878-2393 Q:What arc the advantaglof a L»asinga r, as opposedi ta buyi à car veicde. Par instance, t doagymnto up-front coule are lower, ai ar mnh paymenta oncoprbedla but. Therefare. you a have a more «xpensive vehicle for the aam monthly payaient. Leasing eliminat th riok of rasie or trade-in husse since the value of the vehi- cie at termination in agreed upan at the inception of the Imma. You oeild be drtviu a new car mare olten (every three yeas ver- sus 5-7 yeas). When leaeig you orly pay iar the parion la the mers Velue "i. Yeu uae and arm ta5ed on tha portion. By chooai ta kmaa yau have du option ba keep the car or move up mr clown i n value. Thia aflowa you the flexlbility to, drive the vehicte that Cuita your moede ZAKR3 PNAMAGY 88 MAIN sir. E. 875-2424 Q:1get a lot of heartbun, ta thtre anything A: Heartburn is more Iikey to accur after s etais throughout the day rAthtr tsa one lage meal. MAlso avoid certain foads: caffeiat (eg. coffée, tes, colp) spicy foods (spices, tomatoes) or £atty foad$ (Waon, burg- ers). RtgardIess of what you tat chew your food slowly and tharoughly and drink plentf'of water. Alcohol and smoking should ale b. avoided. Aimer eating a mWa, watch yolar pos- ture, don't wear tlght fittiag dothos aid stay mobile (avoid strenuous eoee r lyiag da* far a couple of hours). If bothered ai nighttime, try ralelng the hta off th bed 6 ladies See your doctor or Phumadast if symp- tom continue. IQ Whe shpig o diaaiomid. howdco 1 diace a jeweller I cma hut? A uyuagdiamon dia M iteery in automobile' You cant een compazhcn .hop ithe mm aiewy, uince o two Ilaomm ait exactly altke. For dui puechaser who wiulua ta inêulligently compare diamoeid valuea, my advioe la tiat aWmer ho r ahe acqustota them- iwththead fundameital rsnu fo dilflèences ta price, &Md Mier deddtag what you itant mt in due diamond you buy. you should malce yours rch only train nierhandise uatcte id aold byea relieble ýretlr. It in vesy important te, patrenize a laoiawedge- able, ethicat jewier; ont you fuel you can trst Aeicn q Scit Assocition members ad de ta la organiton ai higli ideaia and ane a isa chaie for consuta- tion ta any nit"e comerxatag diemondsanmd any allier fine ptwellery. A Complets hmt of Amnerican Gem Socity jeitellers and Canadien Jewellery Acachiatmo membera is avaiel upan requet. Cati me, 1 looka Iarward ta ahaiellN yau. Via Medicatrix ha L L Çummerfleld Doai, N. N.sclchdAm Muâ er l E.aÀb 4a ~OâtoLT 31iCula Wh«~.a. à. Na-d tdm 6. pflW.a e la,,d ,t.es r ~ ~ ~ ~ lbÉ 7wk- djb."m- . li motus pausâd aa -J.- bpi . l ?à5n~~~~~~~È '.tea. 'Éa.i 9aoa w Nl si 1 1 1 y.da.W -àrq 876-0040 My aPouat dce,*nt work. Can 1 put money itt à Spouaa RLS.P.? A: y ocmwlun yu ur aiime insà - KLss P. you uhare yeurz pe- LIA?.. ontribution anOwu utW you keep the tas deduction. Pàidur spoeue Maay uet up a go"ca IRS. axid dits yen, muma-Iaw spaluc ae eu$"li tam Witut a Spauaal LES.?., ose spause wouldi recw mtid etmut at.ai ed b. in dha top tun bora" Spiusal &RSP.,t be e u pouse's taubl setirrdit lme. Camutder ail surcesof y"ur hue retizemient lmm (CMP OAS. wodc pensionus, ?. $rvAp and Invetunea) Aid Who Win psy tax on IL. à Spouaa RR . lulps taaep du femniya taxabl incoce a lt, as paisbie ta redrcnint U due wk is a suiner aieà work-related peraon plan aid lU humbasid la aot it niey make mmn forthdu wUge latat up a Spouscl R.S.P.- fr lier h~ud. ftepsl&u ofiWhoibsu eSpca" LIS?., due queotln la due smr Ilow an you best elit your retlrment incare now Io your .nxtanm tac advPnae 1atr Moe SbSnopc - Mgtm cae4 o ouk mthe d t RS.P.chiamC&Uiyour MueyConSpts PiluaKIsi Pluu*i w&dy at 87609M. 11. quUOJ UT-401 ' - Q: How a 1 pevent viruata froin getting ialc my computer, and how do viruaca hersa tht computer? A:MStrandnamecomputera, le. IBM, Hewlett Packard, Ace, camne pacloeged wli windows & DOS. Those normally have an anti-virus laded to cauater-act àmad detect ay virus in the saadiae or on the diskett. Saon virum con du"ro ai ai your J data nid peagrmas, whic ld t inl robesMc db p âabedby a flhebestlhlayosa ado bpiev a vina fismal* smm yowoept ess wifi an atU-virus puegres «w moe boraia local de" *<