* 1 ICM MÙRÈ 1 MLON I ff2 TO 5jZ= AmmwTam &TOVEQYlOIN*MtI1NW 11994 .Moonligh CALLUNG ALL LOCAL' ALL ENTERTAINERS Downtown Milton is currently compil- DowntownI ing a Iist of a14 local -talent for the non-profit gi 1994 Moonlýght Magio. We need for the 199' musicians, singers,,dancers, magi- from the OVE clans, comedians, etc. ticipatirlg onj PLEASE CALL Doe~N Ant hony Allwood DMLTN MlwIn 13131A Ofie' MfLTaON MIPTUN~ 876-2773 W T Austen. Noble InsurancBOmkers Ltd. *Comipircial *Auto HomeDcVNON 205 Main St.E. MyL-0 878-7217 Thie New Banlaupcy -d lnsolvmc Act offltrsm a Fresh Start. Thoee consldeing personal banW » Ou ruptcy or a Propiosal usuallylwve qnay ques- tions. How would it aqect my t»hcle, wages. employer. mortgage. present and fubite credit? Who pays the cot? How long will it lait? A no cost - nq obligation, confidential consultation anawers vout questions and pro0des Information. on how the new Act applies to your situation. mm PADDON Ual SrLaa t6MIO WC.I1 (416 8764811 Dntoe &m1,Umm*LL W t Magic. CAILING NON-PROFÀ GROUPS eAilton is currantly seeking roups to supply voldnteers £ Moonhight Magiç. Profits rnts will be donated to par- anizations. PLEASE CAU. -Anthony Allwood jMilton DBIA Office 876-2773 HEARING CLINIC 876-0161 876-2000 0 otN C0*0IN OCTO 163 MAIN &T~ N i I