RSOI Ai office Torontto L% 878-7M7 825.4485 SPRING77ME IN THE couNTRY7 Plus oe- mr fi hll ý1 8 eý-f g thscountry home located on 5 beautiful acres ,juat notn of campbellville, thia spacids lamily home features 4 large bedrooms, oversized lIerlu roim wilh fireplace, large saparate dining roomn and main floor don - excellent 22' x 32' bam with full tlli & hydro. PnceSd to sai t a$289,900. More information Cai Sharon. Ce . Mlltowrne Realty Corp SoId more homes since 1983 22 Ontario St South 878-7777 KATRINA Gary #WALTON * Tho mas se"n Rprsuteu Broker/Owner oic 87-77 878-7777 R.. *~8IUITor LUne 825-4485 >1 'w~ une:Lti 815-4485 as. 875-3700 VILAOE PARC L e " ml bdrBassut il d ta».- I V *en doelb ý'. BEAUTIFUL UT78 Calod"Y Ranch B-9g 10 ,Surroundedi b 10,1,11 estate ho ei~trs n-law suite Sft89~ and new ingroun~ pool. $349,000. PIàs~V Asip s DASUDRE OCOMEiTRUEI BUILO YOIJR Offu ~~ OrsadrOua SOfre.. 5000 IN BROOK VILLE Mt77fi &%4-M5 ty maahsarîd -», et5p ESTATES, MOOEL OFFICE PES.. op tub, sacIo3d yard bakOt aK agorood HOME OPEN Tor. Un.: 825-448 a mtos HOUSE. RICHARD H19RMAN ,Pnco878-7777 Torrro 825-4488 floo-onc 878-4ffS MILLION DOLLAR YI111EW veiy fine bungalow situated on goï- geous 64 8&Pe$. Situated just west 0f Milton. Gbrgeous escarpment view. 3625,000. Cali Gary Thomas........578-7777 INVSTM~1TPOTNTAL Charadter bnick-home Iocaled close Io r- il ail. Three bedrooms with potential for business orbffices. To view cati: WONIT LAST LONG Cali Gauy Thoumas.t .. 235,000 Terrlic 3 b.droom link home with upgraded broadloom, flrepl ce, central air and central va. -A ltgreatdeal aijust $161900 CRO41EO WITH CLAMS Custon bujit English.Tudor'style. NiSs p50140 awwtaml or o Featijres extensive landscapîng, sitos .îîpe"si iw syagt Stone flos bre .ýê. cfdar dock wi1h hot tub. Set fan gor eostownl. ontirsgoss geous 2:86 acre lot in Campbell- Gl.rrThorr.. e vile.$455000. Cali Gary Thomas ......878-7M7 -M-L 1 DU&%ESS FOR SALE Excellent ai down ct@ in busy touist village Oýpçpdiorrty gale, lois 0f lifsi Close eoî.Prunîe & LLAOE MTING ~l~smso j... NOW$83,000 Lovpel 1 bedr:oyomen ibje ànr OWLaroe lot and esilcv e rtdAn THIS 19 A MUOT SEEI SParkrrrg and lotalIy radons top 1o COUJNTRY bqtorrr WI cmmns5 0k trctan, AT IT5 BEST! fetdmood 1100t. ami rn-b "P-1 a S. 5oClos.* 10 Bramrpton and s> .0,00.Ast f. 911,1retMw Msssauge Super mature lot 50co.for ornrSi 230.9oe A*Ong $230,000 *REIMAX FOR SALE * REOIMAX SOLO. MOE .&1ILJOUR ~r. -, 878-'77 oe ~ HOM E 876-457 ' P m *r r b o V it r a MO I c n.k ftm t t o o o g bsdroisn, hoi ecrscy gis too.ncà5 sinistte oflà i . y0. n a F-kW kW.&0 5b don -05 b0.. - à. 1.,U prsAos e p ako. dos. d4 fl1 u- pslo a ZIs or o a w *.e lh~pÈr.huoai abco IDAV OiTlainsutaee~oeorw~, three bedrooms. $163,.500. -7777 Cai Gary Thomas.......871 -9 sf rCosla. thrl ionsdp honme lagtrsa * isog counttp kdoh.o. tsrnly .00n sikh atone lire. I 01.0, fin, batti sor an.t beaotîlly fond. scti 50fr 1-1ga dact off kféchbso ar0 nrls bgkfflwg troro Pst., Aaliog $278.900 112111111118 IJ &Mk*er MS. JW4lojir tsrtyIartorssr osa roatî aii Rooghy 'o etq ilTotal ceso rn sesliarrt locafow 0f ,ulon orfil JP Io, mots dsrsl. rar~ p Ono a~a PE1AU~ 0lgOu045o 50 ii55. zz7 TLMa 540 :e 5500aopnir. RE" TY pond, 3 suivi orn and r. 0.0 ,ng - ~ 137,901) cm Fp fe rai o5 d a.nd a-o..%p oc * DON'TBLMC Or goNil mms ti grsst ardnthoués im a ,nit becking ont. open, iend. ýEstr bf,lofan roodisied 551r& taafirip Oac 01101J bd arn da nirg on, plus. à lkpierd5 .Jsl imot & finpho IL&A FORctjm Dm- MSOL 155 MARY STRABaT OPPOATITY KNOCK5 Restaurat, gallery. pttaahlonal offices - Th.p eboîce r. yourO. ÇoronscM! 00.trrr sa