N The heart o'f the finatter Hal cm Region' ntedica] offitf tceaumn andi nuSS»f'Pr'ucti Y. ing, They inclaide woekag w ih local heaithi Dr. Robtert Nosal hm tel& Locally, the-ffrwas apprmximatlY goverrntents le expanti ne-smcsking a report protloting heuri heu»h id $34 tniilion. hylaws, wiening thse bealihy chincer idenqlfying seasulfs to prêenn hteut Du Nosai refets tu a report by hus restaurant programn affl promouiing &Wt Ontario couinerpart Dr. Richard <ldy physical etiercîsein elemfeneary Coronary beart disease is thse km]d- Scab who sys dme mee causes of schooia. ing cause of demis in Ontario. caim- heurt diseuse are lurgely ausociateti ing nearly 20,000 lises each year. wih Iifestyle choaces sncb as smo&- About 26 per cent of ail death s in nimadpyclatvt Halion are attrbuted to ip bianipyialasnl lite cost or treating the diseuse is Dr. Nouai ourlinein asis report sen r r massive. according In Dr. Nouai, eral inîtiaaves fils departasseni expecis about $6.5 billions annually in Lnrrm of Io implenti io prorsoe hcaliby liv-rs J.M. DENYES PARENT ASSOCIATION The JJL DEJIYES PARENT ASSOCIATIO omi ic t exprest; ilîsemtes~ew 'in bsteodemisi (oyonsIsa Se rceeet l tu GIANT GARAGE SALE hm sat. Afbn 9, le9, trom the tdir- eg peoie, coe&e ansd busnesas A CoflryIrtle AI Fred Lp As We Gir, Beruus Pari und Wea,îer Bi* Fo n ai ms Excbite Fu"m Gud Shenet Brue Frae - Veto Fwwgw 4nVdFanr G3A-me Slate Faon Isac Kahtus Rosiers Chis Tau La Pos rin lAses - Onari si w0cirn Phmsà UAIhCalas Veleokt *DMs flo cAnai Erab unr-t I IIEALTU CARE AIDE Ses¶/.fl*seo. Moy9to Sepîember3n'Im . euit $2560 per week Ipayable n seven three week bloc ks of S7680)I, plus $160 maierials tee Location Surinton Campus, 3055 New Street conteact l"5) soi- 4600 S RIa N COLLEC E Mother 9 Day Portfi THE PERFECTIGIFT wA V ýA)IIL Ç"fý( VI OFFU R A ',XH. t FOrr.AI '1A A 1E ~I MCKA6E MCWUDES: 1 -81107, 2-5"1V" l6 WALLET SIXL (2"X 1 l 19POTRIT $6-99 I E * duP 1mmI.le..bu em,"s MI PUDoUMMUef ~50 POMIUI CmI RAM MLTON MALL w ontarlo stros P1Oyw Milton mmfl as _::04 I If only#* getting out of your high-rate mortgage cost a lot less I3ertng t miof a high-rate morigage without a big penalty in't ju-st wtshful thinlîng. its 9imible titanls iii (anadaII Trust, sesiaaure we're thinking like a cusîsîmtr. If yiu're uelling yîscr humme ansd yo'osve gi a higis-rate mssrtgata tise buyer wn't want. vir can help. Fuira limitesi finte, we wilI ry isalf ti4 the muirigag earlv piavots penalty yîusir financtal institutioin charges Viiu. Jusi finance the huîntcie s bouy wtth a greut new ome lisr CanaslîiTrust mtrtgagcsutth a teri of 5ye-rst more Fot ki .iil,,ali u, idxay m 1,800.-668,8888 ,,r dsîp 's any Canada Trust hrmnch. n~ Canada Trust Thinking like a customer \ 110 111t't' M O I 1 -.I"ý' i 1111 1111 ý 11