemad euemtar1ud mg à manIn CMn fihiagy, PM *uON and sales am ago ides, pomy rids mai a Nbbc luch Admisuion Ia bu.. Cidilb sal SCIPI iLm bra et 87sffl for mmWUnuimc Sa. Pedl' Uniéod Omurc. bouts a §uls si I p... dMur luchacmu $4. Wb"c ludwdu a MaiyMm9 sihI1Ilae. l day ba..- maNM*111 c i lik 2107 W ma** llew hm il ~amurs me lb dâwo Pm 19) US.509 *Cre- n6.30p.iaaeush, Chaisomisa pue"$a. danIa -d -u spplie. For W-,,t dm c@dLm Lm ai 784M! Mrndq lit"9.14 mdnion hom lbe IPM lu, 11111 FUÉ*Ilulle eVem laCrdta u. dm 1,10 eussiez. Bnép by , auch. SL Pod' Chch Sd Hk* Fomi Ha -oteuummmad Y"94ui. Fesival schebrier cm be obtàmnd dvoughc.tthe wee* nt fes- tlIocations. or by callasg Sain Cuuu ut 878-9476. Mmli Millio Law@. nowik Club( holds isping meetng ai7 pur. New bpwlent 7 welconuc. riteâ MatriumMl to Co rslt inmdlmll C.hEi.nnin ut,40 Ontalo Stas 7 p.. Meenings ne opera ta lb public éo hou tbit concerto Md « u ow to inprve Mil- uon'i policla& For mom infoo.n don, cali Colin Bem or878- 3623. D«mvyed Famii of Ontario - HMhooe>ee haod Yaaily supmort N&W me Eria Huila Lodgc. 2132 Dueda Sit. in Hioimgai g 7:30 p.m. MWe event focum4u an beave- mnmi in the woebplle. Exode cont. Cmli (905) 507-2200.A Sepuusd' Dtvored"e Lonelyp m ila «Samruda.hgin.ForH O mm informaion or te regiséer. Cali Serargd Anonymous or331-9879. Itrs time to sa Mur Ciials Red Crois SOociyMohs aa halda miunlcad boue maru ohw' vc dama laflirmation aadmg front 7 ta 8 P.m. ai lb Hmlon Leiaur COMer on Main Strei Eut For JPhtidpo. aa u b. hcallhy adi sorti becuieen 17 sud 59 ycrs. iSmimmiy lily 14 is secon d am M eu ot 50 Market Dr. aiuf(mm7:30&m. to 1pm. Otald 8 0497 il 280 Aima Dr. (lbe Broobile Et- 878 taoc)> Donuhed item nny b. lIai ESH WAY T0 SAY SMOrHERS DÀY yv "I love you. Momn with a frejihly baked eke from your neighbourhooÀ Tîm Hortons. if /lWisu. .,575 Ontario S. 878-8397 ;!Z!XIY!YYY!XZIZZ ~Z!ZyYriZXi1!IryXzxzxx!Uy!zzrz!c!yzuru~rcxzrrrrzz!zx!zxrxzIxxrxzz, E >neht E E t E ~.m IATAI'L!DTh Afl a- 4'. I 'T (uMm,Î5 :~~:thm=1~z: I *Vh RUs. RI.uc IhchaWM. - ~ lb îm~In.is.e o teidali.. bas b Gimi Ornais Puahi. lbenhu 7p.u. J (J.~ k1 Il