DESIGN FOR LIVING Railed verandah expands living space e SELECT HOME DESIGNS *Covcred railed verandah invite% eut. door relaxation *Den or %îudy cao double a% extra bkdroomt or gue..: rixcm.. *Famrly room. .êtth corner poc.irroned fibeplace. Men~te n paclous Poech *Kitchen. wilt large centre prepara- tien island, casily serves %unny breakfast &Md dining rooms. *Master bedroom boast% hi.. and hers wail closet... bay wtndow Sitting arra and ensuite wtth ratSed whurlpool Spa *Thiree .îddittonal hedrm sharr a matn bath with t.wtn %ammt> and Soaktng tub *Plan include.s haSement and cr.awl Space option., Sendlfor Canada , largeiz plan hiwk viih mre rhan 500 home plan i. in- luding a x ide ianers o! an hiieiural aiforim lu<urt<ius hnik mnri% ii, affcirdahle bungalowsî. imn Pi 95 (on- i luding ipping and GSi) T<î oxler uiîng MIA (or Masterfard, ('ail «Pi fre 1-800-663-6739 (or send cheque :Ir maInes «nrier tii Home oif the Week. I/o The Canadian Champion. 38<2 Wke , Rri)ia. l'ani,,uter, BC. V5Y I R2 flrst level 1098 sq.ft. br2 mbr t2'41012'04 br3 boýr4 second level 996 sq.ft. a . .