VULETIDE FAYRE 804W AND SANOWICI4 LUNONEO CRAFT AND SAKE SALE SATUROAY, NOVEMIER 2M75 a A&W. P.M. GRACE ANLIAN CHURCN 317 MAIN STREET DECORATIVE PLASTIRING. Intenori and outencra BesI rates on %nires, ceding consens. panel moutding, cotuw. rotDOra wrc filroptcqs aid customi yt tap design. For alt types 0f plastoir work mo duywall Io sbcc Cal 825-760ý EVESTROfION elesnjng, e ctiga gnteraif labour, Free esimast Cal Wig =t86 3332 MSI CONTRACTING. Copet ResidCntba/ Comercial ronovehons. dons Ooignlbud tour droam bIome/additioito-0day AIl isor guaranteed 87842 "NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS * I l. Oniano Humait Reghte code pealibt dès-j criminion boosuse of agel sex, marital statuts. rae, coued. naUansl4, aIcey or place of ongký,tn comphmncev- tees code Utis newipapr sevea hn riglf Io malte nesoary changez q adnisiog oopy. ATTRACTIVE UUSY MAI %ALON, seeking an esttreticîan Woutd Consudér entinrgspc Sonous inquines only. 873-M2), MOVIOLA CAFE eequIrée WAITING STAFF Ntghi a Dey Shif FUR il Pari ldm@ avalleble Aply n poron te, 243 MAIN STREET, MILTONI PART liME BOO4CKEPE à SECRETARIAL, ACCIPAC and asso-ted software experience preberred 5Se-d resumes to 5590 Sfaeles Ave W . Mlti, Oniarlo LOI 2YI PERMANENT Pari lime Ofhe eClrC toi do tng faurrrg data ontry etc Menimurn wage, hours M F -8 AM - 11AM nd eerySaturdaytrImg AUM 12 Noce Fax rosume to 878-8076 or drop off at Gerre Eloctrrc. 315A Sfeelos Ave. -Milice. TRATTORIA DOMENICO treque-es ASSISTANT CHEF Apply in porson la: 395 MAIN STRIEET E., MILTON AsIc for Domenic WANTED Ful sune Porson for Parue De-ever à bight Office Wo-k. Applp um pdrsoin 10 UA P Auto Part, 626 Main Stf. E., Mdbn 875-0101 150 Sales HOID - CAL/E LIW 4L CaFTS PEOPLE1 Invy1 Clearance I RAL DAY OF SALE I a*. iu VU ?8 T COI LaeImontPrycs whiinsat rlss, Fubncu ' dabon . act craft sup p n etc Son. NoV. 28, 10 amt-i PM, Inigoui 110 McLaren Rd, ceuplimtull 584784 GesipI U./4$1 eri alts pastel tiers 170- Davcare HOE OAYCARE AVAILABLE in the Tenhenlse s Lunches & snacks pmivided in Unis watt and canng eriveouprent Co-oprabai and mai- fiers emphasizsd Please cati 876-4415: Remis gre-ou 23 Vehicles for Sle' lois DODOE CARAVAN LE, 7 passngsr, *utanai. pee steelig. paiese be-ki. AMI FM. won maintunel vefude $6.796 Oegite SIeso Mobmr. 388 Mma Ssai, Mrtn 878- 1797. 10118 MAZDA MX7. GXL. ether interior. suiarof liy osdid, $6.800 oemtifI 519'$53 0564 -for "Am.O Good condion. s ____________________ DIET BREAK THROUGH 285 For Rent LOEUP TO 20 LBS. THE NEXT 30 AYSI 2 BIEDROOM'HOUSE, plus .0e-broc,, suit BE TRIM FOR CHRISTMAS couple, nua pets. abstainors only Affilabte *Sale.& Natural Decomber lm1 8750/mfonte plus utibes 818 *oco Tosind 9240alerSp m ClnolyApprovect 3 DEOROOR TOWNHOUSE for reni. dlou to i O 1-90&-8734M97 sbove ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e S10om hplsuie83133r i~ ORINKINO csuitng trou pe-obleme? At 85ýp-2762 coholics Anonymous meef Tuesday nrghts al 1Graco Anglican Churci. Main Street at e 30 p m ARE YOU F10 UP wriM the high celt Of rouI (519> 8361522 Vvly lot -ont t0 oan. Phono 976-3762 eave message - 290 imments For Rent CUTYRETREAI. Secuded 4 ac 1 B EDROON APARTWENT ln Actai. 21 Mil bdt 3àath, tpcwfc rmFlonda mmn appi St 350/monte lu utCfbtes Avi )e ifre « Decomber li $500 net/month iI Ca> SyMa CounVywde Campboliuure %ar jaring spacoe No potit Roe-orncets and place ci 854 2204 . orli rqWed 8530676 i BE1000CM SAlEMENT, paia ame-age mont, LARGE one bedroom maIn Sar of older homo 2 searl snn. ltage. steve. m"t TV & Appliances Kîtchen. dining and living room utilsait mo SIte ImaNrecy twnIse No peb Close ta Downtown, oOeloOM Palk Newy SOO95/rnh Avoale December 1, Calé 8719 docofled $8150 month inctusNe ReJeoronces 29. 87-&30 -i BDROON plua Modem aParpsntLag IAt LEVEL, 3 Beo9om Hoe. 5 appiances, filodax.I 2 bedrooni qpamnet. dvdnmgroorn CA.' garage, non imoliers, n Pets $925 Plia Apl V.Mue 878-3208. utl#«87838lý2 UEDROOM APARTIIIENT, Io oSiers wdht04 MILTON TOWNIIOUSE, Bp Th. Oak@., 3 mals S350/month Cail Milie 875-6046 bodrooms. 2 batis, finrhod bisement garage Orrs $lTs/mondt Fint a ast. Roe-onces Cal 416- 824-1957, BURUINGTON. Noly rnrdJunis. demi. Nie AN-Rnasacf ot.Rffsquit building. sterling aio5r/oa, indludos -o BR-- Rniasa orBus.RVR utileos Cet 333-9046 T -raro. Autos. etc Andrewrs Scenic Achat. Milten. Phone (905) 878-5807 FOR RENT, sa rais 1 bedrooni apaluneni~ 8500 NICE 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOME at Ms Bnee mne8307 r88 Street. Avaitable January 1, 1904 Finit & tlut GUELPH LWNE- Bi@oIivgI& Spemusi 2 bodrocin, monte required, plus roborencos, Joyce Hagevit. apaIliist 8 Yeats old. é@Ndlbmn, csrwrcWU Royal Lepage. 87-101 bathrcon, aisi hot aster tank. use-ié rrdon. paring $780 plia utliste%, 4184-787 1125 or THEE BEDROOM Bungalow, 4 ,applhanes 416-781-3722 - garage dock. desirable are Ca 87e-4957 ROCKWOOÇQ 01.-Ï bero aPar-n" 2nd latter 5) fDo$~ étom aparîment, primae VILLAGE PARC ON TH4E POND. 1 Bedroot m8?ain itu$5. pnivale gperlnet, aparirnterl w*9 5 appiainces, January 1, 1994. maein flou enlanoe, covsred pordi, apaclous 878-9136 '- mmit$, utiiie. included in af1 sparmente rIne LOVNGMOTHR «vàl".1 8u- 1.--1 519-836-1072, 519866l-49W. horme Anyse Babeinne Ho uce 295 Shre A come and sasa Pe-i4Omvu 0# toms and TLC Cal HOUSE TO, SHARE AIb-modm convoeences, Lisa875-6g>-- - fOrt and lt.t Phtone separate $428 jidudes MOIMUWi2 wl bebysin mynr homo. Monay utbm.s %beinces 878-9856. Wer-e-idy, wann meos and vana fte-vided m Hwyis 25 and BU rmantearpe Rond us2s 825om va 3031, ATTENTION.- Rocimi. besirebor and naît 1 RELUIE DAYCARI AVALABLE, 6 montfw à bqdom 5pffujii5iie uih mi kuwrIihWqp ( TV -! up. Rsfsrsnce Sb"le à Ontario. 876-i78 bed an soé. istio snd brn $lOcitieek snd SAPE &" OCILDRENI CERTRE hmà up For good people. 877-86. jis lu# & pa Vu opu -aiable Sewrg M6- W0M FOR RENT - (centrl'u Wta) unIh Cot.s lin for 7 peu. 875 ..... Plion I 905-554186. ROOM FOR RENT - saparale outtrance snd W ly s ____kithentte____________». uit m =MM.. 1 - 1 faiv "Ai Arm pou sit loolung for a w0atp daycmr cee 0 ofchitd7 W. hav" à lu open- ore avakb l e bqgmrngç of IJeasmber. Vour eNt ai explore art drém&s ge-ote moter, comnputlers, envofnene sadesm muical or- bfruu~i e08w d 5 acuictiies. hiie a9 Vur MWi m oqu4e« du taUai chIW CiulehU FR% For' ilhde informaion cat: Dlannm Ut 878-[552 -VOu chu"d Honte Auivbe-om HomeV 2S8 COMMERCIAL STREET, L- MITON 175 DomestIC WANn!0- Houasete for Ianuapy - Uve in on- fortelie courubp fores Cars for 2 doge, na oew responsribbes. sud"l for me-ed Persan or couple Replp ID Box 1977. cia Th. Canadien Champion. 191 Main Strecst E., Milion. Ont. LOT 4N9. 202*tBuslnéss Services m SECRETARIAL/DATA PROCESSING SER- VICES.- Leftt. Reporte, ReSuines, tnding Laits & f nvoicea, Ouat4y isoul ai reasonable ralts Pleas Cal 878-5108 210 Personal ABORTION AND) EUTIJANASIA - Lsrn aie tous5 aamonietài .svdoos an d spoakeis se-ajable North Hation Prole Cau 654-2318 ABUSEO and sirae? For heolp caI 8794555.a 24-hou- cmai lors for abused soinen Haison Woinens Plaèce os an emnergaricyshekio avait sbie for abused womien se-d fier hd in Ha l- tan Rogion AI celle ara cocftid.t , ARE POU SEING sfleciod bp sanisons, Ma@'@ ddnldng? At Anon Famiy Group mrisai "ach Morelay nighi eBp m ai Si Pau# United Cnrr, bac done- (parkirg Mo antranae) <619 836 1522 CISES SMLFI Ta". ovor 6 9% Moolgageý S imniy$1.000 104a d»inpayment 3 omm wsingte detedrod. 2 51s" wste g$e-age 519i-8153-4875 V 9ýNew ArrivaIe 3 1993 BABY SUPPLEMENT B ABY PICTRES pICi vour 088by8 lirt Annocemelt taumear in 'e caraant clamoion n 1993? if so eour n ,n.i. apIII ,y our annual ýFW ?.VALS 1993* Suooiernent on Januanv 1994 f you*wis, j) au. r,, announi ent acComtlafr'd » octuru? of you, lArin 1 ihm your -itu" iietture . Put vour rirle eeomnre (luriter aloa heoutS miai Ire babij urn-rie r-trof 'ie »ctute '5 rnq f ,ntoour fioe o rter tanec 91m M~~~~ 1 iwrmi eh ià11r 191 Main St., Milton. Ontario, Lli tN9 875-3300 loin the many people wbto agriee lot to dnink alcoholic beverages... and f0 drive everyone in thiVr groupitiofle safeiri 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS 'ITH FAMILY VALUES WE -BUY - SELL - LEASE LA49G EST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Dlsplay Advertlslng RepresentatIve Required Trhe Oarv île Beaver Nnwspaper rias an m-medlaie opernng for a Disçay Advisoneg Rep1e enta> ve Highly motivattid and amnbitious individuals would find thîs POSt on both Challenging and rewardtng Please send reflume bo OnkvilI. Denver 487 Spet.,. Rond, OukviIIe, Onit. LSK 3S4 or Fax 845-3085 p Attn: Advistlalmg DI;ae5r NdO puoNi eAN1jELE*8E 1SU iei . CLASS A MIECNANIC required for buay Auto a ire Centra Apply in porion ai Bergain Tire Auto Centre. 88 Ontanio Si. ftlon 878-2859 U, "USED CARS 1 10 CO tatonLUi.=m.q 81178472lIx Il 10CM l tarte qtiet beeiilrm ut Ious pihol age meuJre Leave message ai 8ï54-0887Îý SMALL Fumoished Room. lutnn praiege. ' com". Phtone 878-0225 oi ooms Wnie M .-- WANM- Rom Bu. Mm. ipi-ngRond 312 Lots à Acreapes SER VICED LOT FOR SALI on Millan IIady to ttuidd Pliân. 878-9250, 315 Comm=ercal & Ingust. Prop. FIIISI-Il OFFICE SPACE for e,, nois building S35WlmoeU 878-4713 RIASONAIL# INOUSTRIAL UNITS tor mgn 1.060 b0 3.200 oq Il. Sorotu Servios on prianmaes. 875-1200 or 1-4116-2715-68U .,320 Office & BUSiness SDace 2 SAY CAAqga* finisted offi âpée for 42!5 EBII 5-0588*