Residents and HRCA sto p parking lot -plans ML Town abandons plan for 15-car Campbellvilte Park Ba S OMPAARITO lu a closeti-door incettng last long afier leuuting frou ariripaper resideuts mita opposed the parking îwa years; ago. Thte Champm ion mut. Milton tawn counicîl ap- ccosurs anti teriroai counicillors lot design, satid sbu flrsr learurd of As resideuts learnd more abat proved a resolution "ia te parking lthai lown couinril bai passeti a lthe plan upan bier return boute fron lthe prajeri, îbuy bugan [o realiz SThe Towen of Milton bas aban- loi uali proceed ai titis ilffe." resolulion io construri a 15-spare a tnip oveeseas itow munit of a detrimeut it wouId Sdoucti a plan Io cousinicr a parking Tite resalumion gave no fumiler ea- parking loi iu the park. locaieti ai the "We irere led la believe lthai noth- to lthe park, said Ms Fromneil. w lot mn Campbellville Park afier a planalion of wity public works staff conte of Campilîstîle Roati and ing couId bu donc. Titar il 'eus a descnibed il as lthe "'focal point" o group of rural resideuts bandeti ball made lte rerommendatin Gueiplu Lutte doue-&iai," satid Ms Fromeli. iro rthe itamiet. logeibor, tai oppose lte prrject. Resideuts itecame inrenseti last Cbufyl Froneli, anc of a diren moved ta, lte bamrilet front Torouro, -Jite residents lumei ta lthe Halto j - Region Couservption Autitorît j~ itci one tbu parkland for il 'fX'X P X ~ W-I ~ J i. * 1 W * I-i * *Thal was aur ouly sulsaltion <lb 1 mm j MTour4 HRCA) are ibu real bernes." M \yYI yV le i TéLM 1 : FotllS Environmentol Core* lu-MMEI, 10W LUSTRE EGOSEIL INTERIOR LATE 1Ater sole prce $4796 le fiuu are mu uSi lutti ur ~ utni rapmi nut pana or gits yuu il frssit îlesaimmiae, ili tBt ilia n utMdiedsmhileur servieuIl uoWvhvaiaqul u o % fyrpurdica Su in ot" NE ale4hdu Ou. 20 le Mm. 30, Ion. PRACCN OPIOeySjM UmS AVAILABsi N ta bm h.usa l ai ju. I CALI. 1-moo-ZB7-721 t STORE HOUES: Mo.A u.. 8:30 A.M.-6:00 P.M. W.d. FuiM. 3:30 AM.-»9:00 p.M. S.hailuy 9:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. Se.mdUY 11100O A.M.-4s00 PM. il e o if n e *Site said resîdents reaitzed &sup- port of the HRCA vlould bce crucial in stopping the project. whîchitn- volved the town purcitasing the necessary landi from the autitoriîy. .Residents appeared itefote lthe autharity's resurce planning. MuI Mnd flood plain advîsory bard, whicb voicd unanimously Io defer the land transfer until resideuisbd been consulied and the necd for I parking loi coulti be jusifed. *We kniew titcy were going toliz up Guelpht Une, but no one spoke about toucing ihe park,- reçallei resideni Juliana Smielko. -Niuciy per ceçi of thte people titougiti iitey were going Io fix up lthe oniginal parkcing lot,' sbe added Town officiais iold -resideniî the iea was suppunted by Caniptelville mercitanis Ia alleviair parking and safciy coners ai lthe corner How- eve, 'ehen Çls Smelko called - secral mercitanîs, sie said no ne votccd support, 1 dîdutq meci anyone isba thougiti it iras a gaod ide. Addiug further Io thte residenis' confusion. miany were under te im- pression an openi bouse hllt last fail tirait wih the Guelpht Line reconstruction. ual rie, parking loi. site said. "'The witole issue of losiug green space was neyer brougit.up,' site noueti Ward 3 municipal courillor Genry Brooks praisei the resideuis, .11! shows if yau citoase lo ge in- volved il rau malle a diffelenre, especially ai the municipal level,' bue said. Ms Frontell saiti tite parking lot iu- rident 'eas an eye-apeuer for Campitelîville residents, addtug uow thut lthe park bas iteen saved, lthe group wantn to tee saute impiave- tlieuts made. '1 tink lteres a positive teasca wity titis itappeie. li's laugit us ual t0 bu sa apaltheti." ute taid. ..WC thougit ltai if anytlting gondl contes frein il, mayite ire coulti bave a ralepayers' group," Ms Suseiko E NVERLY MILTON 525 Ontario Street (ut Laurier Aveu) 876-1855 4