The imng is perfect for renovaç j'g Asiamgr OMi 01 My> boue. tht kachs. Fond la pi.e i oinu be i becase of lis Mey mm, a. tèht iet get vu as a »aow Pgaâg -hc fer thei bondy. If youru thhubng itbon borvins yooe kitchmin coçsey remadells. cr baviqg* yc. - 'mo--d ,efaced et rsplaced ei staetion yooe tiag la 1sh, WI& h evr-neoeu iversiy of prochucts cou- ti=lycooag Oua dms me" tad. yaa -ar amelq vae> of dusigns -il merim ta choc. r0 - retardis of mluthe Y:u prefer esd"u ta coma.-n p«M, or if you Ithe the sucodi. cita Dites of Euroe utylng. Toamy' icheras cm bc aything you wMa iem Ia o sleek aidl "ly, wmut and osy, or bold nid blgl tmay honte- omer opt ta nmabe m Infammal famly foot. ma part af theff kitcheu rento&iioes as Weil. Soute eve. sking onma By odomil mi ehmcg ymw kitchet. you'U mao mdding ta dte oveuail value of yomr bonne. The paybck on. k*enc remtovatiot in pattai, a eutimbd 08 ho quiée good. As midi mny f.qmte inwrovbeue project, plmnning is the key ingudm. Sa hofore you decide on a pmmculW style or layout, ialbe mwe you lmite a good look aound ai kaiche samwroomu. Coasait iiazues ad bocks a well After &l, 'a your honue mmd yoex tmmey. se, it pays ta de yoer homemort aid know wmgs avmulmhle. Make mmr u one quoit« for the comts of vuioos types of projects you bam tm mimd and sab if dhe Àog -y uchd hmitallaion in i p1oes. Obviasly. om mmds palicies Aili vay somembal t h.amfacwm o nmuufmc- turer aid yoeun bavem ta mvat yyàr plaea moumemt Ob mie your budget. ln *Mdion te, citdneta. comider chue fâc- tons a miNI. Do youoe çm qtil ed " replicieg? If'il mai en a coupilue new oows (possibly of diffemu tizes dma yomw ezlstiug onet) nin your deuga for a Do Ym Wwa - or mWu bave hag putm a bissai Sw fane? Tiss mi thlegi yem'fl wat ta factoir lion, yoer averli Aim bep a id saiti wbâ ysn inaà thowioce. or maazinemy mm bc cudauly Pu"tàa for y-o<l prvotai d qac liwi.wlo@. Cora experts sai take the dtehn, choc.e cueNUly. For kmuS. if yca bav a vis> saml gailsy bItcheui you (machas coins mehaiqu.. iris . tbylilhts and soa on) tt wli maire the rom. qqupea If y-u'm moebtug 6Mb -y> id roct. atiotte of cadeqau ui of my aval" \" o<aint ilatyam. h. TIdmy's caim cotée wlil anmus Wl Pilotai Iolas~t b*~ yM bsmipm more orpuai& Mab buis-m.ý gldq cut- àxmes for pois ai peu a - racks or -Ie for put M. i ma" e seci plli-et revalv- qN toura scacs utir awm ot R&U s y-m Mis quao n u idmitu Md Ma6 cati m out of a-kw qt. Ohur 11-M) âm mela bu"h WM i .é alt biais bu"h MID caai mil i 9" aca ae »d êt tà dlom yu m" masie le »-d- coebl aMI. m àpqwtOpOM aa"Ypoui