i conibStable in lbe worid of ideas aid bas no trouble oxpressiog dicin. A roceol interviow showed.soie- thsng of it personality of the 30- Yeur votera police officer. 1I hope l'm sien as accessible. glial l'm seen as a lissenet. Songone who's noi only opens t0 ideas, bul Who aclively solicits aieas and sut- gestions. 1 beliove ungrysng go build Flaunda challeages Chiot Campbell arives on dt job tacins eonosus challenges. espe- cially lilancial ones. He acknow- lodges there will ho soni. difficuli decl'sions un gIhe 4usondis ahead, sebilo ihe fIsSion police service strives us met thse licos of thse comesniy wilh fewer dollars. lise social contracg itnplications. the econonsic pioblenis of lise OU- taui goversnmenl. hots wili have a dransaic isspaci. "Trysng go ritid ways Io tope widi al dioso ueductions is mo going us b. tasy. lr'ftoing eo challenge us go lise linsit." b. said. "Auséisy 15 gciog go make us opens up a litfle miore andi ask whai oûme ways cars wo work wigh Une consmunigy us solve consmunity crimse." Over Uhenex nm yens. Halton police will b. foroed go grim $1.6 million frogn Uneit opeisuhlg budget. currently about $38 million, b. said. "Tlsa's a vC13' signifloasi amgouis. especialy wb.n se 80 per cie is made up of wages Ibaris mn s sehol ot os e oibiflty sle. peu begin go roduce Une number of people you have." Thse chief doem'g ivl In ne a riduction in staff, pptcsslnly anlungà constables. lbe supervisooy level isa mere liky taigit of budget cutting. he said. For aom. cast savings âge consiog hmo Une enqiloye of the aervice, dwough wage rollbacks foced by Une social caneracs legisauion. "li's Une tank and file wbo're lielp- ing us nighi ow. aayig lho ik. "wo wangt %&e oveesinsi, and well niée oui unifoss lmt a .yenr longer." Oe ot Chief Caiupbell's palorides is mfinLauog Mid boostiog de con- cept ot comuiy-basid poliang - Une uooR o a cop waikiqg a reg"i but kwuog Une piople in a s&#ac cas.ity. "l'a a visy sttong bliever m ecaaasay polie- ing. I dihise bs My sa*i owi pnamy." ft's aoni.dmia diss bien lo inl lbhed mog Iga f poâclog. aid b. police are represontalive of the coin- munily. Wc'ie one of the fron-line service provids of usy govemmnene strsuctute. 50 if W. am go have ciedibilily in our society. we slsould look like Iha Society. "'Mr. Harding was a stiong sup- porstr and you can se il - HalIon Regional Police is sometlang ie 18 pet cens womsin. ibat's a long way froin e5p pet cent il should bu. bui it's protnbly highii dIsa any othes police ageney." How aggtesslvely will Haiton Regional Police try and at frouaIs and miinoritie? ..We ae ns about go hire largos gsssup osenibos who dont( oeet Un standardls we huave set for police of- liters ot Ibis province. Buti we are goîng go sgutessiveîy toy aid in- ctease lb. larget group isemnbeis who conse t0 our doIo1 increase Une numbet ot applicanis wo Une pool trons which we are ielecting is Chiet Campbell came to Jilson aher lesving the Ontario Provicial Police, wîi whomg b. built Up ai inqiressive tossurne. He rose"dly throsugb Uhn mks, achievsig Une position of dqsuly commlsiaoner of lield operations, dizectung 16 OPP districts wils 180Oofflices. HaAeow die imiqlementation tif cooimuoily policing dlroughoug the 0WP and b.ped ses up ssaaid-alonge police agenciez nt tbhe Natioss 14, 1%,16 L45~UjeUR6 lhi Rî 757: z3 Whe ft mme te QuW* Un.d Cm et Affa daW PMn MILTON CHRYSLR DODOI DMP THE ï'PLACE TO BSuvi# U 2.1 *,.Zt Sols gi ioL usZ Enormous chaenges ahead M for top cop Peter CampbelinJAKO ft foi ~nsuâ neud for ofiou to easskoe l e*.~ mi Akwe. Mmu r 'a-J C K O ag. tions lbsela.A. He's ais nmaed L4I vWUUY£6PM U05 Lt« m ellns bu M ch inQo- the asuheç n e au pasetdin Cm hseconqis 1d .leeusca .1 * Us -- b a me mm âcgy lhg d c m p os e b mII gel 9 udtus"Vm G.nvih*a so l ! -m s lb ' bi Il.h made tb.. mmn a slave te a radio Cbitf Cm@" hmve wlds wîta AT 1.OCAI. STroff U.OM iii doen' mma duiie won'( b dispac o 1 bec-1 aware ofte di. zabe n II bl lth il y i us l- u i changes s the liaso Regimda actirntes on dhe gee" b. &aW. ville. Ibesv Vnhsganued wieh thes Police Service - econooaic noces- 'il oln mWo to back aid ootsnb. Casaio Couk Society, minuer ~JJ, sîty requites; It l wW guise Ui. Re-«us hths e contact dmaspolice loque qiosta aid w11k Bergaved I II I! h bier. Chiot Campibell niées m b is M on the street baLI We've bhem Familles of Onuo. where ho wu aà mark, but the philosgoply of the new aslng peoplo whig bodWu gse m dmi of tlb. bond of dbec mrs. boss ens vey nucb as tuni. wîi "What is it dmt you want? Wluss éan Sine asussnng the mi adi. sta thse oU boss. we do go restor your quality of of luis yen, b. hm bien meeting the Juta iko finse ChefInn Iad-lite?" officias aodcivilius wbo maka Up SE ing, Cluiet Campqbell is a sinus The new chiot shates thse sange tho local police srvime snd so fitur,,<sI o beliover in comauity.based polic- view as M. Hiaiding on t conlro- b likes whau b. nss rsjfo ing, and b.'s a suppoits of baring versial issueo f emplcygesit equity. -l'm finding it veay snsîu"ng bdium~"',UU1 omt ossnan ingis mi isum b. mm. womn sud and invigoçahing. The people in the h*sl"rdi Mr. Harding Suad s way wilh mure visible mirnonty police of- liaIso Regional Police have bienAU1 4t wosjs. often booakng into lengdiy. lice.., in ocitt for police to botter exceplioally seas aid welcooing." passmonate speechses, eoqsloyiog teflect soc.ety. b. gays. Modosty is appareoily oie of due 'Y fe endâs>P phraes du ha i ties soisidol almoit chieira bati qusaliie. A"ks about i1 ~ o T 8 '- Shakespoeew. brflAt is hobbies saLiumst esu.b said. 1I ~ 55O 1 Chiot Campiseil doossi quite "l'ms a strong suporter of aggios- love to golf. buta lI l1ousy. My imatch up un eloquinc - tiw live emsqloymnn cqsity progass handicap? lfs wu bal it's no fl fur people could - but thse uew chief is and affirmative action. ip tee the pnim." lit Il /J*lit. IA /illi1 Il