eA ceittre simpoly for women to gditheradgo It's flot afeminist group, it'?not a shelter, Y-ICHfo rp The Viomen's Infoirtion an î's jus: a place for women to meet m n rg eve Tueay fria w7tos Support Centre of Halton isn'i àaetpei 'Wxi oe' fenlainist lobby group mad& Up tif Bug ihen workera <frcided the centre iween the region*snuiaiis Centre. "man-haters," conmrwy to whai needed to be more visible as weil as was a bamrer. On November 30, the centre stime May believe. accessible .WISCOH renged a meeting voom presentu a workshop on the topic. 'VIn fact. WISCOH isn'i a femminisi Seven nins tige, suite 230 of ai Milton Cornnunity and Informa- *Re-think the Holidays - Musi we Agroup, ai aih. says a centre voluinteer. Hopcdae Mal], ai Third Line and tien Services 4 MCIS) mn the Optimisi Spend Big Bocks t0 Enjoy S li's algio not a shelger for baiiered Rebecca Street in Oakvjhle, becaine Centre te sa a support group for Chrisimasi" The evengi s fite V/ îy s is a placelgr womfen (0 "Atready we're finding that we through separaion or divorce. aware of ibe centre and underswan, gnjand share concemrs specific t0 don't have enough roni%" says Ms Thx prograin, which was te hegin is purpose, response tb ihe drcip-in inefmal gener.amiprovde up-Woodail. As pqpulariiy of thse centre Ociober 5 mn Milton, was atso beîng prograng wîil dtrmei h cn Poil. grec, workers camte go thse decisiont offered ai tIse Oakvitle centre and ai such a4faciýty here. Ms Woodajl irs a ptace for women to conne thaï sorte [talien terrien. specificaJ. a meeting place mn Burtingtoq, wherre stages openly. *and be heard.- noies JoanWoodali, ty ihose mn te norgh. were bemng Lefi i bas been successful. * Serviceç offered by the ce*re are a long-tiîme Milton resîdeni and ourt In Milion. however, lack of ad- bcst summed up by looking ai ils WISCOH volunter. "We realid ce really weren't vance publiciiy resulied mn a poor goals. Accoding go ils mandate. pi ation facmlity rirsi opened in serving ail of Halion," shte -says tumout. says Mds Woodall. and thse WISCOH wili: Jonn WOOdil ih basemnent of an Oakvile church. Lack of public transporgaion be- prograng cas cancelled * Be Wengen belping oiherormon CHEVROLETLm a c.mrng. non.judgeienîal. su 0(1 8 ellnessmurough self- help supor grops nd eercolin.- * * Piovmde information and resour- ces te empower womren t0 miake in- WHEN EVE YTH NG S *;%N-1#V UPforned decisions about lbeir lives; -Address issaes of concero go IN P ICE WERE OWERNG URS 1 omen through public edacaion and communîy awareness While a membership msn'i needed t0 use lhe Oaksille lacilir>. ilmose Chv umn ancms oha1,994 CHE LULMINA VAN rcie otl nwit huuks restledfrot ed ad dshIigfting upcoming eil - 7 assnge seang 3.IL V enineMembersbîps co(Sî 51(. ssbîch goes qAircondionng 0ý-iver sie ai ba qtossard covening centre operimonal - 4 hee ani-lck raks -24 ourexpen.es. sa»s Katl» Lcpatourel, RoadideAssstane, nd oreprogram co-ordmnator and one of Isso ________________________________ They*re kind of uying parti(if ssbat the cenire is all about * ý P1.W L MShe sm»% il*s cutrenlly ani csing t 000 lime ai lIse ceotre. sbicb i, ini the process of birling lbrie part lime emplîîyees - an iadmmnislraiiîe o- urdinator and hookkeeper. and ari outreach woi-ker for nonh llalîun For ore information. conac the centre ai 847-552iî or c.ll il76i4756 ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___cards for sale Once agaîn. Ibe [taliont branch of corne equîped wttt VA U ihe Canadian Mentl Healtb As- 1994CHE YAST O rIL% socmalson s% sellng bolîday greeling 3L V6 enîgifle * 8 passenger seatîng nis year'N design. a reproduction * 4 wheel anti-Iock brakes - Air Condi IM- of *The Red Snosssuîî' done in egg ttoning * RatiIî whee/s * AM/FMA stereo t/~Ç empera s, b> Iurlingion arliii Julie cassette * Power locks * Reclîning l ~ Dn nd dcsn amlloi* ly captairt's chairs - Tinteci wmndos gsb o * Dri vers sidoeair bag * 24 hour Roacisice - Cards cone mn packaiges of 1ii for Assistance, andi more $7 and include taxe, and enrlopes prinmed mu allow 36 cents postage As J ~ N \ el as for persona] use. the CMHA suggesis purchasmng tem fur busi- riesses or communmly agencies For more informnation. caîl Vmckî Roy ai 845-5044. $2M9 TMeia NEWuh TÉG YEAI. O LOOKWHOS qpw Sr.ll«.1" sir, W'auNT .vSs o5n a. phu.i ca. awyt --"'0W 'ý gël cT u C o,, V O n U O l t Vrm" v o . - * U P d ays a. Ve, . c o ' ~ u , u S . ~ V , a