t' I I I i CELERY STALKS 79ý Prnd. o<Spaior Mdroo JUICY 97 CLEMENTINES4 Oxk LCul 1005 Ca Gradle ki- Su OUTSDU ROUND 2 9 ROASTS Freel - Neyer Frozen FA AUILV PA CK CHICKEN L. E G S Pf e 77 SKNEol.dFiiONO-,.bl7 HAMS Hfillsborougli Mill - MAPLE CRUNCH Qr 7 ORCHARD FRUIT 1 9 CEREAL M 425 g MW"p< Dwup<y POTATO CHIPS97 0tSuI ORANGE JUICE 36fob LIECREJ Musi"m WNe SI.cd or 60% Wh"ol WI¶eal 1BREAD 675 g ouf 575 ONTARIO ST. SOUTH (Corner of D.rry Rd. & Highway 25> IIOOJRS: WNMSN-PN W.$M-9p00 1 ;AAm9 PU 51135V 1OAWIOSPU pwà Wwa. d 0«- Halton police apsociation 'slams night closing of five stations MSeu& I Hlo Ogfna Poio w»c megi ad on euÊuida edig Uic bwmmds auceu have statcd ty fear poIr Mtton cbmm wil 2-bm. açvoe-day-wos aviuuy. wd-z public Wafty. Looed acrou ftm Tomme %al& * 12 DsiV ia- Ow membmn are onucerned dmf public salec<y w t on will ooly bc oe MuiibY Io ftday froua 8 a.u. 10 hcomprorniscd by thickdoes" said Puai L*ounc; 4 pim #8w to prov al gov-uet flmndial cudm*a adum=rar of due associamo, Wh"lc repocaca mmoc lu grevion Ycua, Nblos station lhm boclomws V) tita iom police officers sud civmi ucreerdm Uici diauin evefiu lhms "Police stmabon repesct sale haveu to peuple in i- Mr. LaCOUuseW ssi U icalaion hs Ibun o11W mnediat need or danger flic people dut go *êdUki- m«d" of nmuifonds. "Our meanhers Muly ppn s i thed middlc o( thic nght am um dm se lo jui he necd u mve taxayest amny. Wc bave uujcsd a moite mnqwries. They are usually trymg au r.t refuge. or number of ways t due police sevices bourd i radmae flclng frou a Situation whsch as cfîstn <han feu.' cxpcaue wiUio coniniUni public uafety." flc'WioRglsa Potice Services Baud an- To mkdalsuice i mt du board inicun M"lis nouicd Isiwck lii as a cost-avng meuurc. due station wlll eMn i n Mo a icleplione systn immulied houa police bulldmgs an open to dic public wiil ha at du emirauce. 71ic publi will have direct écce so a restracd sonietinic lu dueaie. yesr. staff sergeait wiin due building or i du police Mition's police station will be closcd Io dic public at scrva'ics radio consuicatbons centre. m mmm uab - ~ GOVFJINMNT MATEUIE 0tonusi ofSl e.w: AM Of 33:30 FZ T.,rm Du./nd. 100 AM< 30 :30 Ain. . 9003310 7-2 e *.W e. W . b. 5 O y .h 0 f 0.5M .~ VA 1.90 acos Mui Uom~ -P. àO i.y Fumuc bm Am0,a o17/53 mm= CA M, 33 1M'* 00.a 18/m U I Aid TOI au0. mm$0 OMM0.50 MaMiIpSi' a e.i 0<0 .. ' ooiMW oI..iAma oni 0Mi 0vbdEmqloe..5 47>6.26el337/74M ieo 0.' Prod. ci FWlud <IMM< MIER RED 11119 GRAPEFRUITSI 1 \11M 1 V\1 *8-9e f e >9 EA.