Busie'sses hope for. sweet sounds of success By KAREN $111110 1h. Ch70in If you were assied if you knew anyliùtg abusif augmag. wOul't you thindifI bail mmdSNa bc do with cake dw4coaIg? Aller ail. ian't aigr uwdIo Isify a swoet tooth? "Thsinuy bea&o." aysFieoMur- phy, local practitiooer for Alex- andria Body Suguung. "But sugar- ing is aciually a way of rernoving unwanied hait on the body." Sugaring is the anfctent ant of hatit removal, whicls bus been practiaed fer centuries. Before a yeung bride wus married in aicieni unes. dmhe ai al] ber body hast removedl by the proces escept foc the hait on buerhead adl eycbeow If was belevel t lbe uncleats foc a nried wotnan to have hiait on bier body. flie wife would continue to sugar bue body fur the tes of bur tîfe, If she wus married ai flhc age of 18, t would nfirmally have o hiait lefi to take off by thet ui she wus 30ý Tht constant rernoval danages and finally bis the mots. prac- titioners say. T'le sugatsng substance used by Alexaiidhsa Body Sugaritig t0 renaive hait is a reruned version of the original, which was oniy made up of sugar aid lenaun. Sandy Alford, presideni cf the Concord. Ont basud company, te- sesrcbed and worked wilh Egyptian womien Io devalop bur OWn commetF- cially suitable sugaring paste, which is madt up cf tugar. lenson ad other secret natural ingredients. Mr% Murphy, 42, cf Milton ad iackie Chamnbers, 27. of Mississauga bave tecmdty btought the procedure î&, lown. Beits aim formner clients. Mrs. Chambers began perfornnng ii out cf lier Mealowvale berne more iben a year ago and laser stared a business ai Pai's Hait Salon on Bronte Sareet in Milton. ber feemier horne. Ont of bue clients, Mns Murphy. a registcred nurse, decided te open hter cwn business pari-ui in Decens- bu. Hercffice is located at Hi 5 Hair Desongers in dmt Laatuir Centre. Being a natural. water-solublt sub- utanc wih no chtmical additives, the sugartng patte dmesut cause any adverse teaction tc, the sii ad is estremely gentie, uayu Mu Alford. If cas lie used on the face, bikini fine, or any cIter pant cf the body including the eyebussws, leasing the skis fresb sol, of course, bairless. Botb Mrs. Murphy and Mrs. Chambiers are ikillel ini theit woek and inatit on a bîgb standard cf bygiene in ecd cf Mler clinics. Ms Aiford says. Mie technique they use consius cf applying die wàrm s ofienied passe. smooing ald gently nsouldiag il ia onc direction ad thtn flicksng il off in tht opposite directioni. 'lu iu te genule thisa you can go over the sema arca up to four limes if necesse&', says Mis. Chamibers. flhe suger gripa the bhait. soak in aid eus the hiait out. Whtn it grcws back. if îî nouoeahy rt'e and if gts prcgrepsvely lest until eventually it dixea on grow back ai ail, Suganng is preferable to ther methols cf hait rensoval and îs lesa expansive thau tontie techniques, wbcb only remove te maiy hattu pet session, accorling tu Ms Alford. ie praces, cosa $45 I reesove the lae bons both legsando about $12 for die bikini line ua. 1 N'EW GLUB HOUSE