Voiunteering. VOWk 18tvAir 2 A Great Wiy to Grow 'Meals' gives compani*onship and hot meal for senior DY JAARY COOK their homes for as long as possible la t trnfin at horne. When Milton Meais on Wbeels ouas nose amy prolens or changpesj Spe.kguI Theb Championi a growîng pioeily Il is a mesi delivcry service for began 20 years aIgo, il delivered in te client, go their (a"lins con lhe Meals on Wheelsoremains one of people unable to tend to tir own meas Io Leuthan 10Oclients twice a notified ifiheeshellpobe llelping eldcrly people remtamn the bulwarks of its effort by autritional needs. week. Now, with lte help of more belote l becomes senlous nihe self-sutttcient and independent in providing services enablîng seniors Htot, ntrific.s moals are available titan 30 voluitteers about 50 uais a volunes also try to have a short,- ___________________________________ five days a week. In sone maS, day are deliveeed, fiye days a week -frindy vii with cacit client, pet- frozen or chilled rmas are available al noon. Lut year Milton Meals on haps focssang on different orges each A proile ' of fe te weekenci. Wbecls delivered 9,356 meas go 93 week or as seed sine. niMe volun- Meals usually consist of ornai, clients through more thaji 35 solun- teers ane te ones gliatraitae itis pro- pommies, vegetables. bread and bul- meet f9pa total o< 2,840 volunteer gernt possible. C ana ian vol ntee s tr, cupand essrt.Ilhx meis aryOse sincere thank you ta aIl ose C anadnt vol nt er ~ e t dy I pova lients inipotance of Meals on volunteers. wito have gone oun mail Canadian volunteers cotibuled more titan one billion hours of ther tinte witl a vauieiy of foodsu Menues is aot only the neicas. but lthe kinds of weathe go deliver minals ta a year. according to a ssidy i tie laie 1980s. plap.od bte t thte speci4l of fricndly datly visitaý Thc service the elderly and dtsabled. Your *Dstrtng titat limne, more titan five million Canaliasis aged 15 yearv and mont "eson,. apdi s provides thte daily contact needed by friçndly sinuiez and attention have ovee performrd votunteer work for groups and organtcauionv actovs te needs or specîlic fond ikis art ntany people livirnf alonge m nade a big difference tn a great contry. considered.. Ise volunteers who dulîver thte ntasiy lives. - There were more volunicers in Ontario ta in any oter province, (1.9 million volunteers - 35 pe cent of lthe national total). VolunteA ng-faets *More titan itaf of ail volunteers in Canada are wonrn (55 per cent). In I lae18s,2.9 million Canadian seomeit and 2.4 million mien pe~ T he-w o n o i h- in e a ln *Natonally. 29 per cent of ail womn, aged 15 and osce. volunteered ai g least onice aeeiually durtng titat tinge. nie comparable figure for isen ns 25 Quae"tn: Witat do 13 million Caditas have ini one cf tIhe mosi commnon activities of volunteers. 0f pet cent. commoti? course, titat*s when tItey're not orgaizit acivifies. *In 1987. seven ouit of 10 Canadians perfocmed sontie type of volutecer Amuwer: Thcy acsiv'ely volunteer to itllp otiter ing a board nfmel, taaciing andi educating. coacht- woek (either fonttl or informai). Canadians. ing. counselling, providing cRe. prornotlng ideas. - Almost italf of volsntcers (48 per cent) volusicer vnîth more ltait one or. -'Quegtio: llow mucit is a volunteer's tine woti? giving information and prosecttgin&Werivironment. ganizabon. Amwer: iai's liard to say. To te country as a whole, Quesdo: Who are good sports?' - flic volunicering rate tmtially increases witit age. flous a low qf 20 pet tite tinie titey dormate is worti an estintatedl $13.2 billion Amwer: Volunteerç. More titan 1.5 ifitliàon Canadians cent for youtitv agcd 15 In 24, to a peak of 27 Md cent for 35 ta 44 ycar a year. To many Canàdians. thite tine is peiceless. volunteer in sports and cecceatios activimes. oli&%. It titen&clines wîth advancing age Io a low of 20 per cent for perons Question: What sector is bigcer titan agriculture. Quesdogg: How mnty volunteers fit itio a phione itootit' ..ged 65 years and over. forestry andi mining combined' Amwer. One. Ise otites aie iusy belpig Canadt4i î* . Tite value of volunteer woek. usîng an average servicer sector wage. was Amwer: l'li volunteer sector. If titeir uinge as con- Question: How many voluutteeia dOles il takç tu put estimiaacd to be about $13.2 billion in 1990. 'vereid t fitllinue positions, volunicces would ill1 out àafie *About one billion volunteer btours is equivalent to 617,000 fuitime jobs. 617,000 Canadian jobs. If's not only dhit number liai Amwer: Il depends on the gaze of lie lire. But don't *Cattatans volunter to bellp otisers, to forward a cause drey believe in,. are big, lbut heir iteata are tac. worry - there amc songe 94.000 voluitcer firefigiters t0 paricipate in somnetiig itcey enjoy antd to gain a feeling of acconwlish-. Questio: How maty voluiners doca it taLe Io itcîp a acrosv Canuaa nt.u sunoaitd dock? Questio: Wit dome a typical volanter look lilte? * 1wi mosi popular activities amoitg voluinuers; are fundraising or tan- AUner: More titan 161,000 Cammdians wofk in tIhe Aner: Tbiey conte It difféent gliale aigr sines vassing for funss providing information, orgaeuzing evetits. supervising area of cnvironnwental and nildife protection. So gtsa Volunteers nuy work fulltsm. pmrt tie or oe reéteil; and coocdinaong acttvitîs. dock, o marcer whane it's sirarid.d iv sure te bave » tlsey may hoe young. miiddle-aWe or seiors. lî'v dtmfcult The.te sturisis were taken fmom Giving Firely Volanîeers in Canadu. itclputg itand. ta desctibe temn exactly, bul titeres one thing tbcy ail ,,anhlv teleiased b5y Siart.srîcs Canada and ihe Secwtiary afStaie. Questioni: Whitat atracis a voluttteerl have ini coitflon - titeir aittile. Snulc back, li's Nation- __________________________________ -Auuwer: Money. Fodrsing foc a wortity cause iv ai Volunteer Week, Springers Gym Club Sincere thanks ta ait our dedicated parents who always corne through ta meet the challenge and make things happen. 878-5030 Tseâs*.f Si. Joà *dm.V.Iu 'Si. John Ambulano MILTON4 DRANaI q 74,9 « -ý 4me 44 ad "»0« 4 - 44 d«4 ew1 e"4&4 mu Md HALTON RECOVERY HOUSE 878-1120 I .1 Milton District Hospital wishes to thank ail those who volunteer their valu- able time and service for the benefît of bur patients 878-6639 i a To ail of those Who make Scountlng possible In Milton Dlstrtt fromn ail of us, Bbavers, Cubs, scouts. Venturers andI Rovers we thank you for being thore. VICTORIAN ORDER 0F NURSES HALTON BRANCH VON &oed »&W- To be avolunteespisse.cail: 821-81M0