Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Oct 1993, p. 7

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O UR READERS WRITE Bravo to park preservationi filer Edutor: As uechriology continues te steani- roil oser al dla us tacred and lifegisîng, lte sîgnificance mnd benelit of lte Flatton Region Con- servation Authitay's (HRCA) 11t1ecision te sarve due CanWbllviile Park frotte pavîing us gireale Conservationisis arc du guardians of titis curta. Witoul due stewardsbp of due air and water by HRCA's waalersited Inanagemaent mnd foresi protection prograris out two niost vital resources saould fatl prey ii due poliuning prire of "peogress" A retiern te nature us our only hope 'I of surs usai and sanily, lite everence and passion iearncd front, activattng ail oui senses in nature, us due only d ffernFain beisaeus a robot md a "M , c Murra SIephes, lte Ftc, e tlaningand FuI and Flood Plats Advisory Board, uni resîdents for your commiunent mnd islegnty. Titank yos for one large ,tep for Campbellsîlle andi one giant sirp for nature. lThe preseisuson of Ctmpbelvulle Park insures resudenis and i sitais of leaner air, a village galirenng spot andi a sutuerai legacy for our chiltiren. 1 for one amn prouti ltai liose ut IIRCA take titeir work as a commetl- oent andi nol jui a tie. Cheryl Fromdil Cantpb.llvio Make kids clean up their act [)car Edhlr: in reponse t0 a slory by Karen Smith in your i niay paper (Oci I5 absout santis spray painting arounti Victorria Park - i can*t help but think ltai îtey will gel off saîith a pal on lte wrlst. hile we thte ta payer% ruuîl hase te foot lte bill t0 hase te damage repaireti lu remintis me of a lima witen i Nti ,ige ttnaybe a couple of >cars younger) the Milton Mail was jusI being buile and il cas a greal bang out for inyself and a few of my fniend As for mosu lods ut a construion site. tere was lots Io do Tbey bai erected lte frame of lte mail titi titere sacre dir floors us most of lte shops except for te area in front of lihe Sitoppers Druig Marn citci bai lte rte fier isalled. For seseral wbeks white lite mail wts being huile. we rode our bitkes in antd urauni lie construction site and on tite nesaly laid rte floor.ý We found ltai whtle rsding on, bikes on the loor ce coutid! reaily lay rubiter anti spnourltres. Aflier a tine. sa (à WindShleld Stone Chip Repairs 0> Sunroofs ~>Tonneau Covers ÔRunnlng Boards 16 Auto UpIIstry noticed ia sac were makting quie a miess of the fleor saill black tire marks. One Tituzeday nigiti wiie sac were in thu mail. sorneonie caiied lie police Well. ecdless la Say sac ail took off like rats scurrying throtigi cvery open shop trying te escape. Myseif and one other fncend werc caugit by lte policeman whbite teying to gel asaay. I recaI ho was vcuy carvi about lte sahole incident, He did niat even gel niai of his pâtrol car. He called us lever and salit, "l've bledi a caii about sorte kids riding tem, bikes ltrougit the mail and ntaking a mass on lte newly iiled floor.' and lie said. "Boys you're in big trouble" We knesa if lie got out parents insosedi. itais whien te big trouble would start. He asked for lte niantes of our friends and we told hum lthai sac could not rai on iete. He snuled as if lie haai beard litai tlle before. He said lie would Iei us off te itook and sse would flot bave te rai on our frîctids, if we did te followîng. sinu Io His solution wsax lia if w;got due rest of oue friends liai were invoived and cine dowin oni Saturday st pails, scrub brushes and scalp te dlean due floor. ail saonld be forgot- len, We litougitei la saas very nice coutsidermng wite sae bâti dom. So sac gl everynne logeder litai Salur- day and cleuied' Up due ness. Anyone whio bas tridI l ean black rubter off a flane kiosas hosa longl and bard il is 10 remove. An t rvnd ouit il iook les ie beiler put of te day te dlean. We learned out lesson for se. This brtngs ne back le due incidlent saili lte lwo boys allcgediy spry paininlg aroundi Victoria Park. Wity not itave ihem conte dosan saill the necessary cleaing tuais; anti dean up lte mess lhey made. Titis sil gaeus lte taxpayers lthe clenning bill If itis cant lie accompiisbed bc- cause of our sîupîd lasas regarding lte Young Offinders Act, tien why not nuake il te responsibtliiy of the parents Io pay for lthe dlean-up? If noting cise, yoat cnuuld be tuae duose boys woul gel due coerect discipline ei bornte. i bebeve titis meltaid wouyhd works ands parents saoisi becoite more itsponuuble foc Mier ciadrerts cisý Ronald a 9 itn Aduit hockey players noeded Dicer Edar Tie mairliger of Thte Heari- breakers. mt naiut hockey marre bâared in Wintnipeg, es loo&ing for players t0 participate in a recrealion- ai tour of Finland and Sweden tits counmig season. Dave Sprtngeil ls organriug lthe Mardh tour and wouid like t tnd stima Ontario players 10 igne up. Ptayels are reçponsible foc iheir osan iravel expertes white the club provides unifornies, and relûkes ail the arrangemants. Players froin every province and front the UJnited Sixtes have parlicipaicd in lihe pose. The tearn as filled on a firse-comae, ÀunicBvm -Come I MW, 990.. H ~~I[U0 .5 asi rps * 0F/»a or issat *A6 susaker 11400uwBa VSX46 VX-512 ProLoic PoLogic R".er 18ir 2CwtcSu 60.uv5, ~ ~ 2 070 une fcront Àd* PLAYMS - . &ac magadziore la cnwli lua CD * 6 dsc *ftemnote controi *Heidphoneo/ip awyolure ÀM -- -m Moka the moat out' CT-W3G2 C-5 DOULE DUL DECK DC ~.Sg gIebay a/r *Duai auto reverse VEARS *: NER Satý NORTH HALTON A- 96p pMnaMnic - C,)rPiON-ER SONY MW fl SAM 111111wcSlgm Techniers 7 il[ ( \11 \1)1\\ ( il firsi-qerve basis and will play five no-contact exhibition gantes dunrng the nine-day tour Ail area players are weicon i cati gel nmore informtin by ca9n Mr. Springei ai (204)694".6 Manag.vi Nul of*" Letters i Welcomed The Canadiaen Champion welcontes entiers i t0he 9&oe vie Intuitve the 110,11 te dil. revise, and meiec laerant Wmfers serg b. contacted in regard la revuallna or tillac- tionts Letters muet b. aageeu and the incirece and the* teleçjhofle numnber of the wtnter indluded. Mail l.ter, t0. The Cansadian Champion, Box 248, Miton, Oit. L9T4N9

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