9 Voiunteering VolunteWk A AGreatiWay to Grow APO 18 to Ap122 1New facets of i.vokintee ring are emerging By LORRAINE STREET Special to lite Champoet Lorraine Sirei is the execult e direcior of %Munteer Ontario V OLUNTEERING IS AS OLD[ asCanada iseif. and in- cludes indîvîdluais asssiing one anoiher infommally in lîfe's routine iasks. andi n tie effot to buîld a communiy (bring good neightiosrs, or informai volunteer- log. and inidividuais assitng or- ganîz.ed groups dsrough formai volantcring>, Voluniecnng includes providîng prograins and services b0 tr coin- mnsuy in the aras of education. bralih, social services. culture, recreation, sports, rnbergettcy and cnsas assistance, abuse und addic- tions. ami so on acrosis the ganul of haman servi.ces Most progam ami services tiai exist ioday were foîanded by volun- erets and maily onlo continue tO exist 1%cause of dir work of sdlun- 'Veidis in Vnlwmnteenisn li is no iinderstaiemcint to affiror that if every v(iluiner ini Canadas wîtbdrew his or ber solunt ser- vices, most public ami voluntfliY sector organztions would tic forccd io dramatically cuitail their ac- uivites, if Mo shul down aliogetier in just one year (1986187. lthe year coverd by tir National Survry of Voluniauy Activiy conducted by Siaiistics Canada), Canaian volun- trers compieied more (ban one tili- lion bours of voluntrer work. ilat number oniy includrs thie bours of formnai volunieertng - voluntcening for an organied gboup or organization. Tihe coresponding nun*er in 1992193 would tic inscti hîglier New frces Over the lasi 10 years. thr face of volunrcnerng in Canada bas ctianged dramatically flic trends ami issues ichicti affect voluntcerism are nurnerous. AIl bt gone is ie fradilional pool of volunicers -middle-class wonien wîth pre-sctiool or school- agrd ctiîldren. irbo could mo or dîd noî have to work osuside tic hiome. Tbey were available theougi tic itveekd.ays ani lai trne, money, ami transporaif. Canadi40sMýunoers ioday arc prtmarily adulis icho woa* fullI or p.itim ot uiside the borne. are 25- 55 years nId and are mamred Youiti arnd senior% are also imponiani groups of volunteers, but boiti are under-represenicd in Canada*s . ýNEW on page 1 ________________________________________ I - Girl Guides of Canada Guides du Canada Tharik you to ail Guides of Halton Division for your time and commitment to the ideals of Guiding. Keep up the good workl ROBERT (PIE) LEE, B.Sc. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Life * Dsabhfty Income a Annufties e RRIF's & Miltowne fnsurance jîâ Agency Ltd. Group Life & H-ealttt & Pension 245 COMMERCIAL ST MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 2J3 Office 878-5786 Res. 878-1150 _______________ I GET THE WORD OUT N)ATIONAL VOLUNTEER \4EEK HARVEY93 We Make You Spoiled For Charbroiled. Tryoiw 'Fring' Combo '199 420 Main St. E. Milton, Ontario 50 Market Drive Milton, Ontario Milton District + t. MeaI-on-Wheels e4sid m 878m6639 NORTH HALTON V0LUNTEERS MANY THANKS To OUR WONDERFUL VOLUNTEERS II~ Thank you FRIENDS 0F THE HALTON REGION MUSEUM for over 2,300 houri of volunteer asist ance in 1993 *NAc*IREG40N a