CLABSIFUED IIOURS: SL J Mon FnS 3Oa-5pm me Mo Cash ln on Hondo OuaityI l VrSA [eApi Von N~~~ITON FIREWOO W AOCAW.Dy BIBLE TALICS a bemng hotu Sunday o an 7 erelcd wdeleble. tTre SnesIopn - 8Bp w an tae Optimnet Club Hall, Ner 7 tit tnnng oebil "Finoi Wood. di ink watt of Naai Road 43 ad Wechlesdsys. 8 *ineuoduig astye *tocrea col 'earm B p m. in MWe Actin NiW Sohoci Caeans 21 watts beocks 'Rocting *Gensr1t andacapagN Codai Road, MU wcaloine No obigation Foi yard meedjanae 878-187S5 Bible Studeos (EnUsi.h Prend, or Spariste) ~ SAOE ADCO 6w Cal 87 863 A long@% Pouai or debnveryi Taylor Nury, fil " 55 Noices4110 55 Noices80 For Sale fl-lEOFFiE 0FCARPETS,/ 1ase 1.001 noer, Stmi à THE FFIC OF100%WMIdot ieurVngm àrd hll THE CANADIAN CHAMPION toi 8080 Inudas Cpet -ei suid Insalb I ILBEPEN ON FISTua tev -ia-ocaetSs& o I MON P4J8UNTlL 6 P.M. Forail your cpe nia e ai876 2o Il5u EVEVU ;ANA;s0RW VX PRO, Ski bos, aeiza 7-1/2. CLASSIFIED NEEDS uisad aie easan, excellent crain reat et _____________________________ $500. astng $200. or ballt otta.' Cal ailrw 60 Auctionýs Pm. 878-7018 asi toi Rab SUPER SINGLE WATER BED, chute, cii tour r i -..... . Idrawers gri enuiusnn mnfirwr ht DAVID AMBROSE MARTU#UMANEY I UCT.IItJ'SALE -laecl 7-45 Ma 1,5O11921178TI FAtOAY EVENING Pes d6532 Mep 1, 855,peelue 21 198 O TOSER22N AT.30» P.M. VACUUM CLEANERS. Nec and ssed puti and LOCAT I , i AgncteutaiHN ut rapaurs tor muai maties. Compact, Eaîeka, His rvis hortFaurgrounds. Elacîrolun. Noovar, Filler Ouaan. Kiibp, TeI ns cs ahesapae p3ba oa 8P kc demi mrte, Kanmar. Trestarra, cuilà ns etc, 873-9240 Tht Iw Daid suite and mîsc itaems Toc nuilerous to WEDN O nS.Deottotsiso Mmot vunud menottes oftro "Mnion. USUAL TERMS MIT nar10 naine b irc d frint cadn gor, nion humiI AUCTIONEER: DON COLUNO, MITO 6r 00nrfraine-4 Bacign Scwn Fes Espaciatly clin pssd go slsrqPiIIE:8848 Hwp 16-Stadees. Bramopton 905-457-3363 Talti about Prmipingi racasl hm aluon fot hmOLD FARM STYLE AUCTION SALE Pam Iop A M O S Frty no-ýïr te Io out with oFoihnePlngi tn OR ROD PUNKNEY L meuetont YOUNG CHANGO Grass, If thuste oum skera e AT. OCT. 23RD AT 6.30 kLM. SHARP UptiomU Hippy B rt>i 1no uc nen thone- to u, I es ou a SALE t b ie ldI et tse Poen on Lot 10, VMmCecd ns 0f, Hapy Derhlifrintth Whn soitreie ois 1sestru b r* sde Couic. 6 et Hataisi Folle, 112" 510 Sid" IlV- WS5rwdewo WetrnCnaa i 1 tOu mu1 taleigr ou905 e Roai (1-1/2 mllee nest et Astigreve, conter CI(ecrok trae IteA Plaza) WS a le o ni ct o o t la n e.) e a t d ie m . o d 4 6 9 6 B c t a l l e t t u n o c S u t t e n S i ~ C a tit e t I nta t oia m p r m i i v s S e e a a l a m pn, WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - 100- 115 pooi ë 1 hae eluepe Rememrberedtrpou ciodie, cent sari itaems. sorne and dine album plus reaieos 15 pattea expenence Pwh A& e brothlier à msc, ain USUAL TERMS84Ca san Ba ar ah/a andt reasofiabla Precture pedec Wqdn Tht, peer, Devid, 1 rsnusâer prou AUCTIONEER :O COUJN4Orft adBaar Phntogrephy 416-63946710 As e terIent MILTON -6878-3185 RUMMAGE Talle Cars STAMP & DAKE SALE 25 Marriages IMonIos AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23R0 MARRIED - At Belli United Churd,. OctotW 2> RCEMBR.AFVNCES bn the bri. ol donations Io Thurtýday, Octabrr 21 eta 6: 341 pm ORACE CI-URCH 1993, Jenlos Plktis aid Keil-Htnz MoIsit The Milton Distirct Hospital Founidation ara Ti, hi, itld le NaHoas Aul Faim" Iuêii t 31 7 MAIN STREET Thay ara rasiding in Cristiejin Germany, approcianut yi 1-titih l e uuill: ieuuictiiI liu Iltu A.M. - 12 P.M. Jan-e s amplupait als a quai cochai sulpr 4 iiu tuicuiumnituni anti MlIi', delqiuii cus wth Proclor andt Gambie, Kwhk Nem t a 4Ô aru of Thank îicumihliî -i pui tiiluieLrge iiuiuii Grg _________-Ch______Inuims OAL TEPEPE.wh el__omaeA-Lag, i _ - arg Sales 30 Deaths Evneig of Musec and Hope. Tgetiar no cann hwo ue A urtionerrYADSL ADAMS. Oorotup Luciene - Ai Oie Oaivli Tratai coutId lkeel b antnd Our haîattalsOTBR2 gai Hospital on Fiac Ociober 151h. 1993BE T23incV aeneate ptcad e tae DrhyAdams ni Oakila, bn/oued min t u ng ta hend a auira toi ancer bp raising $2.650 1cr 65 Lost ork e DyrnîAasi/upohro Lryadhi acrRserhYu Cr u NDRTHWEST CORNER NWYS. 401 825 BIon ADeml Adanmoie ofWmto Lanyd aidtu Caonri Rnrcto onuauuing luneia tans tu LOST - mDO« blaci & chita Barder Cotai, about LAUDLAW CARRIERS mloe Oun oes Adin ut Meanlon Bande ane pthi hanagopeent an htafn Soefi ii le tl h huh, respcnds ta *Tangov Young boy tuenit 1 Doss. chairs etc Truck & Irai/er pais. anuerelssvelan aTon FAdîam ut Muo trne ha moraine m.ent Ledm ai-ieo Ppa, ict uppy Laat sean by Chartes &l Commercial i___________________ sine ni Bndgnt Dillon ut Nonaotaon Sharn -sn, Dplan and Rampef r acl 878-962 Iear i nDnr, grandciluirn Tonpa and Coi AJtrs. O-tri tiai. linr osery arud iait moulu Thans a/to for LOST - tn thie Sleles/Wiison si whutea & 'ai. '.-sa-w amui Tefa Fuonia> Julie aud Christoptier Adamns ate l rtMi pnzes and donations made bp orang Cet cuti colair Pleane coi 875-1470 Prndeceusnn Sp ha, parents Edmard ana o mlan, Ouir appieciation to Oie Eoptudung 75 W n d fIDREWS SCENIO ACRES Kahirne Homiiard ard noster Agna nd bentions Puntos. The Trenaiment John, Brad and c a dm Wi -------- ----r Vincent, George, Pprcy and James (Duel.) muscili s lu, fiiting Oie avaming tiat graet =sec FAST CASH - Vit boy att ns Comopect M"ee MILTON (416) 878-5807 Furueral Mass mes tinta ai Nalp Rosaip Roman This anenung ciasi not ouity Kelly's dies. bot a/to ard Cmasqaiet. Cn Caig, 875-4862PCKYR C ainnue Chunc Milton un Mondap. Octobor tier dre-m Io huoteios We coii tank prou1 PIKYU 10ih 1993 alarmant Enargraan Camatary, anaugh for comung logaîtiar ta contenue tie 78 rîrewooa W O EAY Mimeo Funerat Amangainents; annrstt la oie mealinlion ni lial treain DRY HAROWOOD. MapVleae. Vetow Birdo i AU T! PUPIED Si Minn Loaktng formato éeelng tou 1n« Chonoroua l esl $65 eaO !T PUPIS UOtIAHN een- t Oe u/ti es-t »Ilta etil ansi September lace card Whlita b.rc di aIs vaclabi Cal Jas -MFSy ORS on Mont-tp. Octoberi lBt. 13Jantia iAtil ef Kelpe' Femttp Cnsi 878-4024,Mittu-os FOE ERE ni M/ltan, belons muta ni Dougas Muteahai FIREWOOD -Seanrid mius tiardwean, cuit FlafP0paiAI -er Nt Lonnmotterotonnaidterhub nn 50 Cominas Evnl spdÔed 566face cord Pi-up plouraettlanid j- - - - --UO0, Roura of Mmosau d James and hall enlo tae sceneip 878-196W -------- --- cule Launa MeMahan ci Ottaa Lansd bp e ___________________ grandei Mical owaiser ot Doiotiy and I tien hushanit Russe/I Bannile of Ouabac 1 The fmiIy ot Jîm lif Preiaase bprcacta Hcmses.n et4 Mai invites pan Ia drap un NOW YOU CAN Bius »af S . M ion Flânerai S arice Th rs a , c tbe r o h n r d c io fh s w b o 2 1sIt 1993 et 11 00 AM, rNo viiln pre b Moments un Hîsiory serrunaCramatun j Reilectuons ai H-ttn's Grint pe i f l 35Memil on183-184 Se i ý 4.q ________________________ ai Hugrt Faster Hall, VKitoria Park j uRCL SgIED Square. Multon, Ont C A SFE Jin Straten Frudap evenîng Oclober 22, ADS l900n ~ i betiseen 7pm and 9p m T US Muton 878-6522 fla A C ' Monuments. Markties, Bronze Markers, HALOENII- oét tePapDo tlnc E Cemetery Letterîng Costume Ret-nmtI ai , 818-8401 . Cl ISEE THE CLASSIFIEDS "