Liie strves for exoelience Cagers knock off tough Martingrove despite heanng hanica am wS l 49-4.b 3 lm west ii kadbgai tMaliY . Ig lai lierae m eboak&; 'Ms..u~i -e a @Ê« I = = R -P RTIofoelu* bmeO n~ ni anoeais iv~ . po~utres, the blolfdi. pIl h. cm 65-62vcser Zullqreva in ___________ -aas Loyola 54. Aalk aoigaainm a ls : Md OP&. theadlidi played WC&L The Rayais *u acw ma. even if ha uus't bau. WMII _lIe Iamma ablllty is 41015-bursedly Mltonpiged aibalc@d atak M fif5 round play~ Mian bea out in ie consolation final cfaà tour migM gsiaaru gn e dlqiula by Dom. who M mIamytta sIth player i inrul dogue Laporl 55-33, tha. deàtaMd St. nagent at EC. Drury lügl i n NM show who's ai faint on a puticulwi he's am as gondi asla hI balieves. figuasit nt a u i m d u toMur- Masys 56&45. on dhe week" goal. wa Bien tries te auxplain ta chtla à atovie th.y wenete sua dus Ewaal Fmt6 the cbtaion- 1UIlkWbcaii9 ju sqaoeis nt di&t worutacweowl. hp éu tn b eeat u ooui Col-, 1kobinson leads hockey M ustangs wilh bis finerrs. lairgh ince. m if Nut. pashap Uni. tm't due type of kela M6Oilia Districk__________ UUie' Ç-, -o tedeusu perlane cosein bo w e b du Radio& Royais ma&il 'to te boys hocky - wd George- M USTANG ben a pouitdve ode m fur m Biace is cone alseady mnd du galns b. bus in flas cf the Holy Cross Tournansent Wewn 4-2 and batded gnrhington's concerned i ta a l misi. *"I wsnt te show people dma in St Cathaines. Milton bai Bad- Loti ElVn te a 3-3 draw iatn t ~ P)1 pullicity ad theaa as41<d deaf cm do anyding. lb.e dent ingtan's ParsonaCit N 70-63 ta wi actionl. -_________ -cf pople ollehîg Jffti's hM% ona prabiemn - tduy can't hmu. sne enlisad ditM ofdPoms itlRbisnle uMs5 Pinr sfl. But. it's ail posnltve. Thay coq sode play." mn. Bu th d u i y of tIi cern- Inte aGeorgetown viclory. iceing Arasa in Milton. Eâveytling hot barn Up and osp tilte wdI intve up te due petition proed In e adie Rayais un- tac goal. Malt Dowms bal dmru as- ln bmkebl. due senior boy god fur averyona ,nvclvad, i Ctchene Rangers oser due Chist- daing m lhaY bowdd out in due sim1. lita Leaartly wu sS in edged Georgetown 64-56 baltud Il, due top cf the o arg tzion oet~ me bieak. sajd MicDaass. arnic chaînpondip 51-39 te St. Augus- goal, white Graa Handanea, 20-peint effort of Andrew Sktm due players. on. cf duifr gealteailers oaviti aune. - eorge Kaldenbacli andi Blair aii Jette Swastnick's 18 points. ."WC.S vais the d world cf bita" Daltta. ai bc playîng with For Mitona Deug Enrighi as Kilte Ial turnud in gond efforts. The juniors aiseheat Georgetowtn expluins Bonce. Fn -oýo o a d .iiis iider- 17 wun. choses tournanient ail-ira for bis Deama., Kitchen ani Kd&nhscb la a moren lespided manu. by 8 1-3 players on due tesa e uc tg McDonnll daant anticipai. soir plarnddn andi tenalous defatioe. cal stnd Onc in die mie Maiast in a weli-mundead sen effoai pick up elcunents of sâgu l=nua11l poutleans. 'lu only conununica- Exoeptuanaly strang efforts cutme Lord Elgits. The. Mustangs face off lIe senior Milton District choc. dey can ceu.icati. aithUlie, don we have In hmv is duat h topsn front lita Sialler. Muoan Chau=e ad 5g5U"t Burlingt's Assuntplion lemfing toain ion fint il. athi Ullie sys h. likes playlng aid thdu puck." Ps Suieey. to"Y (ViliiesdY) i Mansla bain Ch=e Coeitio Sawuday 'Merchants r>bound to Win -- after shaking up lin e-up' tront S40 on pagea 2 acetI Hennabery and mmai scorng cr"Fealty. sibis l am e"Jc wduiJan FRONT END REPAIR SPECUAL Verans DnrFoC adit d ue h odbu usiq. 1 Ms wera eif McArslq, Rdc record Ie 14-12-2 and putt ~ NCEU R Donald aid Turner, ahi btcte op a ~~oepoins bahindthed fa"srthC.SL bis tac-on-où n a atési n t hl ule Oskàvie Bladas ia Ce"ta On- WE ARE SKLLID AT REPLACINGI nddle fraiji.. tarie' Provincial Junior A West *BalJ nt .ii -t ans been isgllng a lit- DlNl,' a tagidJoin. de*bit with inconsistant playsgowe iffl = _i a n nolu agains a TieRodEnds* went with seau lin. chainlas usd îatntiton âds tuck due a CcJont were able to bnock off die secondt- Turner and Rack natchati MfiIios CVJit place club. At titis potin thed goals. aih uslu cosning f(mm Mc- e Rack & Pinion Steertng 1esn have te go altb rny best Pliait. Datait Pot aid mffiliatexi Players. said Binc, alese hockey pilycr Grag Martin aid Kevin Nu-ý FOR A LIMMTD TIME, club bam les anly one of dueir lmt cinben. We wil d1S n #m ufit of youlr eight gaines Nota: lne Malrchants began saitfot0s oarb Lut Saturday, Milton travellad Io busy tbree-gsne iciadule ts week ni oie fl rb.$0 Minice Armsa la record diair fourth iah a bonme gaine atamnst due Oak- %<>fs,<0# expres Januaiy 2"l4 aill cf dthe ssaoer due Royal villa Bae lu night <Thi"y$. Oit.. not valid wth omita pmmotions. York Rangers - dii tui.e in a 5-1 lib/ tan .wdl take, on thei cl gaatsi ais1rtlt vaclry.Bra"eo Capitals tontorrow eve- 2 Newcenter Scott Hay, acquireti ning (Tbusday> aid rpu~bonde *fcin Belleville Buils, was betwcas Fritsy te finish eut l199 lal.epa die pipes fur Milton and gaï lés i Ont against theGeorgetown Raiders. O.K. TIRE & AUTO SERVICE'. - wala sMecbml. Merchlasa' lias hringing non- Teant captan Finn led due aay perihabie fnod items e Friday 8M0 LewUUI Rd.i - aiit si pair of goals aid Ces picked aiglits borni. gante will raceive $1 laai TWOMD- updlree sssiss off amission. Ail proconis wili b. 7 - 1 8 001e Aise scoing for Milton were donsteti In cbutty.8 -1 8 7 29 eAL61JZà02 2luh rDàuuma, &Muflun Cia ,i n~ a al. Po- ange wiu. A- ni an mah te Balai 578-OSmEMlk% , e *NTATS ~,T s a à5 Mil Il fi SS-II . a a a PL U*- - 13 le TIlOIfidçSOfl À*14 Melon, ont. MJAAC.DS MASTE O1.00 LTD. Hp.... - *M -wou AhuIý Am M~~AIr à*M.u Pirç -He AIOmd it P. ~'*II.M W.W- AIOW f. .a *C.Uian "@@mmA 5 Be WISE and ADVERTISE in the WHO DOES cm 87890-2341 Adv.tlaog Do« Pajl v jr il -~1 Sa 1 MASONRY 1