DATELINE, Frlday Feb. 11- Thse Mâten Senior Cilins, Recegaion Centre. 21 Chalit Si.. meulies ail oeniors to ils annual Vabattue Day lunch front mmo to 1:30 pin, fihe cool as $5. FrldY Feb. 11.12 flic Milon Playeru fisatre Group. presenls dinnerIearepeirfoemanccs of Eat Your Heat Out ai the Si. Clair Masonic Temple, l4îglway 25, south of Derry Road. Tickets. whicli rosi $28. are availabie ai the Paper Faclory on Main Street East. For more information or scauing reserva- lions, cati 875-0629. Saturday Feit 12 Fanaly Place prescrits Valeatinh damc funadraiser -Beai the Wintcr Blalis* ai thse Oplînuli Centre. 311 Commercial Si. ic event includes a buffet dinner ai 8 p m.. dancing to '50s and '60s roantry/rock band Sleeprockri, cake conieNi. pnhzes and a chance to win a eekend for iwo in Niagara Falls Tickets cosil $30 per couple and $20 for singles. Call Rena Smith ai 878-128& Monday Feb. 14 Registralion begins for school-age and Inen programas as Milton Children and Youlh Croire, 917 Nipissing Rit flic cool os $35 for a eighi-week session, which begins March 7. Cali Micheflie ai 876-124 10 igistcr. Tlaeody Feb. 15 Concemned about crme in your communîly? Attend dix urban Mil- ion Communlty Consultaion Comittee. Open for the pulIQ 10t bning lhier concemai and ideag on how i0 iprose local policing, monlhly meetings take place in Zis classroin of Milion Distict Hnopi- tl ai 7 p.m, For more infornmation, contaict Colin Besi ai 878-3623. 'Mse Viciorian Order of Nurses holds a foot rare dinie ai lihe Bruce Stret aparuinenis, 40 Ontario Sî., ftom 1:3010o4:30 p.m flic cosu is $11 For furlier information or an appoinlmnni cai 827-8800. Wedncady Feb. 16 flic Milton Players Theatre Group NORTH END NISN 610 MARfTINST 878-4137_ prescata Ent Vasa' 18t Out n the Si'Ci « Mascomc Tenmple on F4wh souell th of Dcery Rond. Tick- cia. available ai die P@We Factoiy downlown, cMt S$8. Curiain tinie is8 p.mýFor informnation, cati 875-0629. -Tse Muiten L&LAdic League wci- contes wonicn intcrealid breM&t fte&dng Iaformation and Imlir to attend ils ncat maecting a Gracc Anglican Cburch, ai 8 pin. Tit, topic lu "Baby Arrives. Thc Famaly ad the Bmeaafed Baby.- For infor- itation, cati 878-430 or 878-6387. Lâches neinvltel t0 atten a ncighbourbond coffé, hour in the auditorium of Allendaie, 125 On- taro St,from 93Io 11am. The sperial lémuure iti "flic Four Persan- alîties'* by Betty Davica. Hosied by the Milton Christian Ladies Coffe Hour, the. eveni aiso includes an in- terlude of musical selecloîs. Ad- mission and babysiffing tir frer. Thursday Feb. 17 guidance to patients, âmly and fliciat. For fibler infornaie, cal 878-5228 or 878- 1876. Si. Paulds United Cbunh hoida a thrlItofroi9-11 &i. flhe sale includes clothng, books andl a whitc cephiantlable. Procecala go tc, Mil- ion District Hospital. Frlh@v Féb. 18-19 flic Milton Players Theatre Groop presenia dinner theaire pe-rfonnincea Of Ikueft Vour e 8a Oui ri the Si. Clair Maaonic Temple on Highway 25, soudi of Derry Rond. Saiurday Feb. 19-20 Thic Canadian Redl Cross Society holals a two-day standard ftest aid ainsi CPR anurse. To reserve a space. Cali 875-1459. Chronlc fatigue syndrome suf- iormlt,,aaa ferers metl ai 1 p r al 7847 or 878-1802 for furiber detuils. NOW .AflM The Victorian Order of Nursea NERET holds a fotcare clinic ai thc culer- E2ý gency deparient of Milton Districl * ..m.TqoVJuw 2NO Hospital front 6-8 pr. flic cool is Sat & Sun. 20 pm. $15. For furthcr infornion or an M(OM appoinîmenl, cali 875-INFO (4636) 0 ACE VIENTURA flic Living with Cancer Group Evernt 70&0pn mccli ai thc Milton brandi of thicff Canadian Cancer Society, 751 Main 0"A R~u~n St. E. front 7:30 i09 prit Led by Eveamnga7:00 & 9 00 p.m. nurses, group discussins provide SaAun20pm emoqionai sup port and praclical i How to inake a $5,000 contribution to your RRSP for $500. WORKING VEKIIJIoS CANADIA*N FlUND INC. A &Mutual Fund Offéring RBXEIV $4,"00 IN TAX SAVIGS The obiective oif workli8g Vcflituao Cmaian Fund La 10 achieve long-term capital appoeaiation for the benefit of ahaoe- holders through investmntis prudently selecied bYy the Fund'a peofeasional invealment managers. The Federl and Provincial Govemmffwla amrecd providingl a 81,000 TAx CmEDiT for 1993, provided thse ftund is purchased before Mardi 1, 1994. To take fûtl adivantage of "ai oppoiluri- ty, inveat no more lisai $5,000 in an RRSP and reoeîvc Up <o $4,500 of ycxir money back in tax aavings. ROC Pleas cali Rob> Rubino, MuJtom. 1702-200loal for mre Infornution CH Phma Wt oaf go"es ilà te *iw P inancual assistance for artificial limbs. 4speciMly desîgnied recoeatiorsal limbs,. psafely educatori. *cornput&r lrainvig for cruldrefl wIlli multiple ampuatiorts. Pa strong rKetwork of supportrs'l couniselliflg programs and regiortal seminars Thanlîs 10 yOUr support GOGO THINGS DiD HAPPENI ORa 0,- KoIVXO OPEN HOUSE bihary l8th & l9th startmg at 9 wm : Spedlaprices a Models on dlsplay * Installation Information " Demonstration vldeo 4450 Paletta Court Burlingtofi Fniday, February 1 8tTi - g aon-5 pm Saturday, February 19th -9 am-5 pm Union Cas NEW 1993 NISSAN With Appearance package and HO rear bumper, 135 H.P., 2.4 L E.F.I 5 speed std. 1400 lb. Load capacity- $1 29995* over 48 mthe (O.A.C.) nuis Tax Lic Stock #2709 R HEN BI 610Ask Sur frlndly sal saff for dotaîils ""'P784137 G'000 * nius Tax Lic