Landscaiping ca n make a difference to yQur property owualn bué et effcive bnâcqg Cliitea b li obelnc n teve tres>. To mark the Sis of sler ec in àa a dy locuati fisstl yom reeady Io dm cm y camS de oprei or tasaplant my em or iée Io flocer and ihub bes., iii. f ins ci iraient wo replie. mam or lit olhriu'l j peaulc Mm at~ay haum accommdaie your d.alp plu ia <.me 'a garis. baoer, liort con i pm poinge c mo!bd or iaded. iadto oprorvidmnga* decorltive by psuvidieg a"l and privscyl'____________________ simple sa you iiish. but simiplet lasgnerutly 4 wefl-lndacqid Viopety dos ma eCH IS I &WO D wmys require a geat deal of nuanmSia . RA SAELD nue agacent of ppk.ep depeSàd on tht t"pe Iot'matesials you use. For Instance, gravai and wood chips amt vis>' papae match .îaseuiaJs becmai&y tEe>'hp ketp &Fiweeds M VM NS si sbay and provide an atuctive "floot" fer Talk é5 your local jrdnmg ateor.a landscaping prolessiooal ta me chat typas of plagias and buiés could hi hes for yotw - sail type aid needs. You ay dim viens t0Pooaos> ansae Q l cosat a adscapi architect aid laid- à noi 2. Uniqu icy oe SM beaiîo om trs scspiag aotractain, dependaa on th ieM hC ..~Lad pei e br asraMom vukokhig room. Prole5stonff land- There aie alto auany reflource books avail- -n oo ature hardocio acve pemnhu f'rd . able un boolcatores aid librarles thât yau bWft.15 m. noMWpasr, Mm ClBbGsg8540 may wsnt ta consuls. Mmi p talle s nJOYCu SCOTI RA ASAl pgu gudr* od o pe r8" . tbest books pntsin many fignviave ida * StsA * pus-J auga shone.s e78-2M.00- dhm may hi just right for your paticulie situation. You "hIud "isae pbotogpps of landscapiag that yau like and clip aiy helpfu articles aid pictrs froi mecs- pasiî for future refirenci. Re1 toc, that you dan't have îo tIislpi the satire propety at oci; st cmi bi dons in stages aver tii course of a - Peofu 20 aces prsl Butnoaunr ow igorsalt our~- ~ _ UMU LOT M TOM CENTRNAL LOCATIO miling tom.. pond, fore« 3 tia nojc nag hobi, o tase di yale taý es&Mtimas C,suvalSot- cMoi wu Corne ee what this unique bedilogim ranch bungalow. ticlarproec miht c, ak di tie, o xtesS o aie & bossmdn of home. tLarge dec,. Must ce customu bungalow M Ofia hom bem and workesàop. Tg plan il iffictively before Semng off on a am.Lid t $2490 wdh kts us" f- Pi-- - trise aeil Carain Gai 870- bhia spree as your local gardast centre. flreplace, etc. Celf Yvonne2 ,87-M Bifore pustiasg your plans ta papir, take s 878-2m.6 cals arouad your property siveral balies (2.11LtigAgent mdobserv ik front diffent angles. Decide O C ~ O T m what stes you want ta highlight and chat 7.12 o, types of things you cast Io canmouflage. For a 7-56t e instance. you Mnay Wangto te thanoea patio or ffl-decis, but you may wait ta con- mi your bosse fouaodatiosis cidi sea mm j m pensat for a, sioping yard b'y intaling Cut* wd Yo ibudaie cekyorprpryifr CAMPBELLVILLE REALTY INC. acsy frontyour houae; ditsbould bc wo 90Mai t.N. Campbellville 654-2294 or dmri fel af falt for eviry 100 fée of honizontal laid. If yau do aes have adequai drainage, you aoy haot o insta s"ranage 'system. When you hein planning yaur landucap- ing schini, keep la mind gtait tris and ownm" -1UN lýIGISIf o0w snd tpalais rn 3 -sc, a.L bushes don't groc te teir fult proportions 14 ACRE inBO "etM ant. . Lag Um roo, m -r avernght Evisma bac . prairs>'caîl VictinstehoeehSdr. I.OE-CM RCl56 5mc01,hahSc.isu aih lokm ftr easad as hi odi sa sm alSgrn, ed& ussotsl ailS& su or ,i oat psiatyShe SsBi4 es ouS. fsta itascoaswhn ~ iseSmis.taCmpelvii. occiasq. oepac msa ss cpoal . acrlyB~m ia-er. rfe sasS i a..Csssi ýMrms Biss Fom.o $l avs avir, psty o a oca yon propery w tial. Puce ast at = 819.0 CiiiO -1 C CA n w M rnc oe o'Iîl frama bse pan hichaudo. it yur x- 8441or Faruias istiagconditons. lsta ls o. b ohîwk Acaa.9Is pspr adr aurhas pln ad dac n yur us in inris~,gBoos, adsroou, OWE 0FSAL SlW 410900 Wel steblmled itorspJî usSss raug plne Ptai an 3 cs. aahoom Oli sxr- 0 sca fim bsdoomhom 2 riSgispomp. IealforRIthrda look in fussures yeis cnike is, dicka brwkq ig on a» "I, &M aidm o prbiag anSce e rois. oaire 2SoQ.* 4I ACREESittdpix S.dri afc Mrty laite ttaes antrs Bi- 1pomsstip,00sq l.hob at yo'eca full sthtlig ht evnal con- anSho &11 outraa lo4 briLob of05 VAUEo Oi D mn gria otayu sit. w o apr ao.fie. rie tio aira $13.00. il 005UddA5 4500 f th n cor n i. lt extfese, or f - you rica liftngap contonso rt a otetai I" 4 CE pacrtv yout baepln and cas i your 5t.n iighvbb §Drs eSa roi 4 POWE O &ALE. Nm5 $4 QO on Onam ldr lomla w disighlwaidhs. typase anf 3lt ypu.r w*wm "t $Ku 40si.r faim 4aai badoor hoe 2 dtPo Idélt i ne fonnullati, al5 plan. smalas mak surei oru tak 00.5 MCF UB. sor hemai exsigfatrï iewak4s eksadFotaeo m& dnVMM paisiw ac uat. i 91.76 nuesE wid duplex, tâ@ drM a.~ n i