*OUR READERS WRITE Powr of God dismisa.. chaigea num foWjowàgus terer sss ireit wo Disshp Tonns of thme Dtorese of Natation MW a copy fl/ed s'im Vie Aller a Year of silmc i cul once &&mi utite wo pou m 1 gues you kaou by nov tisai ail of due charges aamt me veux catise dasaa.e or I uns roundi not guulty Oh. tise power of God i arn alto alloved bock int tise Catiolc cisurcises i Hallos ln tise peutwio veeks. 1 bave artendedthed chunimatc mnas% ai Holy Rosauy in Milton anti at Holy Cross ta Geoe- getown 1 toast otice agaent isfoetnl you, Bisop. tisat tsé chansnatics Uve preaching a teachisg tise loei and lotsely poor botils tise vays of Samu flsey continue Io tues duet, bocks on the cemcîfird Chrust wboe lirai ts ssts-outted uis ltorns, visoqe îyes bulge uti pain, visose umns; am strelchse out ai tiseir set sock els, whose bock th a ams of biotidy pulp. andi visoe saciret houa th phetced Thry continue iisetc chunt le tise dtisl ignornisi Chtwit on tise allair who aiats patiently for Ormtres1 gtse isses Ioncma flue detil us a snrak. a couatti. a lia. anti confuses ihone' poor seuls Fasser Matk ('uris sud ta bts hoira- y tisas i stase ta tise Bible tia it voulti be litter w tne oneseif Io a aullstnr asti clin oneurîf îato the vasas Iseis te lrai Ciod's peciple au-s Oh. hoeu rigs le is 1 woonda boss ouay p-t people bave liera led »iiy by tise chsa u moe- Oh. hou our Fatiser mnutsi fae viseu bc sers bi% very primats. bsisops. anti even cardinal% follou- ing lise wsys or tise des-il Bust dure ns hope tisas in tise endt tise laanauLsse Hemel of Fidttn wili tisnlp ad on thisa glorsous day IEALTM KAliN PLAU Lls*g t9000 tie g5vpusy mtia, t wu lSamm a parsui Plan ID ta OM ar, m- O$50 rou c «sisun 1*6 riere 4 pcu raslo sa0 psisl nt à * foi heaIity bSItag 6 pac tskage liai osîtknMe yffl 5,5,1th0 maue- à 6 8 ak it o us.U of your Need A New Used Car or Triclc? CAL GMR NELSM 877-2261 or 790&7M2 mu/aiU Las«âMiu a Cus Gsummm~ Saii sais ai bit «U feomu m lie oed bock w bla and die chorée- mdiilc hm"a vi bco - -te And ame Pence Winl qui -" acier w du cuti u»~ du Me, Inoculassebmd" ou Miothe. We ahol @l play fdm deây Fidtrr s Nosie: Us Amadm e.vcnou- ly faced suiom càaqes mltd au hier pusb& pmiurtg 4 chatmmse CarAolc mias. S/t aum bnusd m gsilly. or t/u ï7mien witldsre chsar- gei. on ail coigs. Drlvlng a privilege, aya Duignan Doemr Edisor: Roai collisions ame tihe leaing bilier of Young people aged listo 24 in Onumno We have Io sai recog- nizng t is&viag as a trenienioeis1y datgerous sclisîy Andi ut enc- mme thi drivers of ail âges are properly trined lierone thy hit thse roui unattetided. Thbe Otitamt govemnrsnt's graduaied licensing legisialsti viii aequure ail nevo diver% Io graualy moi diving psisikies by succSa- fuily comnpletiitests ai duhea endo each of tiseir liesq tlaag.v of dosv- îag. fuis allous lieu drssr le gan valuibe dnsivg expeieioe in iow- etsk conditions before oftmainag full diving priviilges flie mse pa iii nom only save lises but vii cave on insuraince cons. Iealtis case Cols antd loi lie ai vort anti scisl - cous estinxuedi u $4 billon evety year There is oveaubeaausg moatical evsdene tisw ai uaaphsoe doiva rrgsadess of ae) pose a very wsosa .fty dumi - M )Mt w duelvos hat we cbo people on du roui. Sahsty experts iie ditM i telles belvt suc and rive you we drvelop due fun tusge of sabuls Md jieiei assied we avoid col- lisons. Beem a ui ficensine cnarsa un driven San battlle- os expeounc in Iowe-nak Siius- iou., 1 believe illn ffesd greatsi poftiSa wo roueo muw timer col- laies, iiaries and italiities. Strosai suppli for grate lîoenang bai cornse for due opposa- tion partles, provincial safey or- gant ,limons and oshet grosps in- cloing tise Trafftc lajuey Resenrel Fourdtion of Canada. Moits Agis Drunk Dnsîttg. Onaio's coronerh andth ie Insurance Bureau of Canadia Addindily, oseesher of tise public vert con.sulieti tunsg tise summier of 1993 ultra an all-pwty consstter tasîtet cizens te cors- osent on tise draft logis"lau Tm-se coualless suburbain parents" viso You suggestrd in a recenti ediainial aie uutîng for lhiser tern;ste accqame drtvttg licones s0 tiss tbey cut belp ont yuh cisores ucuulti mucs caisle. have tises tesas alive andi teaca thise wn divse propetly tisais isas oser younger cbaldren go ai ueporienceti tissa 1 knou. becasa 1 am ose of chose parents. Resting a »Mis atality t0 tile istillter youge sibltng aloe te tise aimes. fr tse abloin tern. yuli casufe tisaï tiss saine t#m is seour te se dseir snblmg giet u p 1 ut dismaryedtiai Yeu fee à key problees of duis legisluton is "sa i woulti geduce teenagem' tide- pradeo ma ou "ai-otWianed cul- tue" In fact. rims e «C ay trassponuliton a dmeais mi »faie ad mute enytouaiutly sa- tam-Sée visS cm ie, IiI we md.-i pendeno for yooêk et wul ai adiita. su* as ou-poaa bua s- vtce GO "àa sevice. sid valikiii Sr bikini w due corner am or local Pettiaps it is has for eseoyonr wo recopniastduel drtving ta taàdt a prtstile, e. a s ngit. and tia prsster sisult nos be taken (mr UPP, Htn~ Noalh Mind your manners my dear trustaes Osai Editor: This letter is in regards Io a recent story ta Thse Champion wti tise seatiasg. "Tnzstees goiag Io Mari- oirs Scisool Art e s unasure of ose ows Ieae&-sisi blies? Nou tise latest politicial correct- tirs% letton îinclumdes a couse fren Mm Manisers. thsstee Dsette Le- Blovic. os how nos te *trasqIe' prople's nrgbts" ditng boardi meelv. Eviàntly, Ms Leflovic's nrghts- bave an hee coa",fteiy - det. edste hes truorpiod on andi oliainei ii in lier vuet sisall lu dub correct vay. as taxaya' espeose. anid has sent féllou board nembers t0 masnees adiocil lie par- '----aly , , S.a ls isotrogriattos nom a puurq- touîte as board mneetings? Anti- visue ruse? Wisat ovarprolecieti puti of due unîverse us tse etentsng aisyuay? Aient arc gat umysiise wo minïe people who cm acwtuly do duluqa THIS WEK ONL -, 61 nomTE l~ Sh.wupumd_ Looking For Something Different! A np poruf < o )iwle*qPeLn'o 8MinSt E Wintn nai 705 ýq Bom u dm social tiraes. perceptiols of hou up aboSs be dom coeecdy? By Ge&. let's juins gSa on vais du job. ouai jobs, se fitm inwial oisrs. espe- cially thon vits wbomt we don't tee- eye tw eye? Periqis. except for Ms1 Lefllovic's nrgts." Pulceze, stufle Wsa a peny. dastoricti mess and abuse of oac fiscal truist Aller &il duis, il only sems fair for ail of us t0 go bac l e school ai taipaymexepesise, t0 Lars how tw correct mei teficiencies Persaps, soulte of us will esen learn hou t0 banisie cruticîsin. ti parliainentary fashiots. of course! Shanse' Bush leagite! Jo,, J. Kornow mllto