Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Oct 1993, p. 27

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-r -0 SPORTS REPORT F Mfidget girls down MDHS * t loi ,»UI *\LTO $i~q~~ U The midgei girls ba.skeihali leain defeaird Milton Distict ili Sclimi 31-10 lasi i'rbday muid came t ram hehind Io -in 2t)-18 oved 'Corgetîu.n Sieong play froin Ml'ana Hirkac, Chrfsiin.i Caner and "Cîole Lee led ihe teant Io vîcîory nl umiiioe action tiille girls buosard Il l Robinson in A remnaidl of lasi yraes, [laiton championslIp Slaying trc ro iliîr nie fortin. the Royal, defeailed ithe Rani-s 38-22, %h dominaiii piaver for Bisliop Rediag. scoring i i points and grîlîng Il ýK'ir ais Caria Jolinsion Ie girls aiso traselind In Ramer and came ala,îv bing to oui of illrc garnies againsi fio of thie top gram, in the pnîîsnc<' Srid.îs ihe Royll beai Eiobicoke ot quaiy fcr thie semifinal agaînsi Markliaa. thie number one ranlind raie in ihe pros lace Alihongh pai-. lin gp a sirong defensis e effort, <he ,iri% were no rhaicli for qheir op- ponenis Millon %as lier dceaied hs Belles Plic and finislied fouril Thr junior and senior volicyhuiJi ions1 iraeled Io M M Robinson l Tliursda> shere tlie juniors lotit bail garnes bai tlie seniors won 24I. flic cross conury train iravellcd la Boyd Crlnserauon Ama Fi rday Io compele in tic (!andunal Carier la- sifafional Royal nmýr dii mli ail th te mîd tge girls finishîngainil ne, a field of 22 icrm, Top iRud.idua fi nishers foîr BR acre [uin Wnggie%. amIl in Intec girls, Dave Rare-in olia'o boys. and Giord Keunn in ,elîlor boy,.ahi,placeda.moaî,îand. ang îith lu a ficld of 194 munner, . 1 cm rs look ing fiiemard îo the ilaln chliiplonship>, ahere ihley a iII aliempi iii defeisJ iheir fille i lic field hockey teamilo iîs)b one U, <ieVpeomn an ilicr âl gaine oîf the >car lasi nieci. TIhe girl, played lise el ilseir sircter ganses andii arc - sking forsand i0 piayoff action lu fIte preions sscck's a1 îu flic Ilcybail and taskerhal<eaue 'piied flinîr setions ou a positive noir Ille junioir andi senior Vol- 1cmhâllcr, hosind Milton istrict. j'id -afinr iiîsng flic opening games. Inwghl bîli lu %in flic nexf Iwo îlec juniors also played played ai honte againsf a sîrong 1hC. Drury [vaino afnd losi lao gaines f0 oaci J i lie junior andseuior girl, liaskeî- hall teau opeld. ilir seaqon ai D>mry willi a spit The seniors wou la 52-29. wrîih Jolinsion liding ilhe ce -a> ai 17 points Jackîe Shaw. hà c 15. Ic juniors Io,[ 41-.34 Top ý0'for lie Royal. mas Salimna il 'Mscacin -îlli 13 pilas sa TIc field hockey squad rackit Iwo t'clone% hcaning Burlingioi ils Central 3-i aid Nelson 3-0, so C aîlerine Kemp noichcd lino goals and C-nsiy Rush> added one. W Ai the Okfolifcrfsi.intcmaionain muthe Kitchiener. tlic cross coiuhi-, tcram chalienged Chicopc ski hlis The fir Junlor biys Pliaced sIxth ouf of 42 c, cirans Mîke Siefanac -a, 11 th oui lit <iii, 39 cîîaPeiiiirs Vi gglesa irfli %a% ssroug foîr fle ictiîger girls %lx agaîn. Ma O'Brien for flic midgei 24 b9jg' Cornie Parion mai junior girls and Kenrm for the sixilat boys. Og Pholo lia f AHÀM PANE Uton MstangtVn" R B bfkI <Mries ta 9F àh. un1 Gbeso ners futl Fridupat noon et Milton Diseigg 1119h Sdboci. Ibe sale Mnm rolGogiw 0 ndIpo. h1 mOfOd la 3-1. S». III. 11191 licl mOlOn2stepe24. !grQoke Johnson reache&a milestone vinning anthér cross-cuntiy race .Senior gielue cross coai&y runner Brooke Johnson and l61< ai thie fialioi'ence. mcd in a milesione performance ai the Haklon cmoss Bryan Gent was a sicong ilmiber of thie iuîermed îuntry finals as le Wl. Duck Midod4 Sclioolniunner teamt with hi. fifili consecuive Irise place finish in apturcd lier tird consccutive firse plice Finish. Georgetown Optimise eveni Fie was fifih aI Cedars Johnson hlati arlier ced hier réuni tû a pennatui win ai 11h ai Northi Halion and 16ih a. a senior ai elle Fia e Northi Hallon nicci on Octolier 7. and ai lthe Cçdar regional merl. ae Is ieationali n Geor' n j1ie, .n Sepxember Carroll ranl %evenili for the senior boys. Clis Il lofinsns ienaie iIe~nn inning grm ai was 15th. Wîll McGinnîs 201h and Peter Kroll 25th- rNorthi Halion's w Abbe B'linch. Megan AiKIer- jeton won ihind place nions iu tlie Northi Hallon di n, Sethi Mechuan!eah Polcz and Sharon McArthur, pelilion. [n boys action. for ihe firs lime in many yeas ilie lu olier girls action Ashl, Leskun ranfourili ai ildcai cross counry trams didn'î %in a primaie Bai North Halion's Perlier junior catteiory. Cissie []elle !y sîîll posied impressive individual resalîs. son was scvemiih, Ashley Wirker nmnilt, Chri Ross Smith an inlarmediate boys led tlie way wifli a Rbcnîson l0ih, sei n tlie NorthliHalion*s, a second in lie Cedarvaje AI Cedarvale. lenderson was <lin., Lcskan fou raie and lOili runuing in tlie senior caîcgofy ai the Hal- Nicole Cannon sinili. Wocker sevenii tend Varie Meer Gunier 11îli Colin Carroll %as lier (op senior boys winner. finishing lu interrnediate competiiion, Kendra Miller ran 12î1 il ai thli orl Halion',, sesenîli ai Cedarvale and flic Northi Haliones Siarlene Anderson was l9îli, Ki Ih in the Haion meci. Clica. 216eh, Cambert Siiqink 2 1 s and Mcfaeic Cas iindrcw Mtrarihur was second ai thie Georgetown 22nd. Ai Cedars aie, Clucas was ISili. Smciiink 161ha tlireuse Mcci, fifi ai Cedurvale, 10th ai Nortl Haillon Miller 18th. laie ale. lion ule te sfûr ,sa i ai siy son ni Merchants stili have Derbys' number Uv STEVE LEBLANC Speaal Io The Champaoei Afier a Nuccte'sui homte and liorne %cries lasi acek, il s, cieît %lMil- ion ffl.aii s l liai Siievi, ville's nilimber WMIle ai teaies il a asi I lrcii, the lioaic)iî junioîr A siiuad su,înlîd oui a 4-2 victory issr ite su h lae Derbys i rda: eseningîl Mîiirîî Arena and skaii'd .av îml aS uta in Sirectilllas[ îi ucsiay nigliî The Merchanîs hase losi Qilîiîî hockey game iii ie- Cebs î,mi 1991-92 seasî,l'hIis record i- claies iirc straight s îîiorie% user Streei.sviiie lu lasi sason' iipening, round piiyofi series îlc pair of wîus gise llian a second place lic wîîh flic Rirlîngîon ('olîars mu Centrai Ontauio Prî,sin- entl Junioîr A West l)isîsîîn %tante îngsý 1 lie> basft a 6-2 season record and are clîrreul> ridng a jouîr g.irne winnlug srai lion. cscr, Pieuîr laiesinI n iLî evening didair conte mrîfli a prise as flic MIlchaîs lîîsî lMo Ic players iu 11r1ni cafitafin lIane, 1i .and defcucaîan Colin Aniers I mil tbok a match pienalty for s11shiagi flic final minute of tlic gaine andla 7 lie gîîne iîîr loue ganses shile Anjlrrs suficred a brokAn hand blocliag et sîapsliot iii tlié Ihînd peniml aid n.1 lie oui fîr toar Io sx aeeIs 1)ue eii Ande~ u'. fli Mer- eh ens haive acqik rer iiai Keli Halida frinN'I Pfliîm a gîlîed yîiulig iefcha -ho sliouhd add soime rpîmc loit Pcillis hluci rosiZIeMîillton a lsc ked np defenema R _c ?lIc ilW front the iakville Blade, îao ek, ago and lie lias playei ontme si,I.d liockey foîr the Club so far Milton lias akso reicWcî centre Sean Payne and rear gulard RBîb Brandon 4 "LJ,cnjoyed lic Iwo gaine thi, week We iin'i do a wîoie loi of scorn4 liai we mof: flic par. acil and the guys hase cnfuniiliPacîuing tilcsvs mîflii aine and wîili ecd otlter.' saii Merchani Feaid coachi Rick Rince. "Our goaltening lias also heen improvlng ici! Lîllîr piayed a gond gaule F'riday nigh(' adwns; greai to weeks ugo agaînsi Royal York," Milton siornncd oui wîîli un oui- sianding firsi pcniod Fiay night bui couldu'î put tlie pack iu Strecîsuile's t deçpite keeping ilhe ganve in heir end for more than 15 minutes Derby forward Shane Nul- Ilcy loIk a pass front captant Janme Wensley uni lianed a shot a~Lli ai 5:20 go give bis teaiaotgl - t MERCIIANTS on p 23

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