Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Apr 1994, p. 23

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QATELUVE Wedmoiday Ap. X0 ficilhor isfo *s or maipqpli- oin due MoiID lbuim n ' me . --o mem4 tarteo meetiil ovry Wemhisday chan N f "" n..Frlie at 7:30 ar. iitOpo e I9oursek5i5 dotais. tael, 87-4z3 M1302 cor aid prcssiiqe sils, md 0"l 876-3713. Ct-fdte aIdS9OIIC S Si. PW's UiteId Chiodi 123 tîive.po"itive enveraouuueu Metings Ni" 'St L, boi à dM abois Cem"r A $4 féec roYal breakfast clouliing, puzzles Mda whlt* eIllu raid room rentai. Pailcapants of ail tale frte go ta Milton District alles are welcomuu For maore unor- Hosputal. mâti00. contact Kay Wyime ai 876- Ib NU«Hb" oél 3009 or Dogue Get as 854-9989. 'ti. p a e otSuai flue Miltons LsLeche Le"-us -el- ple W neig iHg conts womn iscreteil mi Poster Hall a 7:30 p.m. Ligue breatfeedlmg lm dm »d rersansa era vs cu suppori to attend its meeting ai ecm Grâce Anglican Osuircb. 317 Main Si. E., 9 î l To sic us. Frlduj'Apr. 22 f1tlight. on eazs. Frmr Nassagaweya Tennis Club information. raIl 878-4803 or 878- (Guelph Lune and No. 5 Suderomd) 6387. liaitu drap- la temah pua e"m Ladies ame inviéeil ta attend a Friday ai 9:30 &ui EvYeyl is weI- lObboled olline hou ai AI-cou.Frftleinrain.al lendale asudiorium front 9:30 t011 coteFr wte 0frmtin71l sun. lTbe specual teature, us85071 "Decorasang wutb Conafudencre" by * Suttwdy Apr. 23 Brenu Hacket. flic event a11111 un- Stý Joh An*ummofr a rc clades guest speaker Eduel Lee mnd day CeriUlule Dy.hUi.g Camm an intetrlude of umisical seleruioms ih"nuh oCa o n Admnission is free aid bobysitting us provitird Tbuiaday Apr. 21 flue Vuciortas Orler of Nantes halds a footrare tutell si Milton District HospuUd on Denry Rond lirot6 o 8pro Thue cosu us $15. For Speaker says environment is good news for busines ft DERIK COOMPE S<zaa Io lT# almaptoe Hilon mnd adjacent repions coutl h. due major beneficusoies of Catada's fii international environ- montaI business initiatives. du preuident of McMasser Uiversity -adae business poopie rerenly. Dr. Goraditu Kemuey-Walluze Saud tpe Io solving so mny of due envirounnsental problenis facial; Snciety was lte application of stuc- ces"fu local solstionss in partnership ojuli gov ern nt. .'Wc have un take s Iong-icrsnt sica. We bave ta 6«rk un planner- sitip, sItue the rs.s shate u s aid get ta the solutions fauter."* Sald Dr. Kcuaiey-Wallaee. flhe 111gb interntionsal stakcs and '*uhe complexity of due subject means that yasu can't go il amuie," uhe told due Mayor's Business Breakfast audience in Galiville. Do. lenney-Wallace &aid good ethîcs obvtously usaie good buisi- ness tse.e butihe u y is un sec tebsi cari be Iearssed from bistory and combine lihai ani cosnvsuity îs- suss iben build an interlocking ,relatiounbip. A strouig bond uitosld leal to bath job anti weait creatuosi. she sdded. "Wc know otlur cmsitines ire scckisg ta do Il, purtcuiLisy thei Asti- Pacific couatries." iaid be. Kennoy-Wallace. As wcl. Illicie bus been "an irreversible sit from beung snlely dedpton resources by umdustiy unio mimfùd-drivai econouy. "Evoryone bas a stake un due i- venoimi," ite mined. Dr. Kenney-Wallâce Said botit local "d natd"a enviromenta ex- perts would h. brdnstornung on relevant topics durlig Envlrommn- tal Excellence Weok in Hamtilton (May 2-6). 511e bogred il would lemil [0 a nationtal ceulng s ehi envions- nuemial luns. Illnts uo . m Md oider chiia. Participant km. wu 1 sait paren, bo e, D ve finit ad ad Who Io di e m .~ For mm imainte ad rooMm, n d M784330. Glace Anglican Cbudu.4 317 MM St, E., bolide a ruup and balis Uk len ime 8. &M samm. Mu Ontario Geam4raln Society. Haltou-Peel bs-îch. preaeua Illslles V C -l1 l ai Maple Grave Unitaed Cbmh in Oàdovll. Thbe keyanse %pedmo is Pui mm~ of chic Britihre soction ai the Family Hisiory bwy un Salt Lake City For flnc. Information. cou- tu Marpai Wulliw ad (905)844- 91% or A Fitmer se(90>793-6273. Debo.*s Hom. a bome fer pbysécaby ctualenUpd "th, bulà damer mi m SIia Gioysno Golf Club. For tickets or ID domi asactim ami u end c Lmàd or Nancy ai 878-7338 or Feui ai 978-3736. Waulewise, 36 Arsbntsi Ave.. in Georgqmun orllebrate laid Del wli activities frount no to 3 pasit Actuvuse mcludi caI Smoing [or kidi picotc lunchs (briag your own Iuitesl ew) MMi mdnurammnueu 1' 't' '4f Enmkmoeuow C01111111111111011 App.d capplit sur 50«rd reonoo m FILE: 00393.Pl NOTICE 0F PRE4ÎWAMIG CONFERENCE IN THE1 MATME OF iions 137, 140 uid 144 of the Kmlrmm.wI Preecalm Act, ms uncntded. -are- IN TuE MArltE OF an applicationt by L- Cammeitu & Soma Ltd., lugem. Cumulus end Shirley Aune CumW». dated Febossa 18, 1994, f0< a bcoeisg beforethe Envsrnxmnwua Appami Sced with respect tp die order of due Divector. Cen tr jon Mimitry of Eavàmues aid Eney. The Diredous order prohibuas dm depoaj of any fither seaue, includig any meite fliom coastiction 4Mi deunoliin sites, on the puaperty decaibcd as due southemsi half of the soutluwest hâaif of Loi 2. un the Reguonal Municipâlily of Haitoul aid requures a geiphysicl surey. ecavssatio of uiy aveus wbere tic gcnçilysical suuvey indi- mce due presence of signiricauî amounts of meta and due rmmvai of mâch meital. a prain to charrctice hec quali- ty of due surface and subsurface soils, and a bydropologi- cal smiady ofth dp'aperty. A pre-hmung cousferonce wuiH be held oui April 29, 1994 ai 9:30 &.m. in due Couinai Charnhers, Victori Park Squar, Town of Milton. flue purposo of its po-lueuug conférenice us uni a) idouitfy paries; b) dofelai ornulae &*isimpfy isus;s c) clafy. aumpify or liunt mi applucation. intervontion or reply. di docals due poodureo b h adoptai in tits proceedinu, e) discl evid nceduug i) udenifying dacomnnu due portes iusiend uo roly pus. hi excbaig or us-glng for the esebasuge of docmneras éactaitParties ii ideoifyissg witues due naure of dthei evidosuce. rad dhur order of prcimaton: iv> considoeing du advuutsge and chdissvsnsc ofl flung wutnessi Mtteuos .Md iserrogmorurs and establiuiting a prooetiro for duair mSvce mid filing if neodid. ) m het due ated place fer commoisceniýnt of die rang; g) msinute due lnglt of due heingu; b) decide any oduer minour duwa nuy aid indue Simplification or tomot jusl disposition of due procoodung. i> considedheposibliy of tenmt of anyor allofdthe istes induhe procoedung au>, j> for any odur postpose dittheb Board docuis qpopriasi Any z~o howants to participat ai the bcag ofl " appeal shoul4. attend si pre-bcaring cooference to sdvisc due Board of fj.Çe y-wInOfesh. Ian bt Io anlatn upr-ehn ofrne pleas If you requuue due assistasice of an unterpreter. or any-a«her assis- tance, or the pre-bearing cosiference to bc conduucicd in the French languagle, plemie advise due Board Secreiay as sionl mi you veceuve ibis notice, aid due Boardi uill tr to accoinodate yaurnoed.L If you do no( resposid to tbis notice or indicate ta due Board Seceary thast you wish t0 participi.e in thei hfri the Envirounbemda Appeai Board my procood in yousr almenad yonu m oit bc custuded to my fiusiie notie un uroedn. DA11> et TORON4TO, tbis 111hII day of Arf. 11l. Saion E Data B oar oema Win # 1 Ni.wspic and flyu.r ineert retivmr ti t)nruno horîseholds with BIlue Box servi.e r, an nmredibic 75%, ecet-ding the tcderai anrd proîvnia iiter ret'dm ta r sr er or the ri ear Win #2 -Tho, newp,ipr - 250,(X'C ronnc- thi - didn't end tipu n imnii, r hev vurr reu',i.led mit, nmore niem-iunirt Wiri *3 -BV ats Ill [lie madtl li umd uuliml the old nsu.pr io bc reisuli i.r I.ur' keup %,,niiilig Rccî,Iu %mir rilu,uptj'um on L.mrri Pav and Io upl d2

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