CýOPINION SBox 248. 191 NWe Si. E. Milton L9F4N9 FhgaM Toronto Lne 821-3837 Alg On m.0 Fau - 878-4943 Um.neu Ccsaa lasified Adveisng:733300 111111& l an Oliver Putblas ha ti hi « Nos OMMT Adwriîarng Direcsoe/ Vaisia (Uai. Generai Mawirer Sn bndPeeo** A&dmis Jette Muer Edi#ortr plmlsila ICarn Huihmai Circulatnm Afawqer, the anoranne bau TeiIý CUI. *6.9leMmae rite i .d Officeu Pena~tiage, e parai tu~ Geting up early for junkfod Wow Wihindeuiedays we woon lie WoMl Series, Jean Chretien became Canada's MVp anti Bonnie Browon sois traède t l Ottawax.ol Gond luck Io chterraioel. Note tee cane reluintel m'anler% cdoser ta bo1te, local maier chtar we VIEW 2'~ ai leasi peeeni soc have a say in Yoar acm- hudimait of optimanut sitali take thei on anc POINT aI a luete What do you chiale about elitisi iprs? No. l'I nlot talknnfg about skming andi tennis. l'm exercise ibey aie confeonteti by lte municipal ialbng about menor htockey. Wc aUl have ly i-un concession stands hcckoing soîith junt mnriews af cold nugitis on a frozen never or food. Chips anti cbocolaie bars - miicro poixi. Iloodeti backyaetis anti eosy cbeeks wiith waved bot dogs ant icites arc on dic Sour ru"~ naoses. But litose are unlikely tla be the met menu reserveti for special occasions, suri incdnormcs of our cilmken. Warmcr socalier (aI as soben te Jr. A Merchanîs play, Why o(t sel lesi il sectits ihat soayt anti organîzeti sports the concession ta anc of ithe numerous pizzi bave conspireti againtis tem. or suit shops in toweil Menor hockey bas a lcrific buncit of dedi- Then agatn. lthe concession stand isnîi exact. caied adales gîving gircaily of theitenlie anti ly leading any market trerd% Tbey don't ever patience in promotmng skills, eant play anti sdI pied tape or sImal laces gond sportstnanstip. Titis group deseeves far The sumotmer hall paeks armni trucite iter. more p-aise titan il gels. Wity doesn't Rotary Park effer hot dog anti Alter litaI mlv jusi plain dosoniili, hamburgers on a regular hais Thcy have a Myson. o i 10. ICas jusl begun playîng concession stand cient anti do it once mn a organized hockey, In presionu% yeaes lie skiied, wbmle played1 baskiball amd indoor soccer. Eqmip- Even our multîmmîtion dollmr leisitre centre ment andt fées for ptayîng aIl itere of Ilmosýe it.s a ichen wi poorer eqmipmenî tisit 1 sports were less titan for htockey, anti eacit bave ai home. Fniges for iteer and somne are provideti more bours of esercise anti training sîmîl an .sfiertitougt. itan hockey. primani> because of lte lack of Anolter ibmng. wity isnml liere a conneciing tce l)ime asuildble mn sinny laite beiween lte leisure centre aimd Bmsitop You base to questiont our goserments% Reding N-igit Scitool's parking lot? s, ibis ponties mhen one of tihe threc artifictal mce anoiuer instance mn whmcit a scitool board bas surfac.es te Milton s, for prisoner. ai dectdri onl to coaperale' t kos comment Mlapleiturst, Ho% aboutmminoving et110 neual sensie ist on their curriculum. siteu lThe pnsoners who can skate could tilml Ttese aie areas sohere local municipal count use t. as, fat as l'al.conceried cîllors 'coulti exercîse sorte contvoi The Lýack of foresmgh._n ey andi communmly mn- municpamîy, ties a gnoo jobi mn provmiîing lthe solsmentby revtu\ cvmcle- rs has servmces ihey tieclo'provide. bue more coulti resulitdin a 6 a m, itocke4 p-aeic~ tune foeb donc. l10 yemr nlis, Vote for pizza for yole anti me mn '93. Vuhen îhey gel to the acena for aince hcalîity Los e chtose Jays 1 Forget about those smudges My Dear *lter-ln-law: Il %ia% greatle 10e you ibis pasa Thanksgiv- tng a'eckend ai 6ur cottage. Que palies mec! but tioce a year and unforianaiely. soc usually fiteld ourselves on chose occasions ssntoundced by toits of relatives. lIt tii ast instance. ltere sem 30) of us ON THE roundeti Up tfl out collage soilit 13 of ltai num- HOMEFRONT ber ing active children - froute crytng __________________ babies le boisierous teenagers. You andi 1 itat no opporluniiy to %ii doson Invite yaur tmny poocit. Cracky. for a long and lalk qaieily sei arn wntîng (bis leiter as a walk. Let ienm sheuffle theough thde solumns resuit of my neeti Io adtiîe yole on an impor- leaves andi sil lie treasares along lthe way. tant issue, hauscwoçk. Talle, iim twn t lthe waier's edge and whiile I cauglit al ppel of a conversation iteing lie commiues ta suil. yen caue look oui acrosn cartied on aubie table aefletriller. You were lthe Si. Laworence and walcit thte freigitiers andi itemoang n face chit yasî regreeti lime day odier asercraft molor 'by. Sel down on a you bal y4ur witite kaichen cupitoartis in- bench andi saak in 1d1e lratquilily. slallcd fiinet cien you bave spent counir- Wlien yole reui bome, nulle youmief a col- leist oucsi llying la remove fingerprrns lIn fée, gel coinfonabl in an aricitair in lte face, you mentioned lia sortie days you spent family, roaian md reai lte mornmng papier Andi ait boue eubbing andi scirubbmng ani cursing. whbie yu am et it. you coulti gille a sien and tinles you bave sorte imfatboitaljle guili nocepaper andtesrine a frw tinea la foqlelten sucle as lit suffered by prier Lady Macbelt.i frienalu and relatives - maybe even youe teoulti say: Forger il. Let te cupitoatt sinler-in-law. nmudge up Do&ît forget youe tegmeniun tte livingrnoni There are benter anti more entertaîng Open lit blinds and let the sunnitine pour lings ta do, with youu'be. but jusl t e lietrougt lte teantiws ailUe yen çnctfile your your itouaekeeqxng pioitmUe lireta you W0 picra. Move on ront line hyns ad cry soaie nicher exciltng pasaibibocae. 1 amn offéritg you upiteai nusiuc. hnprovule. See.h escb elochen allentive aclivilies. you caine upl teilIl Sing "S.n Oély Crocky Helping children through a divorce t We*ve known for a long limer chat children tehose parents are going lilcougit a divorce *often need sorie help. Thcy are air nsk for a i number of differeni emmetnai andi psychologi- cal problemns IThe divorce may welI unprove* the life of these, children. b), paiîlng ait endi b- the daily, escalaing friction andi iasIilmiy lIj PSYCHOLOGY Nonlelliles,, even sohen the divorce es con- INTH 'o structive, ilis sitil only the boni of sortie prrrly INT E'0 unltappy alternatives for a child *es lThe effecîs of divorce are Iong-term Ilis flot just lte parental segaraiion lit causes stress baseti titerapy (*factlit-jtion' t group for titese ini children. hut a sequence ofexpenences an cildren Irs been so popular lthai it has hie- adjusiments îhat go on for >,cars ponrer cornte the model for more than 5(X) groups in economîc conditions. movîng te a new 17 t1.Sý stes andîtrc Cancatlan provinces resîdence. changing schools. togelther soîit ltse Dr. Kalqer is a slrong itellever in îhe salue of potentîsi loss of old frîends and Irying te mmske groP rl-e titan inidus idual lherapy for ltes new rriends. fluctuating visitationI sc hedules. chîldren. for seserai te 1lsons Fîrsî. groups pro- parcental redaîtng. remarniage and ieus vidé a sense of safet'. in numbers. whic.h in- blenetifamiiedi% idual counslmng cantni acievc second, Consequenîl). any titerapeaie programn for las tIerospet se lhi tlhev are no imore titan citiren going titrougit a divorce shoulti ie one grade apari. la otaximize lthe coitesiseness avatiable for the long terme. not jusi whien lthe and commufnication in lte proup lIn this way parents firsi teiccde Io separale lthe group can peovîde slrong ermional snppor' Neil Kalter. dîrecior of lte Ulniversity of Thirti. andi peritaps the greaiesi aitribsie of Micitigan Center for the Cild ant he F-amîly using a group formai. es l0 normale the has developedl a popular model for helping citild's experîence wîîh divorce By iteuing citilticen cope isîith divorce. He reins a scitool- other kîds lalk about liteir expenence and frel. on the wall soili bear you, He soant jutige your talent te'il bchaaPPY with Your companîonsitip. In- vite im la vil beside yau on ie seat, Meer a frienti for lunch ai a quiet cafe where lthe Iwoa of yau can sitare a meail. pleasurable expentdnces. aspirations, anti dreamsý Anti for goodiess sale, don't mention itousewSooim Go cross-hunier nitopping, Check ont the bargains, fli up soitit gas. you can do Iis alerte or mn lte contpany of ailiers. In lte evening, rent yaur favounite ovie anti curi op on te court wmlth a bosol of pop- collr anti your Signifcant ailier. OC if Yeu are feeling more entergelic. go lice dancing, tlle a&noles or tap dancing clasiea,ply batiin ton. Run yourself a bulile bath, bire tihe ligits doson bai - beaue yet. bile sanice canien. Pot ou relaxting naisic. andi lutenil in the soani tealer as il eus away aIl liai lcisi<ats ai lir day. Do YS De i te ies? Une your ilnagnalion andi let me lilois, tei yon camce iup teulit umeaniile, I reaJly bava lo go note. Thet il, a lhick cating of duo ou n pioa, coffre tabl. soitotil. anid TV in Une livingroon No Ue bote ficls I tempe Une dest ateay, il alteays compa>ack. Wby, I coli aVent as muact as an bou a tiay ce t11.1 job science. ils. cacit chilti hegins Io feel less différen. les. unusual. less aioe e T'he group leaders - .mltm. ' one emie ant one femnale. sci e.mch ses bas somieose to iden- ily wîiit - conslanity emphitame mit a chiltis feelings are normal. commonplace, typîcal. A major goal ai tcrapy iv ta show Item lit Ileir womcis anti feling,, are sitarei ty -aîY.ntafny oier cildren. Finalty, a unique itencfil ai doing iherapy, in. a group us lit a ciidses differen chiltiren at different stage% of lthe divorce expeniene. In itis way. younger kids realize exitier kitis have survîvet. even prospereti dlown lie roai. The "veteran" Lis clin also share ways (bey learne t 1 cape wsîh lthe initial separaion anti lthe painilîl feelings associatet ii ilt. Many issues are dîscusset iun Dr. Kaher's curriculum, surit as- parental itosiity. bot before anti aller the divorce soby parents gel tivorord anid boa il can belp che fammtly; boa' custody is determinel, and boa' mach aay ciktien bave in lie peooeSss. visitation wiiit the nan-cusl"dia parent; a citid's relation- niPa with lise-in palmers anti step-parents. remalriage ant] blente ietiiies. An teell. chikiren me gisen fire rein la dia- ceuxa anytiting ou liiter mintis. wiach lescia la narie remariable. visi anti poiginnt scnSsor: sa"sgm as ai lois of lie mIy soie; secet lbtreings foie a parental recociliaion; feelinga of gult ru poaaibly bavmng cauaetir detivorce; divitiet layaiien larn dmn porents; ie ts- ciemntml dnger fêit aihe a paren nias d«Mig; rens a atonse of confus"bo or dialocaijon sohers a paren criives act or nellsssie. "i- WOW- - âwmi B@R aê A"=- a la V é~ Cisa ecane . BobcoW SM O~hei .u0 w i n> = M on o thi. in he «.0 ,ottau' it W ~Ioei 1* flaW .n m i ~n. ny SanIe-s, . lu Un.& mou lo. but #W et n ai m vmunr ai .iaiinetsi ,- T. 1 tnvi i ll