., -e, rIlmUMY M'JVtMUtH O, 1 kIVInO ilOfl, ~1kIlo 75fm1?è.a.i.q f Big Blue on rebound, Vintage sounds and says Haris wine samplinàs % = u"Chmpo Vintage grapes and rqisaac Ontarto s -Durs. to Recover- ac wli be hîiohligtted as Mîl&in's cordutg te Ontanio Progressive Con Red Cross Society presents qervative Party leader Mîke Harris ils Winelest fundraîser Saisr- Weho Speke ai a fundraising dinner a day, Nov. 15. Mohawk Raceway Tuesday nighi. T'he event gels underwa al Playtng on an old Ontario fournit, 8 p M and runs lhrough mil slogan,. Mr llJlTt &a preachtng 1( niglfl Six of Onlainos .a the converted witex he 'polie te winexes are laking part, about 2501 people crsi. heb sec'.a *lloffer supenor selecti the mismanagemfeni of1 ihe provinct fromn ttteir cellars. by Premier Bot The Thomhîll Swing Band Rae and i th WIii Provîde music froen the New' Diemo- 1930s. '40s andi '50s. Ifs a, eratte Party i7-member group 1ami i'. man- BuSinesses frllm Milton anti agemient of lte Ntagara-otlre.Lblie are . Otrio PCs. dortating raifle ltems * or the Il ws'Cam- fundraiser, indlucng tégadpaign style pnize of a nigt at aneP th rally. tetith bai. o( Wales Holol. /1 ons, slogans rTe darnce andi wine sant- "i Mika Harris on posters, andi pliflg laites, place al Halitr put musîc- Mr. Harrts worked NoN plce,309 Sseles Ave. utsi p5od prssing te le'.h before and admission tls $10 p4r per- iakil; thte stage in front of a ituge son, Wîne coupon are lhrge Ontartb flag. for US Lighl appetizers wdl e "Boit Rat itas painteti this pro- served. For more information, vince s.0 rkd titat we'd he lucky t0 cail 875-1459. gel a mie of credît al the Banik of Ar- gentina.- Mr NIamsjoked. Ilà- le tolti the galhering that Bobt Nixon. finance minister in thte former Ontario LiteraI gosemineni. INSIDE ca'. unexpeciedly in tite galler at Queen's Park jus[ prier Io thte miosi recent budget annouiceti by NDP finance otînîsier Floyd Laugitren. "rfigured Ntixon wa'. lice (liordie SNHoise following Wayne Gretzky untîl he itroke lits record, Mr Harris. saîd hi'. party li- «eforged ne% idea'. evtaitli'hed a Solîd financial position and attracted sarong people Io figbt the election ______ xPectedi in 12-18 montit'. g He praî'.ed the 42-year-holti on Ontario ity tite éon'.ersalive Big Blue Machine. saying iho'.e gosem- ment'. tuu Ontanio'. prosperity by italancing taxe'. ant he tieed for in- frastruiture and qrogram'. Ne mner- Joan WoodaI sa flîada titncd the iormnity collrge sy'.- ig s new womren's group in terni, thte social sale(>, net. heafth care Miltonami protection of the en% ironmienî r. Page Po.tivc achiesemnenis S ee Pa e12 1 Wlie people earn a ituck, gos- Fut resemnt has to leav; :hem wi Opinin ......... 6 back and cuti motre,- te sauid Crimeio..........21 The fundraîsîng event cas or- Crim Stopera. .. 21 ganizeti by Rex Joyce, prestient of Duteile .........22 Tim Horton . Donut. Classlfled... 25-27 MI.r Harr'. thanked cvcryone for Real Esat . RE-E their support. *To paraphra'. Boit Racu wc're forever ix your det Derlan workers ire off protest letter IN UAAD BEAUME lTe Champion Derlan Acrospace ha, lired the fir.t shot in ther baille te convitice newly elecîmi Liberal Prime Mini- '.1er Jean Chretten te review bis op- position to the EH 101 helteopter deal negoîtagmi ity the outgoing Progressive Conserv.ative. The Markcet Drive company, sent a letter te Mr. Citretien urgimg a reviete of the campaign promise te cancel the contract for 501 Britisht EH 101i miflîar, telicopters. The cIrter wa'. signeti by 107 local employen. Derlan stands to bace a $35 mrillion conmmet if the decil is sceappei an" a possible $8 million deal tehicit tcy tai hopeti In b awalded. Derlan weon a conîraci freim the British it he Wesiland Helicopter to nuaufac- tare replacemsent rotor teads' for the Britisht Lynx telicopter. The conîrac tsi awarded in Der- Ian because. uniler ternis or West- Elantis deal teth lthe Caiaiax gov- emotent to bituld tite EN 1011 utrcr.ift. Wesiand had te invesî $1.16 ix Canada for every Si spent by the Canadian govemntent. If the EN l0I deal faits trougt. titen iti t' an- ticipatet lthai Wesîlami would wîith- drais ils.coniraci to Derlan. Vi'e have been blId by We'.tland taI our cortnici t' ai risi f the Cao- adian govemnn wiithiraes frott liher conirxt'aid Dertan Aero- space president David Gec carlier tits week. Derlan itad anticipated a furiher4g million contrai iàt manufacture te- termetiate geajb.nes for the EN lOI itelicopter w.hich coulti have mirant 10-15 t ew joits ai thte compary, Mr Cuec ývas uxable to quanttfy possible layoffs if thie deal wilh Westlanmis t' itittrawn or a tîrne firame itecause it is dependent upot the oulccome of Mr. Chretien's decision, -It'. ail typotheical nigt now." te said regartifing layoffs. -We haven'î been formally ativiseti of amy chan- ge'.. souis ail idle speculanion." SLest we for et 1111111onme MMae efo 8M ud h m e 1 oe .w Seniors, have your say 'Me opinions ot Mion's senior -citUen'. will be especially val1ued Tues- day As part of "De,%uny Milton I'he Town', long-range plan for the future of the municipalîity a mxeeting tas, been set up Irw.snior. to have titeir say.- Local seniors. are inviled t0 miccl wîih Gerald Grant Asoctaj.ir consult- ant'. aho are a'.sisting lthe Town in prepartng the plan. .gatrhoen Senior Citizen'.'Recreanon Centre, 21 Cha-les St., ai 1.0. lThe Town woulcl like te know *Whita seniors, lice mosi hbout luililton? *Whai ame tise mosi îmo.lý re. and characterstics titat sitould be preserved for future & s 1ý - What servic"a- facîlitie'. could Milton offer thita would improve lte way resideW-fiIe, now andi looking to the future? T-BONI STUFFED Breakfast STEAK TROUT 10a-2pi caféNS6- 605 UDES5 tuffed wih trench Soup or saiad, vegetabie hmpadC b IAIN ST. MLO 87-65and choice o ati o.ShmpadCb _V@Lldré information; contact Robin McPhail ai 875-1691