Woold Yeu a le m anm mw u paeoeî A lama ignocales ni coussins Md sa P8osinai la- baarainaraumiG«y laminiu.* Au AVft uehim, Yom «li recelva dise Wisedie. Marketing Support Md Tebcl fiai 1 nee i M thell a rlil lien = =e W2,i nu udable umdo mot! tun peui. «F t ir yodi WCe Wn CiminS prnctkionr. or ir ynu m, Smkidr a il nar 0"scn mcm ina cies. arr livuet yen to lsa bow aflhiio wida 4.cC con futil aru Fun yar fenmme te (go5) 662-1058 or c>l Ran Robmrtson ai 1-800-361-8903 orawrile to 1 Il Ikammwr., Si. Catharine. L2W LAt. JÇLLADLEY, GuNsNiNc & CuLp Sermng the Cadm £ni W. w as Caradian emniy &mnad conany apa--n in m-nkg aid bMerdgswon. Wb ère baud on the fringea nf Munsaugafl ENCINEER oW. aIo aslsr neall»u ril or CiSevils Cmamiaor W.t raae a liemés On* paraa M <ah. chargje ci the qusNy cortmi arid festin are The person mi mpa"m lunigr8 buNiig aoa. ISi uaa.ss cnid Oat. MMa bu à Cerifiait Eaifinitr, Nue a Miiu 5 yuse 0id pnu.a. basae congasr siffs Pameni r.on ta, ihijun *mon, Scwoms amil" LW. S Stmolos Avm llnrnby. OntAlo LOP 1lEO Fax # (905) 878-2147 UECRETARIALIOATA PROCES»SIBER- VCS- Lates Raepoi, Ramuer«e. MmIing Liais Plaisai cda117&'3101as 21 P«inal ABUSDndafeldFor hpeiJas8781M.a 24-hour eau..e fine for abitmd wmni Helln Wanin' Pièca si n egmnegv sakie aval- abi, fW abuasait mamant and tési idmon in fIi- Mon Rogion, AI coli. me eanfdanid. ARE YO<J DENG aflsal.ed bit sassn mmes *ha ng? Ai - Anon Famoy Gra.ap mnuaiet euh Mandity nVdh & p m. at Si. PaWs Unaited C4hurdi, bai domt (parking lot efane.) (519) 836- 1832 1S ORINICINO aauelng yeu p"olea? AI- Cahaie Anonymas meefi Tumsdey nighta ai Grame Anglican Qhwrch. Main Sommet et 8.30 p.m (519) 838-t522. 20 CruT frinc A PAMY 1111JIIIIIIE3S - M4 FAIIIIY VALUES LAWIE- UY -SELL -LEASE I LRGEST SELECTION OF USE I VEHICLES IN MILTON L 875227 ' LEAVING COUMÎTRV, Muet so 1087 Frd Tapil. 5 apsm.t 14001111 hAm., WMi eMm pars, net mal $M0 es le. Phom FAk01-m1. SNAC0K ROM FOU SAMU Qaim ba- #NCOuE TAI PREPARAflO. Rop NewoO, $1500 p mOia.8h-OU or 113-343 RESPONLE FAIJ. sih pel.re raonuÉeM la at 3 bsaiax émonhass, or aidaet à -sem ueaf sikhlO Yard. Cal P&1 47J9 dW7 p.m. WANTUO - Fauushamq oecurary hone ID sans Foie badodis aadmda bo m.a.uêi "Ai -* Relueam MbA". Gag ff06 827- 439& WANTED, TO AMIT: mla qinntu Milotbf or ak* aw nnnl O onu cf id. YV4k» 1M puy $7000750 all inchaive Piste cd 878-3484. M8 Fr Rent 3 06000CM TOWNNOUSE in filMs. l, n. o apluancés. AtibÉe Mardi 1. $1,080 plus nu«bas 876-3786. 3 SEDROON TOWNIIOUs, ravdul Ap, 1, friaige. absv, $950 pst mtonta. fi81 and fai. tels-rme. 876-823. 3 UEDOO TOWWI4OIJS, $8M a nmnta Waadeard end %Min, Anual Februsy 15 878-913& 3 BEDi"O TOWNHOUSE FOR REMT in MiMas Call Gary Thornaa. Roman Miliomne Redilt. 878-7777. 3 II1000CM BUNGALOW. 1 luha buomne giragle. damnimn iton. bardge, sabs con"i &W, Avaabis Fatinay $1,000.875-3750. 3 DEDROON TOWNHOUSE, encellent cotidiion. fil bsmhrooms. linlalma rscrocm. aaidada. garagle. applarim. 3 car uieway. $975, gois lisit adudaa cahi. April ls. 878- 5019, - 'a. <rini métY~ allit loe mUok U pem *M. i amm ui -.fl ýw fl-hy â . Iolemen ada Nom FM NUIT on Guelp Usa. nom. d 401, sait SIM sl*40-1 154 it mop. 04)1 laeaouaga Quel~~ Ilm 07- idlun* l ~ AI a M& a la y- Api 1. $M9 mBoy %alles. AO .honae bonn on le marn.- avl". I.. $1.180 ,aaugly. fini, am à .01mB. a071-00 WELLGN il mU EDOC, 3 hal éldadW homm on quii aman Aui l . m, lm. Max kmua. 811.777. Neet a place. *to lie? siDo yw hava room, apt., *townhouse or house for rent? The HousngMegistry is a FREE service that matches Iadod and00 tenantT ino Danlma $7iJWnm m a ies, 5E. ItPOarkng. 81- -10 a1045 2020, palier 10157.n 1 gommOC APAmTEmT. $4l0ftm ilu HAV O 5U FOR 3 or 4 boia ona u@"ms, non-dooa. No peax 075-m001 lasse B» Cou Coi Guy Thamn. R. m MlU- fmsage. m i. 878-777. ACTON, I Saa,fa Apahmd __ __ __ _ toltes à paring. Aval"i Mueti 1. 9054684- T BUNGALOW. U5 Acte Klibrida 2317i age. 10 mninutes Mo damsb iIMnb 3 BASEMENT APARTMENT. BACHELOR, 1-Inbdaonas.UbmwmntWpg sparateenmaliace, cablo. use of laundry, *piace, passible 48h Bmdroom, rasant rImamus fflporffmdnh.876-lffl. tians. oly $17.50. Cao0-36026 Turn the pages rtoIw. be there in MiltoP's Past Experience M illon's beginnhngs. Sa'e A Cou nty Town einerga'. L.earn of early trage t, social evenis. Watch justice enforc i, public lianging5. Jim Dilis, a formgr'publîsher, chronicles it fou you in "Moinents in Historyj Refleections ofHlon's Coumty Town 1833 - 1864 -tqp buck ins 1msry. Meef the people, ceience thme evtents. eLimmîtd Edition. -Hard covcr birding. -130 illusrations. t ie 39.9* e.+ entry index. Sa.tbnnhn Miln Maila H.ri-aînr Oaio MîIilo.llapn Book. Cmipiui. OaBonk. eîenn.Alfee. rme uann 'A VALUADLE TRAININO QPPORTUNIT SUPER VSORY, OPPIE and HORTICULTURAL SILLS TRAiNINO, This excing sortes of traaning programna hms been clevelopqd f0 anawr tfbe noise o) the Horticuflura Industay. Tho Supervision program runs Match 14 ta, 25 (10 deys> and theo Office SkiNe progream runs March 21 -23 (3 daysn> The HofcukliwalleU, a sorb of short rslaed courses (Fmtruéy 26 Match 11), inctudes -Culture andl Use, of Pororiniais (D. Evslsgla - Commit Pesis of Trees, Shrubs & Ornaeenais in Ontario (J, Grave)) Principles of Lanciscape Designi (C.Umoisu> Pruning (R Ford) PrevequlIts: Enviroruneniai Horiclb.rst Phase Il or tiquivalent. Spece as i.iiuid CaO éodlmy for li.lrg informaton and regiéfron: Dkwmond Monagaiiwnl Insidifile (Suapmrvision andl Office Skf) (905>238-4422 Sheana Collieile (Horticuitural Shils Son.,>) (905> 845-9430 ext 7810 (Cathy Mfl)> l7irough support frot Human Resou ces Oovedcprno Canada MmmY~cmm&mmor gwvb,,eo iare e P ICTCOST#p&l*,srmt Sponsored by HAPIrAC F W ~ýnb 0ha o h l O1@Oa wt 878&77«. u~a.. m m -él dm, mab. 080-1071 0 0$04m0 *MUTIRL. OUTURY FANE HOUDE fa du% 6 qkgoss. rase 401.1$4m0 Tàny 804e WEMs1II MU hm 3 hasTha bu aid WE Ph"as wpw. $M2 bada* uM Rala se. 876-MU0. NON-SUoKI mmGL, tomis la slws Large 3 buÉe.. k n n pauai SM8 monO) wkIe. Final ari IL Releraues. bm*o-nu ýwan %sait gl kudi*g ( T.V.. final and @@W. UsM id Diva. $OOAtiesmoti up. For good puple. 877400. DEAUTIPULLY DECOIATED ROON, MuG . itn. litimait inkias eu. Unbhm*hsd or cm bu faawlhmd 1178-1134. 2 RU*OAOLI OIOITAL fBinir for Met 1.060 Ic 3.20 al t fi..e - * . sentmo lacs. 8 or30 1-00&2754M8. closel ai. me erty àdi I of àa usWBU mm uih1 'mst srI. Raey. 25&401. 875-