Kids show t Tickets are n00W on sale for the Milton Performing Arts for Chdken 1993-94 "luy consert Sies. Dmt group lit fraring two concerts thîs seso - AIAddn and the Ubodrfui 1--,, hot te Mln .§.,R gàkets on sale le lihellule (Nov. 14). andi tht Magic Dfl.m by the Joinf Hantis Puppeteers <Feb. 27). The total cost forI the two-concen seres is $12. For more information or ticket%. cati 8784533. Wheel Balancing le Fiat Repalrs 751 Steeles Ave. E. Milton j878-6785 NOW'YUV O OTO W. also carry a wide lno of Bnidg.stone, Dunlop & Michelin ires 878-2022 1 000 8 M - 1 e9 Breaîn 1ad tIt 45 a mr- Sonday SchSo 6 30 Irm - Gotte Service Wbd$dà 7 300p Mt BEi l4.t SBAllA' FAITH »ursekIM r:', edh ed t t, k THE PRESBYTERIAN 5~CNURCH IN CANADA KNOX, MILTON 170 Main St., E. 878-6066 ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH 139 Marun St., Mîitar, 878-6535 Mass ai 7: 15 OfllSatarday 9 00. 1 0M & 12:00Sunday OUR! LADY 0F VICTORY ktioon pèleights MsAi. et1030 am Sonday ST PETER'S CHURCH ah1 Un. Trafaigar KMas alSOt00an, Sunday Revu. Earl Talbot Iik Curtis, Orner Fagen, Hat-old Ilectiord, S. J. ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Va,, S: a es M'no0,1 Rév~~~~~7 8895Hye% Ean Lnin Sunday, Nov. 7,1993 10:30 Se.m. Ortinrry Tîmne Morning Worship anti Church School Guest Speaker Rev V.C Poalzat 141s1 Annivetsary 0> The Congrt lion Minister - 1Nursery rare avaîlabie ac.nuir e The Rov. Rod Lowie, B.A., B.D. UICIt. eau". est Nov , 10:»2.Pm - *aisiPW DWaonai Minister - Miss Collsi Smith~- 878-979 ST.* GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH S$JNDAY, LOVVVILLE, on tm. Guoipll Un. NOVEMBER 7,1993 utn Cd0 Ri 9:45am - Grades 7 - ilHigliSch SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 1100 am - Moming wolship IO 8am-Mornry o Church SCIIOi (Allas 3 -Grade 6> OOm-Mti ooui Ntnoey (infatsi up 10 2 yM$ N"r5 Pr0vided Sundaty Settool 7:00 Pm -Evening of Music 7 i evc fe e sy COIn. amw« For twlw datag pisas a. s m AU WmLcoug 0111 dhItl 0%0. 878-1363 Ea¶n, ANIC AN CHURCH 317 Main St. E.. Milton 878-2411 Re, Mark McDermott SERVICES Sunday 8 00am. 10 30 arn Thursday 10 O0am, Bible StudY - Tuesday 7.30 p m, r rayer Group - WfIdreSciay 7 p ni -EVeyone Welcome - GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH Pestor: Walter N. Isaakt 876-2298 We welcome you o médit wfth us et: 407 Pine Street Nexl Io Million Library tcoea.m -SundaSChool 11 00a.m - Mornng Worsn0p 6 30 pm - Evenngev Sfe T(c.rsday 7 O0 p m - Bo01e Study Nulrsery anc iOlolat69r 10, tihe rrearii i' u,6d Prn.'QIed fol as servcas Harris says need flot jobs key to chopper deal The CfhaUmEAUMl A decision oan theiEFI loi helico ters shoulci ha madie on the hasts neei tathler than ho,- many jobs ilh wîill creale. ai.cording t o Omiar lirogressivr Conservative Par leader Mîke Harns Mr, Harris. in iown for a pari fundraiser Tueday. atideti thal ovas flot fully conversant sviih il helicopter contract as tl oas fetieral malter -In my vieiv therre is a mimùmu, lest! for defence and thetitcisionc the EH 1l01 shoulti ha made on ho vieil lhry fill the requiretnents tirfence railler hian on the jobs the coeaie." Mr Harris saîid *Somebvdy bas tb make qt decîsto tf ils, cicterminei fihai w neeti (hem. then ove hioult y Io ge the hast tira for jobs <Film. Mini %ter Jean> Chertien's mistake is cont mîîîîng lo scrap the deira walhouî trs looking ai il I hope lie dors, -lisý whai's womg ovill Canada Pork harrel poliltcs andi make-wor projrcts att noî the answer- %tr Hamt said hc was upportiv of monîvipalittes in ilirr proîrsi ho ihe fetirral goverimeni. Officiais o0 the Townr of Milton art on the verge of launching a proiesi 10 the fetirra goseranten haERausE Derlan Arn> NEWTEIFESTI CIIURCR OM2 Third Lito, Milton phonse (416)187&33sa fleo Damai E. Aogge, senior Pastor Rob> Hegman, Chitarenu à Bua Pastot SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7 9 45 a m. TRAINING IN TRUTH Sunday School for ail ages 10 45 a m, THE APPOINT14ENT WITM GOD FiillaL. SERVICES OF TIIIE-OUT RETREAT Ray Bt> Catuttsars .111 bu pfoaclnýng MinistrY nt Muscc by Gordt & marcla Clarkt Nvru.rV C-, (Ag.. O 2) Clld'.t Chas ýAg*s 3 9 630 P rit EVENING EVANGELISTIC RALLY 1. Bdt Carroltwes Mil h. Proaetn.g Miniutry mt Mimi by Gora à Marcia Clarkî Notasy C.,. (Agira 0-2) Ka. CîvE (Ageî 3-5) noh Pr...a Choir (Gr018 t-8> WEDNESOAY FAMILY NIGHT 7:00 -8 15 pri Adt Ed:1. ohaty .ghIlo.- r,rl Hg(Ag.. i, 13 Kngs Fort. Ages 1 'O) Narsry Carn (Ag- 0-2, WOMEN'S MINISTRIES or- Th". nrghi. mrontl YOtJNG-AT-NEAAT SENIORS MINSTRY lI.Church Thot1 Car. F o Yt @17 'ENLARGE OUR CIRCLE 0F LOVE» Milton Bible Church M*eIng et Sain Swerntt Schodit 649 Laurier Avle. (et Faly> 10:30 AM - "SEEKING GOD-S VISION" 10:30 AM - CHILDREN-S MINISTRIES Nursery Avallobls ~ ~ Pastor: JIm DeMarmh - Youth Pator: citris Jarviat 876-3586 of ry 0 y a m îf cChallinor dies choppers to killing Avro Arrow e -frOir DERLAN on page 1 W Wad 2 own counviltor John Cha r lînor hroughî the issue, up a, M4onday*s councl meeting, sgges- îng ihat local rmplo#ment andi tas assssmrr mîght suffrr if lie arran- gemnis scrapprd He urgeti counicil to consier making a formaI requrst chat the caI ha gises senous non-partlsan consideratiiîn hs the tiheral gosero ment (lbernttinicipaliuc and onme pros nctal go'entrens hase aireai> roteste th le loss o thI ic.:utracvt Mr Challirvîr ,uid He equatcd the III 10>1 deil 4itli lie Asro An-o,-, a Canadian hîgli performance tîgier wihnch w&.s cirorlopeti and cancelîrd in tht 1960%s andi which carent oisdom bas suggesteti oas a major bluntier hecause of financiat andi resrarch losses Io Canadian hîgh technology industrie s Mr Gce saîid that if lthe cira] oîith Westlanci oas Witlidrawnu Derian ovoulti sur îliem to recoup money spent ihu, far. in tum %Aestland would sue lie CanajianT goernitnt for recoser> ci l st fondis incladtug 'Puce, a local employer, is ai risk of iosing COntrdct, linlcrd Io the tirai. . L écienî Boucha-c leader of tht federal Bloc Quebeois> siarird tht hall roling on the Proieis by daim- ing a billion dollars.~ %r. Itarris raid -I think (te id il Io make English Canada mad -- On the local front Mr Harris raid that wilh the sext elecîron 12-18 mnths awaY, svor %as hring done ro aiiract a candidate 1Ils a con-riant building process* lie -aid. -We hope Io have nomina- lion meetings for local candidates in the rient 6-12 mondhs in ttose nidings which ove dontq presemfly bolci We have approacheci people B8JNOAY 2-4 PlI $319.000 Fbesr. WsIr . Ione CCJIiTRYVWIE CAMFSEULL. REALTY 5UINOAY 2-4 pu. ROYAL LEPAGE RIEAL ESTATE SERVICES SUNOAY 2.4 fat M88 W.40. Ar S 172,9W0 sBfla. Crcari n Mwt.r. ROYAL ~S9 88*1 ESTATE SERVICES SIOAY 2-4 PU $214.900. REALTY WORLO . i élCALIDDEN KI. SUNOAY 2-4 PUI 11280 G~~I Lérxi. "349.00 Ctirsp a N ..Oat4w AOVA8ITAO PLUSI SNEELL REA9.TY 94C IMII-44U4 suffOAy 1:30 400 P.- 5075 -loy 25 Ricoed 64186ru M n W R&U UTOWI PaALlV COAR p0l7m ci Idw Performance Radiats