Milton man's com pany-wlns a nainlbusiness award W .~fl .eét fur W*h le. hu a los of hW Work =, q.Ma vu»ot~ bu .0"&». b"e atle e c =gomm mc.l Owmhyslier Coq. -d=' pch 0"&i "6"c >9 M&p b.a.'l mine ID bu aossi ulstaeeuwib a M Co.moia- . -~ m" apmdfa>" à»- àc wu hWs rucavà4 - Oua Ir Mili POUMa - §W. UMM. - modest suif of acout 43 - là of b.avy-dgy die couliss pote gl cigat t. ad momey, wu du j m o Gri fibb,. fof um rcl a Càuda wbom boltI engianeing deamu wlth 8mc MOas Md i.phlul- tnbléalt M. BIbby. .. lue celaguo i'sE This MéalD sA Stita1. ba ojuld be in a peupeàmddaNow. i-30.wmle gala a de MMir 1/ -h c e làiTroeofo Converion corne a in1.l qui&k taton wu mae dl. chanse eloucg MMt ateunce a(i>n (tdlâa't really tnks k was going nlcg the Globe and Mid oponioed ta, bc tis big," admIdts Mr. Blbby. awaud was "owiwbeinlng." mays 30. Mi. Bbby. wba byves in rural MIkS The persnable bunstan bu mi bu wde Amuy and two $6."5 Each at Take-Out peoven go b.e mSg the «mun the dou aabn. 10 end 6. corpre pieture, tnauiectuin He cuedita the conwly's sucesu Chamber announces its award nominees Mie Milton Clumber of Coniurce has aaaiaoned te nognanos lfor 1993 So R n I s 0 . Civic and Busigmess af dIie Yeu Aw".d Mie nondome me: q ARi. s f Cldms of 5h. Ym.r -, Betty Zelinsky (Salvaija Armny). borne Grig r-, - ----j- - - £ E/4Chce M es 1/Dcalen MD "LCAC) and Audma Lea-Castagan (Ardhisas Society). 25 $ 25 -« Business Pecm of the Veni - Lesley Goetzm (Gnon Gisager,. Jef $7 m 1--1 tWu/4 8Ec L*we*Ï,- / Decosemno (Keluey's Restaurant. Laird Snish <Thorbuin Peany CafWat- çsns, aa, i , - (tk, 1a 1. ko -.a, niW ai 5.4, p- -n, d WÈhlaeu of Un. Yemr - Ad.-Scolie Marketing, Honte Hardware. Kelseys jdk a;<Id,éÉn* N -*W..NÈ~,n&,.n(Iao Restaurant. c b..U- «l - . M- ,in, T.- af, Cîvic Oroalauof c du Y.w - Milton Cce.ores. Milton Honaicl- Vi n.Ifa P«pap aba. Ua- afrfa 0.4h rral Socuety. Milita Districi High Scboai sudenu, and N. Curme.a "" K." 17 " w"1-1V " Civie limpeve.a.aof tise Yar - Greyata.e Golf' Club, Huil. Huis -t -- PlcRM ulig 1/4 Chichen MMa DMa Pu$72 1/4 ChkckenM Da niommne foi tiseir contribution ta due community." aaid the cegmunaton's I k à / Ench i-i.ofro Rma 54 af.*cd i/. general mnanager, Smndy Martin. Id * (lnnn ns..sn0,fn' ua,ý* ý A d, - 4kn .*<,5,n However, one award racipient frmm eaeh category wl bc anuced (i- p1 Smg b-fn*~Nandno,,MO e i â-a~~ 4 o duning a gala sardu naght ai Halioa HtilI Place Saturdy, Mardh 26. l'li .4hé..- -h -ay h. (IA- N. * e44 r4n. T- ( asonn . 9 au, n 4,,t, . oSn a, ., evening will meclude dinatsg and dancing go tIse Huary WaUfferehestm'4' k"' Tickets are avad"abl aieh Chamber office or by caUlp 8l-0.58 tu "di p .t- .4 z W, i.e inake your annorvaion. 4 Touch Uer heuarL 14K CoId Diamond buann8 YoulI capture kir keart vit [hew enqu*Lct 14k yn&,, ,&1 ýd eailsetciv miw XO~~ diiea~,V- Y6pcial 3249.oe m*MANY IN 8TOQE 8PECAL s <:p 19M MDNDAY ME B 11 a Weu1ill ny Ufic pT Cr céT m uy o t h r M a. A Lt a c VaL-Juw 8À=* CcdÎalod In &Dm e tàcmolku JEWELLER e GEMOLOGST 876-4367 Milton il. 876GEMS